Chapter 24

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Everything was dark. Suddenly, a light flashed upon you from above.

‘Y/N, you shouldn’t have done that.’ You turned around and saw Steve standing.

‘Y/N, you’re not trustworthy.’ You turned to your right, and saw Bruce with a disappointed look.

‘how could you, Y/N? you were like my sister.’ You saw Tony on your left.

‘this is a really disappointing decision of yours.’ Thor said, standing beside Tony.

‘Y/N, I cant believe you accepted it.’ Nat and Clint stood beside Steve and Bruce.

‘what are you all talking about?’ you asked panicking.

‘you know it very well; you know what we are talking about.’ Tony said and you could see him at the urge of crying.

‘oh Tony please don't cry.’ You said as tears left your own eyes.

‘Y/N, why would you accept such a deal with that woman?' Steve said and you shook your head. You began to cry more and more.

‘I trusted you, Y/N.’ you heard another voice and turned back. Loki was standing right in front of you.

‘oh Loki, please, what have I done?’

‘you betrayed us!’ everyone said together and you started to cry heavier.

“hey hey Y/N shh its okay I'm here.” you opened your eyes and found yourself wrapped into the arms of Steve.


You looked up at him and hugged him, crying even more. “Y/N it was just a nightmare, sweetie. Its all fine now.” He said and rubbed your back. You calmed yourself down and sat up. “Steve, do you trust me?” you asked, and he had a soft look on his face. “of course I do. I trust you the most out of everyone.” Steve said and smiled. “By the way, you were supposed to come by 10 yesterday, right?” you smiled and mumbled ‘sorry’. He just laughed and stood up. “I think you had fun. Nothing inappropriate, right?” he asked and offered his hand. You held it getting up from your bed and shook your head ‘no’.

“good girl. Oh and Tony is waiting for you downstairs. He has a surprise for you. He is maybe in the games room.” Steve said and left the room. You did your business and went to the games room, and found Tony and Clint playing arcades. Thor was there too, but was just sitting and eating. “Oh hey Y/N!” Thor said and greeted you. “TONY THAT’S CHEATING!” Clint shouted at Tony who was now dancing. “everything is fair in love and war. This was war.” Tony sand and you laughed. “yeah SURE Stark.” Clint said and walked out. “wassup beauty queen” Clint said while walking and side-hugging you. “oh shut up Clint.” You blushed and Tony walked towards you, holding a paper.

“what's this?”

“your admission. You will be going to college from tomorrow, and get graduated.” Tony handed you the paper and you fake wept like a baby. “I don't want to. I was enjoying my time off the studies. Ughhhh” you stomped away making Thor laugh. “Jarvis can you please ask everyone to be in the conference hall in 5 minutes?” Tony said and Jarvis made an announcement. “Thor, you better get Loki there too, after you're done with your food.” Tony said and Thor nodded. Everyone gathered in the conference hall, except for Thor and Loki. “Tony, what is it?” Steve asked and everyone sat in their places. “wait until everyone comes.” Tony said and the door burst open Thor came in smiling, followed by a grumpy Loki. You sat between Bruce and Clint.

“ok everyone. We’re here today because from tomorrow, Y/N will be joining back the college. So its now our responsibility to help her out. Now, discuss among yourselves and distribute the works and responsibilities.” Tony said and everyone cheered except for you and Loki, who was not concentrating at all. “I’ll help out with the homework.” Bruce said and you couldn’t smile much wider than you were. “I’ll help her to wake up and get ready.” Nat said and winked at you. “Let’s divide the homework. Me, Bruce and Steve will help with few subjects, accordingly.” Tony said and Steve shook his head. “I'm not good with anything related to homework.” He said and you giggled. “Thor can help me though.” You spoke up and Thor gave a thumbs up.

“I’ll help with breakfast then.” Steve said and gave a chef’s kiss. “so that leaves with Loki to pick and drop Y/N.”

Oh no

Was all you thought. Loki shot his head up. “did you say my name? I'm sorry I wasn’t concentrating on anything after you said ‘ok everyone’. Honestly.” Loki said and everyone rolled their eyes. “well, Loki, Y/N will be going to college from tomorrow. So we have distributed a few responsibilities among ourselves. Your job is to pick her up and drop her at the college. Okay?” Tony said and Loki immediately shook his head. “can’t I do something else? Can I not do anything?” Loki said and Nat shook her head no. “fine.”

“okay. Y/N, now that we have our jobs, you job is to study well, score good, and make us proud.” Tony said and you gave him two thumbs up. “Done, DAD.” You said and everyone laughed. Everyone left the room and got busy in their own stuffs. You decided to go to the library since you had nothing to do. You went through different books until your eyes landed upon something interesting. You picked the book but felt a resistance against your pull. You let the grip off the book to find Loki holding it from the opposite side. You rolled you eyes and started to walk away but Loki stood in front of you. “Y/N, why are you doing this to me?” he asked with anger.

“I am doing nothing to you. Now if you excuse me, I need to go.” You said and started to walk but he blocked your way. “why are you acting like this towards me? You are my best and only friend, why are you distancing yourself from me? Did I do something wrong?” he asked, holding your hand. “ Loki… let me go…” you said sounding pissed. “answer my question, Y/N.” he said and tightened the grip around your wrist. “you don't want me to tell you.” You said, trying to break free from his grip. “try me” he said and pushed you against the book shelves. You looked directly into his eyes, and pushed him back.

“Because, you will stay safe.”

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