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Lisa's POV

Right after the night in Jennie's glass igloo I went back to my place to wash up before we meet at a diner to have our brunch. I don't really remember a lot last night but Jennie seems to be in a really good mood when I woke up earlier. She smiles a lot more and I don't even know why. I asked her what happened last night and she told me that we watched the northern lights and get drunk. We didn't do much but she's contented and happy. After our brunch at the diner an Uber picked us up as we head towards the airport. While we're inside the Uber Jennie got a text from Jackson and ofcourse I won't look into her phone for privacy. Whether we are together or not you shouldn't peek on your friend, girlfriend, boyfriend's phone cause they still need some privacy.

"Mr Kang is sick " she said making me look at her

"Is it bad?" I ask worried about Mr Kang's condition

"It's because of exhaustion so he needs to rest a lot but the doctors are running some more test just to make sure" she said making me nod. I don't have much work to do but I'll still go back to London just to be sure and Jennie will go back home to South Korea "Mr Kang said you should go visit him" Jennie said making me look back at her

"You just said that he's good tho" she turn her phone around and there's another text from Jackson which basically says,Mr Kang told me to go there in South Korea and look after him

"Mr Kang will get really sad if you'll say no" Jennie said changing her tone to a sympathizing voice "you see Mr Kang looked after you when you were still in Korea and I heard that he's even helping when it comes to looking for those criminals lately-"

"Quit it" I said making Jennie stop while still looking at me "I'll go" I said turning my head around to look back outside the car. So I ended up going to South Korea instead of London. We had a quite long flight but as usual Jennie mostly sleep while I tried doing some of the paper works that my secretary sent me last night.


When we arrived at Incheon, Jennie open up her phone but immediately sigh when she remembered that she can't call Mr Kang to pick us up.

"Let's wait for a couple of minutes.. I called someone else to pick us up" she said making me nod. I grab my own phone and call my secretary to inform her that I'll be back in a couple more days. I also called Jisoo to make sure she's doing well and she's not stressing out too much. Bambam's also in London to help Jisoo out.

"Just send me some of it so you won't get tired" I said while having the phone call with Jisoo. I turn around to see Jennie looking at her phone while standing there. It's overly crowded here cause of some people who just arrived and those who are still waiting for their own flight.

"Just enjoy your stay there don't mind me" Jisoo said on the other line. My eyes landed on a guy who looks like someone on his mid 50s looking straight on Jennie's legs. She changed her clothes before we arrived here and she's wearing a skirt that exposes her bare legs. I don't really have a problem with that.. when Jennie and I are together I never really meddle when it comes to the outfit she wear. She can show a lot more skin if she wants to and I won't disapprove it.. it is her body anyway. I wave my hand a bit catching Jennie's attention then I pointed to my side so she can stand there

"You're clingy " Jennie said not having a single idea on what I'm trying to do so I pointed to the guy wanting to embarassed him infront of the person he's checking out. Jennie turns to look at the guy but his eyes are just glued on Jennie's legs that he didn't even notice that we already caught him. "What a girlfriend material" Jennie mumble making me glare at her since she's still trying to joke around making her chuckle "kidding... kinda" I walk closer to Jennie to stand infront of her since I'm wearing a jeans.

"Send me the other files Jisoo" I said continuing my talk with Jisoo while looking down at the floor "I'll finish it today or probably tomorrow-" I stop myself from talking when I felt Jennie's arms around my waist hugging me from behind. I thought I even stop breathing for a split second when that happen. I look down at the arms around me and just by seeing it I'm already a hundred percent sure that it belongs to Jennie.

"Fine fine" I heard Jisoo replied but I can't even pull out a word from my mouth. I turn my head a bit to look at my back but Jennie's too short so I really can't see her that much. I put my gaze back ahead seeing the guy who was staring on Jennie's legs gone. He probably walk out when he saw me standing right infront of Jennie or when he saw Jennie hugging me

"Okay" I shortly replied to Jisoo before ending the call. Jennie loosen her grip so I turn around to face her and she's just smiling at me. My throat seriously dried up but I started sweating like it became hot all of a sudden.

"It work didn't it?" She said but by seeing the smile on her face it seems like she just won the lottery by doing that

"Yeah the guy walks out" I said trying  not to sound affected by what she just did earlier

"No what I mean is that... it made your heart skip a beat again"

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