Chapter 29

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You woke up, feeling dizzy. Trying to sit up, you failed. So you just decided to lay down till you feel better. Then everything from yesterday flashed. Your birthday party, surprises, gifts, games and fun, Loki.


That was the most beautiful thing about yesterday; Loki. His surprise, gifts, the kiss. You felt butterflies in your stomach by just thinking about it. The room started to spin, and those butterflies were now replaced by growls. You ran into the bathroom, and threw up.

oh right. I drank a lot yesterday.’

After a while, you showered and got dressed. You wore the necklace Loki gifted you. It was beautiful. While brushing your hair, you just looked into the mirror, sitting. You looked at your hands, sadness filling inside you. You tried for them to glow, for them to do something. Nothing. You sighed and walked downstairs. The hall was a mess from yesterday. You heard everyone talking in the kitchen. “AND I WON! Easily.” Thor boomed and hit the table with his palm flat. You walked in and hugged him from the back. “hey Y/N. you still seem restless.” Thor said, and you now sat beside him. “mhmm” was all you could get out of your mouth. “but you left to your room soon. And wow, that necklace is beautiful. Whose gift was it?” Thor said, tracing his fingers over the necklace. “wow… is that real? Like real emerald?” Nat asked, rushing towards you and observing it. “yeah.” You said and smiled. She looked at you and smirked. “Y/N, are you fine?” Steve asked when you almost fell off the chair, feeling sleepy.

why did I feel like this?

“yeah I'm fine.” You said and shook your head, waking yourself up.

oh yeah, Loki and I spent the whole night together. Of course I didn’t sleep.

Tony passed you a plate of spaghetti. “feed yourself, Y/N. you look… oh gosh why do you look like you did something inappropriate.” Tony said and narrowed his eyes. “I did nothing inappropriate.” You said and began to eat, not raising your head up. You heard someone growl with annoyance, like that person was ANNOYED. You looked up to see who the freaking hell was THAT annoyed. It was Loki, rubbing his eyes, growling and walking. “woah Loki, what the hell happened to you?” Bruce looked with his eyes wide. “what happened to me?” Loki said, looking himself here and there. “I mean, why are you so annoyed?” Bruce and Loki rubbed his hands over his face. His eyes met yours and he smiled, with so much relief. “nothing. I'm fine.” His tone changed, suddenly. He sounded much happier now. Loki walked up to you and leaned down. You were unsure at first, thinking that he was going to kiss you in front of everyone, and Tony would definitely get mad. But nope he instead leaned down your ear.

“I need to talk to you. Balcony, after you're done.” He whispered and stole a bite from your plate. Tony was glaring at you both, and you just smiled innocently. Loki grabbed something from the fridge and walked out. Tony didn’t even blink. He was glaring Loki until he was out of sight. “Y/N, what was it?” he spoke, completely annoyed. “look who’s annoyed now.” You said and giggled. “Y/N I'm not joking. What was it?”

“what was what Tony?”

“why was he so close to you?” before you could answer, everyone gave Tony a look. “Tony!” everyone said. “isn’t it so obvious?” Nat started. Oh no… do they know? You got nervous and gulped a big chunk of fear. Thor noticed and smiled with relief, more like happiness. “ Loki had to get close to her if he wants to whisper. He isn’t going to get a megaphone and announce.” Clint said, hitting Tony. “what was there to whisper about?”

oh gosh, he is really stubborn.

“ well… I met him while going to my bedroom. He was apologizing me for not attending the party. So I was mad at him and ignored. I didn’t speak to him. so he just came and said he wanted to talk. Happy?” you lied. Tony looked more relieved and nodded. You were done and now walked to the balcony, and found Loki standing there, watching the scene before him. you looked around at first, the hugged him from the back. He laughed and turned around, so that you were facing him now. He kissed your cheek before speaking. “Y/N, I wanted to know what you want to do.”

“what do you mean?” you asked, playing with his hair.

