"Ya Lalisa you should be sleeping at night so you won't be thinking of those kind of things" Jisoo said shaking Lisa who's laying in her bed. Lisa went by their house right after she broke up things up with Jennie. "Look at you.. you're the one who's bawling your eyes out now" Jisoo sigh out while looking at the door waiting for Rosie since the girl's getting some food for Lisa. Lisa stayed silent while facing the other way "you should've understand Jennie's point of view as well.. she wanted to help you that's all. I understand both of your side but breaking up isn't always the answer" Rosie walks inside the room with a cake on her hand making Jisoo stand up immediately as she pull Rosie out of the room
"What do you think you're doing?"Jisoo said
"You told me to bring Lisa some food"
"Well yes but a cake with a candle on top? Are we celebrating their break up?"
"It's the only thing we have on our fridge" Jisoo shakes her head and remove the candle at the top as she pull Rosie back inside. They let it sit on the side table since Lisa doesn't really have an appetite right now
"Lisa, Jennie keeps calling me I think you guys should still talk it through" Rosie said sitting next to Jisoo on the side of the bed
Lisa move from her position and lift herself up to sit and face both of them
"Can you guys give me some time?" She ask nicely which Rosie nodded as she pull Jisoo out of the room to let Lisa rest.
"Lisa looks horrible " Jisoo said once they reached the living room
"I can't imagine Jennie right now.. I feel so bad for her too" Rosie said
They stayed at the living room for a couple of hours till Jackson arrived. He heard about the break up and immediately went home from Hong Kong.. he dropped his meetings and work there just to go see his sister and his friend.
"Have you talked to Jennie?" Jisoo ask leading Jackson towards her room
"Yeah, she's sleeping now so I left to talk to Lisa as well" he said making Jisoo nod as she open up the door for Jackson.
Jackson walks inside and the lights are off inside the room the only thing illuminating the room is the lamp on the bedside table. Jackson's eyes landed on the cake that is also untouched so Lisa probably haven't eaten yet. Jackson sit right on the side of the bed and pat Lisa's arm lightly making the girl turn to look at him. When Lisa saw that it's Jackson she lift herself up to sit down and face him
"It's your final decision?" Jackson ask looking at Lisa's eyes.. Lisa thought about what Jackson was asking but she realized that he's talking about the break up making Lisa nod "I understand "
"Shouldn't you hate me right now for breaking up with your sister?"
"Why would I? You guys have your own decision. I heard her side which is basically just caring about you... it's just that it came out inappropriate in your perspective, correct?" Lisa nodded "and your reason is?"
"I'm tired"
"That's it?" Lisa keep silent and look at Jackson waiting for him to continue "you know you can always rest in a relationship but stopping it completely isn't really the best thing to do"
"Why do I feel like people don't understand me? I feel like I'm always wrong. I've been keeping up with all of these for years but you didn't hear anything from me"
"But you've been together for years as well and you're giving up now?"
"Should I still wait to completely get ruined by it? Jackson when I first have my shot to finally get a grip on my dream she was the only reason I lose it and now she's offering me money to give it a try again but does she thought about how I seriously lose hope after that day? Fine all I need is money right now and she did lend me some but I wasn't happy... not because I'm being petty or I'm putting up my pride too much. I just feel like I'm not gonna succeed in everything now. The guy who was about to help me with my photography career told me that I will never succeed.. do you know how much pain it gave me that I keep holding back when it comes to literally everything" Jackson just keeps his eyes on Lisa as he listen to every single thing she said. Lisa is the type of person who keeps everything inside.. if she's mad she'll just keep it to herself cause she doesn't want to hurt anyone with her words and now that she finally voice out her feelings the first thing she ever received is that she's wrong.. maybe she should've stayed silent forever then
"Lisa.. I was there since the beginning. So I saw how Jennie treats you before. Trust me, I understand where you're coming from. You literally catch every single hurtful words that come out of Jennie's mouth back then but I barely hear anything from you. You never said hurtful things back to her instead you keep your mouth shut and keep it all inside. I won't be shocked if it builds up inside you now that you're in a relationship and you basically expect her to be a lot more different than before. To be honest, if I think it through you've gone through a lot more things compared to Jennie but you both have experienced unfortunate things in your own separate lives. I'll be neutral between the both of you.. your relationship shouldn't be dictated by other people cause the people involved are the only one who knows themselves and what's happening in the relationship better than everyone else. If that is your decision I can't do anything about it." Lisa stays silent while looking down at the bed instead of Jackson's eyes "Lisa you've been really brave and loving towards Jennie.. but I guess you guys have to deal with yourselves for now. It's hard to date a person who's not yet healed and keeps holding back the past. Jennie had already moved on from her ex but not completely on their relationship while you.. you're still stuck within your past and being in a relationship gives you more pressure instead of fixing you. Go do what you want to do and grow separately as an individual. You have things that you're insecure about and so does Jennie and you can't completely accept each other if it keeps getting in your way. If you guys embrace each other fully in the future then maybe you just need a space right now" Lisa keeps her eyes glued on the bed while Jackson's looking at her "change for what you think is better for you Lisa.. you'll find yourself soon"

Better Off
Fanfiction[COMPLETED] 《Be Alright Book 2》 "May your heart remain breakable, but never by the same hand twice" -T.S.