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The next day I woke up around 10 am already... I overslept from being too exhausted yesterday. I don't even have the energy to argue with Jennie. I actually just don't want to argue that much cause it feels like it just gets bigger and bigger rather than getting fixed. I seriously don't know who the problem is but I just kept on telling myself that it's alright whether I am hurt because she did lie to me but what can i really do when it happened already.

I walk out of our room and Kuma immediately run towards me so I picked him up and go straight to the kitchen where I saw Jennie sitting there with a couple of foods served

"Goodmorning" she said smiling at me awkwardly so i nodded and greeted her back "I waited for you so we can eat together " she said so i put down Kuma and walk closer to the table "Lisayah about yesterday" she started while I'm taking my seat beside her

"It's okay Jennie.. it already happened and good thing you're not hurt" I said reaching for the fried rice

"But you are hurt because I lied to you" she said honestly

"It's just a small wound.. don't worry about it? Do you want this one? " I ask and she's still feeling uneasy about it. She bop her head twice so i put some of the fried rice on her plate

"Are you mad at me?" She ask still not dropping the topic

"I was. You did lie to me so it's normal but that was yesterday and also staying mad doesn't mean I can take back what happened yesterday right?" I said looking at her but she stayed still while looking at me

"I just don't want you to get worried anymore cause I feel like you're carrying too much burden and I don't want to add up" she said looking straight into my eyes

"I always worry about you Jennie even if it is the slightest reason and it's normal for me to do so, cause I'm your girlfriend and I care about you... a lot. I'd let you go if you're with Mr Kang anyway. I want you to trust me enough to tell me what you're up to. I'm not being possesive, I'm just looking out for you. I'll let you go anywhere without me as long as I know someone will look after you. Lying to me because you don't want me to worry makes me more worried. What if no one knows where you are? How will I know if you're in trouble or you're not doing well? How can I reach you when something bad happens? I am paranoid and it's better that way than to regret something in the future "

"I won't do it again" she said looking directly into my eyes

"It's up to you.." she raise her brows not getting what I said ".. it's your choice if you'll trust me or not. But I also have a choice when it comes to our relationship " I said. That's just basically telling her that her decision will affect my decision and vice versa so we always have to be careful.

We ate breakfast for like half an hour while Jennie talks time to time about different things and ofcouse I answer her back cause things won't get better if I'll keep on throwing tantrums on my seat.

When Jennie's stacking up our plates as she's cleaning up I heard my phone ringing and since it is closer to Jennie she take a look at it

"Unknown number" she said so I nodded and walk towards my phone to answer it


"Hi Lisa" a deep manly voice said and by the sound of it, it immediately send shivers down my spine and when Jennie saw that I got so stiff she immediately walk towards me and raise up her brows probably asking who it is "haven't heard your voice in a while" he said once again. I can't even talk cause my mouth went dry in just a second "I feel like you missed me a lot that you are speechless" he said chuckling on the other line. Jennie's face changes when she realized who I'm talking to so she hold my hand and squeeze it to put me back to my senses

"Where are you?" I said in the most nervous way as possible but I tried to keep my voice stable

"There you go.. you can speak after all" he said not answering my question

"I said, where the hell are you?!" I yelled out making Jennie flinch but she kept her hands on mine

"We're just around you Lisa. We're just around.. you know having fun and watching you" i heard a couple of guys chuckling on the other line as he speaks "We're basically waiting for our prey to take the bait" he said

"I'll put you douchebags behind the cell again" I said

"We've been there twice Lisa and look who keeps escaping. Also, I heard that some guys beat you up back then"

"It was you isn't it?" I said furrowing my brows

"I'd love to take the recognition but sadly it's just some good people who helped me without even taking an order from me" so he didn't do it and it's just some random thugs out there "oh I forgot to ask... how's Jennie?" He said and my heartbeat just rise up in an instant as my eyes landed on Jennie

"Don't you dare lay a finger on her or any people around me" I said in a low stern tone. Jennie grab her phone from her back pocket and started calling the police incharge of my case.

"I won't, don't worry... but someone else will" he said as he started laughing and abruptly end the call

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