Chapter 16

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“do you have a name? or are we supposed to just call you Agent S? I mean it’s kind of a long term, ya know.” You said walking behind her. She turned back and smiled. “Well, we don’t reveal our names, and as for my name, you gotta have to call me by Agent S only. And you're Agent T. we don’t use our names.” She said and walked you three around the big hall. There were different kinds of creatures, more like aliens.

“What the hell…” Steve mumbled looking around.

“What are you guys?” Loki asked as we entered into an office.

“We, are The Men In Black.” She said turning around. You raised an eyebrow.

“The Men…?” you asked and Loki and Steve almost laughed but kept it in. “Uh yeah… I have had a conversation about it. They don’t seem to be able to let it go it’s uh… it’s just a process.” She said and started to type in something on a virtual keyboard.

“oh WHAT? M.I.B IS REAL? I THOUGHT THOSE WERE ONLY RUMOURS! HOLY CRAP!” Bruce shouted through the recorder.

Was all you and Steve mumbled. “Who was that?” she turned around and asked. “Who was what?” you tried covering up. She walked closer to you and Steve and put her hand in Steve’s pocket and smirked, pulling out the recorder. “Ah I see you’ve brought a recorder in. You shouldn’t have done that.” And with that, she crushed it with only her hand, and with so much ease, leaving the three of you in shock. Then her hand started to glow black and golden, just like how your hands would glow. But her glow was weak. You looked at Loki, who was already looking at you.

“Okay so Agent T, here’s your first assignment. You will be given your suit and weapons and you’ll be working with Agent H. He's the best out there. Until then, Loki will have to stay here, as he has another assignment. Meanwhile, Captain Rogers can just explore.” She spoke and handed you a card and your suit. You dressed up and picked the card. You read the instructions and then a man walked in.

“Hey Agent S. Any updates?” he hugged Agent S and looked at you. He was… hot. Like, really really hot.

“Agent H! well you’ve got a guest in Paris. And she is Agent T, who will be your back up for this visit. Good luck.” Agent H came up to you and offered his hand. “Nice to meet you, T.” he said and smiled. Oh gosh his smile was infectious. Loki rolled his eyes and Steve poked your arm.

“Uh oh yeah yeah. Nice to meet you too, H.” you said shaking his hand. You and him went to the same elevator and went outside. “Well how long have you been here, T?” he asked while you sat in his car. It was… also black. “Oh I just came here. what about you? How long have you been working?” you asked getting comfortable on the seat. “Oh I've been working for years now. You ready? Hold on tight.” He said and pressed a button. The car turned into a… jet?

After the ‘flight’ to Paris, you both stepped out and looked at the situation. “Oh god what the hell…” you mumbled making H chuckle. “Eh it’s a very familiar scene to me. lets get going. You got your weapon, right?’ he asked taking out his own weapon from under his seat. “Oh yeah I do.” You said and took out the star that you had since the beginning. “Wha- what's that?”

“oh its my weapon. Well I don’t exactly know how to use it but yeah.” You looked at the star and accidently press it. It turned into a huge machinegun. “okay wow I've never seen that before.” H said and you both walked towards the ‘crime scene’. After a while of the fight, the mission was successfully completed. “Good work, T. You’re new but it seemed you had been training here for long.” H said while you both were flying back to New York. “Thanks, H. Well speaking of my skills, I was trained by a fellow friend of mine. More like a sister.” You said, not wanting to disclose that you lived with Avengers and Nat trained you. “Mhmm sounds convincing.” He said and you playfully hit him. “I’m not lying.” You said and both of you laughed.

You reached New York and back into the institution. You checked your watch and it read 7:30pm. You saw Steve getting many drinks. “Hey T, I have to go report to Agent M. Wanna join?” H asked and you shook your head. “I’d love to but I have to go check on my friends.” You said and he nodded walking away. You walked towards Steve and he looked at you with so much delight. “Y/N you're back! This place is so much fun!” he said and you could definitely sense that he was madly drunk. “Steve we gotta go back to the tower.” You whispered and he stood straight.

“Oh yeah right lets go.” He said and started to walk. “Do one thing. You go back and I’ll find Loki and come there. I already saw tony outside and told him.” You said and Steve nodded. You began searching for Loki but he was nowhere to be seen. “Hey, Agent M. have you seen my friend Loki somewhere?” you asked and she thought for a moment. “Loki… oh yeah Loki! he's on third floor with Agent S. he had some assignment as well. I think he's done with that. And great work done in Paris, T. I will need the box back now” she said and patted your back. You smiled and returned the star-box, then went to the elevator, pressing the button to the third floor.

The doors opened and you saw Loki and Agent S laughing and having fun. You kinda got jealous. “Ahem… I hope I'm not interrupting something.” You said walking in. Loki saw you and his eyes lit up. “oh gosh I've missed the hell of you.” Loki said running towards you to give a hug. You smiled and hugged him back.

“Oh Agent T, welcome back. I suppose you're going back to the tower, right?” Agent S spoke, with a little disturbance in her voice. It seemed as if she hated for you to interrupt her ‘moment’ with Loki.

“Yes. Thank you, Agent S.” you said and smiled. She smiled back and you teleported Loki and yourself to the tower.

A/N:- Ayeee I did dirty over there introducing M.I.B hehe. Well I actually had no plans of doing it but I thought it would be fun.

Hopefully it is fun.

Love ya all <3

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