“I mean, about us… do you want to tell everyone yet?” he asked and was nervous yet scared at the same time. “Loki, I was going to ask you too. Well, I would like to keep it a little private, before telling everyone. what do you think?” you asked and he smiled. “I’ll do whatever you say, princess. Its also a little fun to sneak.” He said and winked.

I'm going to pass out now. He needs to stop being so adorable.

“yeah, it sure is fun, trickster.” You said and laid your head on his chest, him holding you close with his arms protectively wrapped around you. You closed your eyes, feeling all sorts of things; happy, relief, loved, protected, completed. “


“Yes darling?” you looked up into those beautiful alluring eyes. “I love you.”

“I love you too, my sweetheart.” You smiled and he kissed your lips. Every time he kissed you, there was a spark that’d light up in your heart, knots that’d tie up in your stomach. You felt him smile in the kiss, and lift you up.


Loki suddenly pulled back and left you, making you stumble. “ow…” you said and looked up. Yours and Loki’s reaction was same; eyes wide, mouth open, jaw dropped.

Thor was standing there with his arms crossed, and a kind of serious, but angry expression. “Thor, this is an accident. I can e-” Loki started and Thor raised his finger, shutting Loki up. “save it, Loki. You cant hide anything.” Thor said, his voice was deep. “Thor, don't tell anyone about what you saw. Please.” You said and Thor glared at you, for a solid minute. He looked back at Loki, whose face was now pale as a white sheet, and then you, his jaws clenched. Then he smiled. And started to laugh.

“AHAHA LOOK AT YOUR  PRICELESS FACES!” he said and knelt, laughing uncontrollably. You looked at Loki, who was looking at you, confused. Thor wiped a tear and stood up. “Oh my. So this was apparently an ‘accident’ huh? Loki kissing you, passionately and smiling, lifting you up, your hands around him?” Thor said looking at you. You couldn’t get words out of your mouth. “Brother, I'm happy, like really happy. Finally you both confessed. Gods, it took you a whole year to do it.” Thor said walking towards Loki. Loki’s expression fell and he relaxed.

“ You’re lucky to have her.” he said and placed his hand on Loki’s shoulder. You were still scared. “Thor, no one has to know.” Loki said and looked at you, while you had your face pale. Thor laughed and pulled you into a hug. “Y/N, calm down, I can hear your heartbeat.” Thor said and chuckled. You took deep breaths and pulled away. “Thor, please don't tell anyone. Yet. We were just talking about it.” You said and Thor acted to think. “oh cut it Thor.” You said pissed. “I won’t tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me. but you have to be careful out here. making out in the balcony? Nah-uh. Anyone can take pictures.” He spoke and you mentally kicked yourself.

how did I not know?’

“anyways, me, Nat, Steve and Bruce will be heading out for a while. I just wanted to ask if you both required anything. Or you can join too.” Thor said and Loki shook his head. “I don't feel like going out. do you want to, Y/N?” he asked looking at you. “nah, me neither.” You said and Thor gave you both thumbs up and walked away. You and Loki were looking at each other, and burst into laughter.

You were sitting on the floor completing your assignments, while Loki laid upside down on the couch, his face next to yours, but upside down, playing with your hair. Tony was somewhere in the lower levels. Clint was in the games room. Occasionally, Loki would kiss you; once on the forehead, then on the cheek, then on the nose, then on the neck, which made you giggle. “Loki stop. You're distracting me. I need this to be done.” You said and stacked a few books on the side. “oh god I'm going to burn all your assignments down. It’s not letting me have time with my LADY!” he said angrily, gripping onto a paper tightly. You shook you head, laughing. You looked at him, his hair dangling on your shoulder. “sit straight Loki. Laying upside down isn’t good.” You said and he ignored, kissing your nose.

How much more adorable could he be?’

You caressed his face, and he closed his eyes, melting in your touch. You suddenly heard a machine, a familiar machine powering up. You realized what it was and pulled Loki down, making him fall hard on the floor.


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