Chapter 32

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Loki’s P.O.V  

I sensed someone walking up towards the room. I looked down and saw the love of my life in my arms. she looked so peaceful. I can stare at her for the eternity. I could even spend my whole life doing nothing but adoring her. I snapped out of my thoughts when the door knob turned. I quickly but slowly pulled away from Y/N’s grip and slid under the bed. I saw only one person on the door. “oh god where did Loki go?” Ah. It was Thor. I raised my hand up to tell him I was here. “Thor I'm here.” I said and stood up. Not going to deny but I hit myself hard on the floor.

“Loki wha- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?” Thor’s eyes widened, especially when he saw me shirtless. I rushed to him and covered his mouth. This oaf is too loud. “Shhhh can you not scream? Well, if you're blind enough to not see, I was asleep. what else would I do?” I said in an obvious tone. “yean but in Y/N’s room? You know that’s risky. What if anyone else than me walked in?” He had a point. But I had my magic and senses. “what do you want? In the middle of the night?” I asked, so obviously annoyed.

“we need to leave. Now.”


“Asgard. Get Y/N ready. No delays.”

“wait… now? I thought you said tomorrow.”

“Loki if you didn’t really notice, that tomorrow is today. Its two in the morning. And we have to get to the Bifrost site as soon as possible. I’ll explain everything later.”

oh yeah.’

I went up to Y/N to wake her up. “Y/N darling, wake up. We need to leave.” She just growled; her eyes closed. I shook her a little more, but failed to wake her up. “Loki, out of my way.” Thor said and shoved me on the side, pouring a cup of water on Y/N’s face. She woke up and gasped with her eyes wide open. I couldn’t help but kind of laugh.

“what in the worlds is going on?”

“Y/N we’re leaving.”

“okay. Bye bye.” She said and pulled the blankets over herself. Thor pulled them away, making her go crazy.

“By we, I meant you too. Now get your lazy self up and get dressed.” Y/N sat on the bed for a while, before getting up. “where are we going?”

“Asgard.” I said and  helped her up.

Your P.O.V

“Asgard” Loki said and my eyes went wide. “we have about 5 minutes left before the time runs out. Get out of the building, NOW.” Thor said and looked really tensed.

“I didn’t even brush my teeth! I ca-”

“we’ll get all those stuff to you later. Now GO!” Thor said and Loki pulled me with himself. We slowly crept out of the tower and to some random place. Thor showed up after some time. “Guys! I can’t go to a place like Asgard in my pyjamas!” I exclaimed and Loki smiled.

“Better?” I looked down and my pjs were changed into a dress that looked more of an ‘Asgardian’  clothing. “you look really beautiful.” Loki said making me blush. “ok stop with your flirting, or I might throw up.” Thor said and raised his hand. Loki and I just rolled our eyes.

“Hold onto me tight, you don't want to fall off.” Loki said pulling me close, and did he just say ‘fall off’?

“Loki wha-” a bright light appeared from nowhere and wow… the view isn’t bad. The stars and the galaxy were bright and beautiful. Well it only lasted for a few minutes. I opened my eyes again, to find myself in a golden… dome?

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