Chapter 25

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You walked back to your room, scrolling through Instagram. You decided to read the comments of yours and Loki’s picture.

‘awee they're so cute together’

‘holy, is that the guy who tried to take over the earth?’

‘oh my god if Loki says me to kneel, I’d do it wholeheartedly’

‘oh gosh, Y/N and Loki? Ew, I prefer myself and Loki. I mean he’s hot, but he doesn’t deserve her.’

‘lmao that filter suits the caption so good’

‘OH MY GAWWD I heard that Y/N is going to study in the same college as me I'm freaking out!’

‘ damn, she’s lucky to live between some hot guys’

Well, as expected, positive and negative. And some awfully stupid and cringy. You kinda liked the fact that everyone shipped you both. But you didn’t want this rumor. You anyways ended up ignoring it. You took out your sketch book and started to sketch whatever came in your mind first. You didn’t know yourself what the sketch was, but you worked on it. “hey Y/N. Time for dinner.” Tony stood halfway through the door.

“wait what? Dinner?” you said confused. “yeah well, you slept the whole morning, woke up in the afternoon, and now its dinner time. Come on I'm starving.” He said and walked away. You closed your book and went to where everyone were; living room, with pizza boxes and Netflix. “Y/N, you gotta eat quick and go to sleep.” Nat said and smirked. “OH C’MON! you guys are doing this on purpose.” You said and grabbed your pizza, sitting on the floor, watching whatever played on the screen. You ate as slow as possible to extend your time. Nat noticed and shove a slice in your mouth, forcing you to chew. She made you finish your whole pizza in 15 minutes.

“ok bedtime. Now.” Nat said dragging you up to your room, while you refused to go. She managed to reach your room. “I’ll wake you up at 6 tomorrow. So you better get some sleep. Night night, kid.” She said and walked away. You grumpily flopped on your bed, changed into your PJs using magic, and surprisingly, fell asleep quick.

“Y/N wake up!” Nat roughly shook you and threw water on your face, making you gasp and run out of your bed. “Holy… Nat you could’ve just softly said me.” you said, looking at you wet self. “I don't do that job. Now go to the bathroom while I fix an outfit for you.” She said and pushed you into the bathroom. You lazily just stood there, and the door was not locked. “I don't hear any water running!” Nat said and you put you hand on the tap, and just stood there. The next moment, Nat got in and sighed. “I'm sleepy!” you whined. “so wake up!” Nat said, brushing your teeth while you stood there, half asleep. “now, if you wanna pee, then pee. Have a bath and walk out. I'm not going to do that for you.” She said and walked out. You turned the shower on and stood under the hot, warming water for a solid minute before cleaning yourself. After you were done, you walked out and blow dried your hair.

“here. wear these and come down for breakfast.” Nat said, laying the perfectly ironed outfit of yours and walked out. It was a pair of blue ripped jeans and a baby pink crop top. You got dressed, did a tiny amount of makeup, and walked in the kitchen. Everyone except Thor and Loki were there. “morning Y/N.”

“morning everyone.” you sat down; your eyes still heavy. You took your plate of pancakes, poured some chocolate syrup on it and ate slowly. “pick up your pace Y/N.” Tony said and you sighed, and finished your food. “where’s Loki?” Steve asked finishing up the last plate. “maybe he’s still asleep. Y/N, wake him up.” Bruce said and you shot him a look. “what? If we go in, he’ll kill us. You're his bff so just go.” You sighed and walked towards his room. You stood there for a minute and placed your hand on the door knob. But the door opened by itself.

“oh hey. Goodmorning.” Loki said and smiled.

“goodmorning” This pretty boy ain't gonna have any effect on me with that goddamn smile.

“so, you're ready?” Loki asked while you both walked to the garage.

“nope” you answered, popping the ‘p’.

“oh how I wish I could teleport that far.” Loki cried his words out. “great idea. I’ll teleport us both.” You said and Loki backed up. “hey you don't want to reveal yourself to the world yet. Lets just drive.” He said and you sighed sitting in the car. The drive lasted for 10 minutes, awkward 10 minutes. Neither you, nor Loki spoke a word. After you reached your destination, you took your backpack and walked out. Loki walked beside you and gave a pat on your shoulder. “well, lets get in and start the day” he said and led you in the administration office. He spoke to some lady and you just sat there, looking around. People who walked past the room either got excited looking at you, or gave a disgusted look. After Loki was done, he handed you a paper, which was your time table. “Y/N, you're first class is mathematics, unfortunately. So until then, lets tour the building.” Loki said and you made a puppy face.

“why math? Why do I have it in my subjects?”

“well, Tony wants you to be smart.”

“That makes no sense, I do much better in science.” Loki smiled and you both walked around the building. Some girls showed up, taking pictures with you and surprisingly Loki too.

“oh Loki, I’d kneel for you anytime.” A girl said winking at him, pissing you off.

“Oh uh... ehehe” was all Loki said. The girl shot you a disgusted bitchy look “hey uh, I'm getting late. Lets go.” You said and pulled Loki away from them. He almost tripped over his own leg when you pulled him. “hey Y/N slow down.” He murmured getting the balance back. You just kept on pulling him to some direction you didn’t know. Loki acted to sniff something. “Do I smell something burning? I smell something burn of jealousy.” He said and glared at him with your jaws clenched. He smirked and shook his head. “you should be thankful I saved you from that girl, she was all over you.”

“Well I was kinda enjoying it.”

“oh yeah? Then let me return you back to her.” “you're getting late. I’ll let you go to your class and then maybe hook up with her later.” Loki said and you obviously got pissed. You clenched your jaws much tighter. You walked up to your first class, and Loki gave you a thumbs up mumbling ‘good luck’ and went away. You sighed and sat down. The time went by really slowly. You were getting bored.

/bored already?/ Loki asked

/yeah, well I hate math./

/I can see it. You're next class is Biology anyways./

/where are you?/

/I'm hooking up with that girl ehehe/

/oh yeah great/

/I'm joking. I'm in the cafeteria. want something to eat later? Well I got you donuts. Chocolate ones./

You smiled when he said chocolate donuts. Your mouth began to water, and you could physically smell the donuts.

/oh thank you SO MUCH Loki!/

/its always my pleasure. The class will end in 2 minutes, so I’ll be right outside the door./

/you aren’t going back?/

/nah, I mean, I have nothing to do there. So I decided to stay here, and spend time with you/

/oh mhmm./

And the class was dismissed. You went out and found Loki standing there reading some stuff on the notice board. “hey. How was the class?” he asked walking towards you. “I didn’t listen a single word. But I definitely got homework.” You said and he handed you a cup of coffee. “Well I thought you might want to drink something. Its cold.” Loki said and gave you the Frappuccino. “Oh goshhh I was so desperate for this! Thanks.” You said and hugged him, and he hugged you back tight.

“I've missed your hugs a lot, Y/N.” he whispered to you. “oh yeah I can feel it.” You said mockingly. “about the donuts I said, you’ll get them during your break. I mean there are more than six different varieties, so…” he said and you nodded.

God, you hoped the time passes by much more quickly.

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