Lisa's POV
It's our day two at Jennie's family gathering and we're back at the venue. Jennie's currently busy greeting some of their relatives and I'm trying to give her as much time to talk with her cousins, aunts and all their other relatives. Jennie's not really the type of relative that wants to talk a lot. To be honest she told me earlier that she wanted me to talk to her and keep her attention away from everyone else but I know it isnt a good idea especially when I'm trying to be my best around Jennie's mom.
"Lisa noona" Minguk calls out since we're away from everyone to look out after the kids. We're basically baby sitters now. Bambam, Somi, Jisoo and Rosie are all with me since Jackson and Jennie are busy with their relatives "can we go to the restroom?" he said while holding his pants
"do you not wear diapers anymore?" I ask
"they're big boys now" Rosie said looking at us
"then you can go to the restroom alone" Jisoo said
"Ya Kim Jisoo!" Rosie warned her making me chuckle
"alright, Let's go mingukie" I said holding his little hand
Once we reached the restroom, I told Minguk to check if there are any guy inside before I accompany him at a men's bathroom. He walks out and told me the room's empty so I made sure to lock the door while I let Minguk pee. Once he's done I carry him so he can reach the sink and wash his own hands. I put him down and grab a couple of tissue for him so he can dry up his hands as well. I hold his hand again as we walk back to where the other kids are.
"I see you're a baby sitter now" I turn around and saw Jennie looking at me while holding a glass of wine
"as if I don't live with a baby at home" she rolled her eyes and offered her glass of wine to me but I shake my head and look down at Minguk "go join the others I'll go back later" I said smiling at him as he run back to the other kids
"you don't accompany me when I pee tho" Jennie blurted out making me look at her in an instant
"what are you saying?" she chuckle showing off her gummy smile
"you said you're living with a baby"
"I am-"
"Jennie" I got cut off by Jennie's mom when she walk towards us but she kept her gaze on Jennie like I don't exist "I left your dad's gift at our cabin" she said
"I'll go get it " I said politely which makes her look at me
"no need, Jennie will do it" she said "the gift is expensive" it's like saying she doesn't trust me with that expensive gift
"I'll bring it back without any scratch so Jennie can just stay here with you" I said which she agreed to, finally
"are you sure?" Jennie said looking at me
"yeah I'll be back in an instant"
"here, use the car" she said pulling out her car keys since Mr Kang and her guards didn't join us today and Jennie let them stay at a coffee shop nearby "or i'll just call Mr. Kang to go with you"
"no need it's near anyway" I said smiling at her before running off to get her mom's birthday present for her dad. The cabins are actually located a couple of blocks away from the location of the event but it's not that far.
I run through the street which has a few people around surprisingly. It's really crowded yesterday because it's weekend. After a couple of minutes of running I reached the place of the cabins. I approached the staff who's roaming around and asked for Mr. Kim and Mrs. Kim's cabin which she led me to. She saw me last night with Jennie that's why she let me enter their cabin without any question. She stayed at the doorway while i'm inside. When I saw the small box on the table I grab it and walk out of their cabin thanking the staff.
I was planning to run back to the garden but I'm also clumsy and I don't want to drop the gift. I look down at the box and saw that it's a golden wrist watch from Patek Philippe. I don't really know the brand that well but it looks very expensive. As I was busy looking at the gift I look up and stop immediately seeing 3 guys infront of me and let's just say I have a bad feeling. If Jennie's here she'll probably tell me how dumb I am for exposing an expensive watch out on the public's eyes.
I sigh out and step aside a bit to walk around them and run back to the garden but the tallest guy block my way once more.
"hand it over" he said making me look up to him
"look, I have my watch with me and also my phone.. you can take it instead" I said since I don't really want to disappoint Jennie's mom. I bought my watch and phone with my own money so it won't hurt that much. Good thing I'm not wearing the other watch that Jennie gave me "I also have a couple of money with me" I said
"or... we can have all of them right?" the other guy says smirking at me. They look like they haven't been inside the bathroom for years.
"please just take everything except this one.. it's not mine" I said trying to look around but some people aren't even looking at us since they're busy doing their own thing and the guys arent even making a scene to catch other people's attention.
"right cause the watch is ours" the other one says smiling. Okay since no one's gonna help me I open up my mouth to shout for help but the guy infront of me immediately cover up my mouth and they push me inside an alley. Fucking hell!
"you're testing our patience kid" The tall guy step closer to snatch the watch from my hand but I immediately hold it over my chest with both of my hands and grip it tightly. "go grab her phone and her watch and everything that's worth it" he said so the other two guys fish my phone out of my pocket and grab everything they could while the tall guy tried his best to grab the watch from my grip
"you're making this hard for the both of us" he said and throw his fist on my cheek making me stumble back "hand it over!" he yelled out but still trying to keep his voice low. That punch hurts a lot like I'd rather get bitten by Kuma. I tighten my grip as much as possible and since they can't get it out of my hand the guy on my left kicked me making me fall back down on the ground
"let's finish this" the tall guy said and kicked me on my stomach while the other guys help to beat me up and grab the watch from my grip but I tried to keep the pain out of my head and the last thing I wanted to do now is to give Jennie's mom more reason to dislike me.. so whatever it takes just to keep the watch from being stolen

Better Off
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] 《Be Alright Book 2》 "May your heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice" -T.S.