Chapter 20

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Tony walked in looking at you with anger, while your leg was stuck somewhere and you were handing from the ceiling. “Oh hey Stark. I uh, am stuck as you can see. Mind if you help me out?” you said and smiled innocently. Tony was so angry that his face was red. He somehow got you down and out of the suit. “Who allowed you to wear that? I was still working on it, you little idiot. I just gave you access to everything but my suits.” Tony snarled looking at the mess. “I... I'm sorry…” you said and backed up. Tony sighed and you both went back to the living area. Tony just shouted at you in the elevator while you hung your head down, ashamed.

Oh what a great start to the day.

Nat and Clint were up and looked confused when they saw you both. “Let me guess… Y/N did something really bad that pissed Tony off, and now he looks like a cherry.” Nat said and Tony just walked away, stomping his feet. “Yeah… you're right.” You murmured and sat beside her. “Hey, you look sad. So something really bad happened?” Nat said and you told her everything. “Ah Y/N its okay. Tony loves you like his own sister. He’ll get over it soon. Lets forget all this. So where’s your boyfriend?” Nat said and sat facing you. “My what? I have no boyfriend Nat, and I'm not looking forward to it right now.” You said and she smirked, pushing you slightly, which made you fall off the couch. “Oh shit I'm sorry.” Nat said and laughed. “Oh wow Nat that was such a light push.” You said an got up. Clint was just sitting there, still sleepy.

“Clint, why are you up if you're still sleepy?” “Oh uh well Nat woke me up because she was bored.” He said and rubbed his eyes. “Yeah I'm awake. Sorry.” The three of you were talking about some stuff until you heard Thor scream. “Holy cow this tower is going to fall down because of his scream. Lets go have a look at him.” Clint said and you knew exactly what was that scream for.

“LOKI! YOU ARE SO DEAD NOW.” Thor shouted and was heavily walking his way to Loki’s room. “hey… Thor? Why do you have a mask on?” Nat said and you tried not to smile. Thor didn’t answer and started to break Loki’s door. “I’m up! I’m up. Hold up I'm opening.” Loki said and you couldn’t help but laugh a little. Thor looked at you and you looked down and coughed. Thor was walking the whole floor until Loki opened. The door finally opened to reveal a sleepy Loki, hair messed up, rubbing his eyes. “Hey everyo-” before he could finish, Thor grabbed him by his throat and pushed him on his bed. “Thor WHAT’RE YOU DOING LET ME GO!” Loki struggled under Thor’s hold and you stretched your lower jaw trying not to laugh. “Thor leave him he's going to die.” Clint said and grabbed his arm. “” Thor snarled through his clenched teeth.

“What… did… I… do? Loki managed to talk breathlessly. Nat pulled Thor off of Loki and you helped Loki sit up. He was breathless, and started to breath heavily. “Loki he’s talking about our plan.” You whispered and Loki choked on his laughter. with a flick of his magic, Thor’s mask and hoodie was gone, leaving him exposed. Nat and Clint looked at each other and began to laugh.

“Oh my gosh this artwork is so beautiful! ‘Thoreal Paris Total Repair 5. BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH IT’ Jesus Christ I'm going to die.” Nat said reading out everything loudly that was written on Thor’s back. “oh gosh you got to be kidding me.” Clint walked up to Thor’s face and started to laugh. There was a sketch of Mjolnir, beautifully done by you. You and Loki just sat there trying not to laugh. “ITS NOT FUNNY OKAY? I just got rid of my blue hair and now this? Why would you do that Loki?” Thor said almost crying. “Hey it wasn’t all me.” Loki said looking at you. You glared at Loki and looked at Thor who raised an eyebrow. “Fine. Well I just did your face and your arms. Rest of it was done by Loki.” You said and Nat started to take pictures of the artwork. Thor looked at his arms in disbelief. You had written all sorts of stuff and drew whatever came to your mind on his arm. He looked like a canvas. “Thor buddy you need to get better clothes to hide all that.”

“That’s the problem. My clothes, well some of them are missing, and all my shirts have been ‘designed’. Tell me you both the reason behind all this.” Thor said and sat down facing you and Loki. “Well…” you started. “It was for what you did last night. Telling everyone that we are dating, getting me threatened by Stark, almost making Y/N so mad that she overpowered herself, and what not.” Loki completed. “Well you both technically are dating, right? I mean I saw you in Y/N’s room last night, like centimeters away from her.” Thor said and Clint shot his head up. “Loki, tell me that’s not true or I’ll blow your head off.” He said and Loki opened his mouth to say something. “yes. He was really close to me. But not because he was kissing me or something. I pulled him into a hug because I wasn’t feeling good and also, I could whisper to him what my part of the plan was. I whispered because I saw Thor outside of my room. You guys need to get your brains out of the gutter and stop thinking that we’re dating.” You said and Loki looked at you with his brows furrowed.

/why would you say that. Anyways thanks for backing me up/

/eh its okay, I always have to save you, you little kid./

“fine. Now, will you tell me how can I take this stuff out?” Thor said pointing to the mess on his body. “Oh about that... yeah... uh… we used permanent markers, so you gotta scrub your skin. And for the Mjolnir art, it’ll go in 2 days.” You said and Thor have had enough. He got up and walked away. Nat and Clint went behind Thor to help him. “Jeez I was going to die today.” Loki said and flopped on his bed. “ you’ve died many times Loki, you could’ve died again just to scare Thor. It would’ve been fun. And then you could walk in on your own funeral and be like ‘that guy in the coffin died for nothing’." You said and started to imagine, laughing your thoughts away. “Oh god why didn’t I think of it. You're much more of a creative person Y/N. lets get outta here before I fall asleep again.” Loki said and you both made your way to the living area.

Time passed by, and Tony wasn’t back yet. You started to get worried. “Hey Steve, you have any idea where Tony is?” you asked and Steve shook his head. You asked everyone else and none of them knew. “Y/N what's wrong?” Loki asked and sat beside you, putting his arm around your shoulders. “Tony isn’t back yet and its already night. He left in the morning.” You said and Loki pulled you in a hug. “Its okay he’ll be fine. He's just angry let him get some air and he’ll be normal.” Loki said and you just sighed. You didn’t have your dinner either. “Y/N, don’t blame yourself. He’ll be back soon.” Bruce said and squatted in front of you.
“ he hasn’t contacted anyone yet. He left his phone here. Jarvis cant track him either. How am I supposed to not worry?” “Because he’s Tony Stark. He is more than what you know. He will be fine wherever he is. Now go get some sleep.” Bruce said and led you to your bedroom. You just plainly laid there, thinking about where Tony would be.


“come in.”
It was Loki.

“Ah, I knew you’d be awake. You know I can hear your thoughts, right?” he said and sat near you, placing his cold, soft hands on your forehead. You sighed and stared at the ceiling. “Loki don’t you dare.”

“I’m sorry”
And that was the last thing you heard him say and you drifted into a deep sleep.

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