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Third Person's POV

Lisa's currently in her office checking every single papers before going to the monthly evaluation later. They gave a lot of warning towards the trainees who's been caught slacking off for the whole month. She also made sure to hold a  meeting yesterday for the choreographers, vocal coaches and instructors to see if the trainees are chilling off too much or the staffs are the one who's at fault. She always make sure to check everything and not just their side cause it'll be unfair for the trainees. She barely even sleep last night cause she's too busy finishing up everything. It feels like she doesn't really run out of work since they started the company. She can always pass the works to her other employees but it just seem like Lisa started being workaholic that she always want everything to be perfect or at least good enough for the company. Jisoo didn't also sleep a lot last night... but that's because of playing games. She stayed at Lisa's penthouse last night to keep her company while the taller girl was working and she's busy playing her video games. Jisoo is a good boss and a good business partner.. she doesn't really slack off if she still have some work left but unlike Lisa she knows her limitation when it comes to work and she doesn't push herself too hard on everything.

"Good morning" Lisa looks up from the stacks of papers expecting a staff but she ended up seeing Jennie smiling at her already

"The evaluation will start in 30 minutes you should be there already" Lisa said but Jennie shakes her head and sit on the couch

"I'll wait for you" she said still smiling at Lisa

"I'll also be there in 30 minutes" she said wanting Jennie to leave

"Then I'll also be there in 30 minutes. Let's go there together" Lisa keep her eyes on Jennie waiting for her to just drop it and leave "I won't be talking too much okay?" She said assuring Lisa

"you'll still talk then"

"Of course what do you expect " she said chuckling. Lisa turn her gaze down on the papers averting her attention away from Jennie. Not even a couple of seconds in, Jennie started talking already

"You look pretty there" she said

"I thought you won't talk too much-"

"I mean not just there but you always look pretty.. what I mean is you look prettier with the aura you have since you became a boss" Lisa stayed silent and just keep on reading but Jennie just seem to not want to shut up "you should really take it as a compliment cause I barely do that back when we're in a relationship "

"Jennie can you just go ahead " Lisa said calmly as she look up to meet Jennie's gaze

"I'll wait for you" she said once more

"No it's alright"

"Do you know that-" Lisa stood up from her chair and grab her coat from the rack

"I'll go ahead then" she said walking towards the door. Jennie also get out of the office as she follow Lisa out

"Let's go together" she said as they walk towards the elevator "I read an article earlier.." Lisa sigh heavily since Jennie doesn't really shut up. She pushed the button as the elevator door closes but it was stopped by someone. The door open up again and Irene step inside the elevator. Irene smile at Lisa to greet her which Lisa reciprocated but her smile didn't reach her eyes again which is actually the usual when it comes to Lisa these past couple of years. "Anyway... what I'm trying to say is the article I read earlier was a dating news" she said looking up to Lisa "and it's not about your idols or anything... it's actually about the CEO" Jennie chuckles while Irene listen to what she's trying to say "one article published about our relationship.. I mean our past relationship, which can also be back in the near future" she added looking at Irene which the latter ignore "It says that if we're actually still in a relationship. We will be a power couple cause you know we're both CEOs and now we also have an ongoing partnership" she said

"Don't worry.." Irene said making Jennie look at her "they wrote an article about Lisa and I too" she said before they walk out of the elevator making Jennie roll her eyes.

"I'm not even asking" she mumble as they walk towards the dance studio where the trainees and coaches are. Lisa, Irene and Jennie walk in. The trainees stand up and bow down to greet them while Jisoo, Rosie and some staff are already sitting on a long table facing the trainees with each person's name on the table even though the trainees knows them completely except for Rosie and Jennie since it's their first evaluation.

"Is everything ready?" Lisa ask sitting next to Rosie but Jennie told Rosie to switch up seats with her so she can sit next to Lisa. Jisoo sits on the other side of Lisa while Irene's next to Jisoo.

"We're waiting for one more choreographer " Jisoo said looking at the folder with the trainees data

"Isn't she on vacation?" Lisa ask referring to the choreographer

"You know she doesn't take a lot of time when it comes to vacation stuff. She's gonna miss me too much especially some Ms pretty pretty you know who" Jisoo said making Lisa shake her head bowing down her head a bit to smile

"Can we start without her?" Irene ask making Lisa shake her head. She grab her phone to text the choreographer not knowing that the girl entered the room quietly. The trainess are the only one who noticed her as they bow down their head to greet her. She pull the seat next to Irene which makes them look at her way

"We can start now" Lisa said smiling a bit towards her. Irene turn her head to see the last person they've been waiting for

 Irene turn her head to see the last person they've been waiting for

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