Chapter 52

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Your P.O.V

I had to go to Asgard and tell Loki about it. He’s a part of this thing to happen too. I was pregnant with his child of course. I was warmly welcomed, as usual, by Heimdall and escorted to the palace by some guards. While on my way to Loki’s room, I bumped into Thor and his expression was priceless. He seemed as if he saw a ghost in me. I didn’t speak to him and just ran away. Facing Thor right now was a nightmare. “Loki!” I exclaimed and entered his room, but it was empty. I looked around but he wasn’t there. My stomach grumbled again as I rushed into the bathroom.

“ugh, stupid pregnancy. I'm not supposed to be throwing up this much right now. How far am I?” I mumbled to myself before cleaning up and walking out. my soul almost jumped out and ran down the hall when I suddenly saw Loki in the room. He was half dressed, or half naked, put it in any way. His expression was much worse than Thor’s.

“Y/N?” he mumbled, almost inaudible.

“Uh, hello.” I said and awkwardly stood there. I had no idea what to do. I'm still mad at him. “wha- what’re you doing here?” he asked, not making a single movement, like a statue. I bit my lip admiring his physique. But his face; he looked terrible. His hair was a mess, his eyes were super red as if he’s been crying for the last three days, he had bags under his eyes, his lips were dry, his face was a little slim too, defining his already so sharp cheekbones more.

“I, uh, I need to tell you something very important.” I said and gave a small smile. He lowered his gaze and slowly nodded, picking up his fallen clothes. I closed the doors and sat on the bed while he sat facing me on a chair. I sighed, before continuing.

“Look, I know all of this wasn’t supposed to happen, and it’s a mistake, but let’s just accept it, alright? And, just so you know, I've only slept with you in my entire life so…”

“Y/N, you're making me nervous. I've already had enough today and I'm tired. So please, get to the point.” He said in a very annoyed tone. “Iampregnant.”



“Y/N, speak clearly, I didn’t understand.” I sighed and shut my eyes close and finally said it. “Loki, I'm pregnant.”

There was this thick tension and awkward silence that spread between us for what seemed like hours. After him not saying anything, I opened my one eye and looked at him. His lips were parted a little and he was pale, so pale that he could camouflage with white paper.

“You're not joking, aren't you?” he finally spoke and I shook my head slowly. He took a deep breath, lowered his head, and let out a long breath. He frowned while putting his clothes on, trying to process everything like I've just explained him some Einstein theory. “Loki, say something.”

“When did you know?”

“Today, like a few moments ago. I had to sneak here because Tony wasn’t letting me go.” I showed him that stupid band on my hand and he nodded.

“Uhm… what do you feel… about… this…” I said, not knowing what exactly to say. “I- I-" he shook his head and grabbed my arm, dragging me out and somewhere. His grip was tight, almost rough, like he was mad, really mad at me. we reached the healing room and Frigga was there. She looked miserable too. What the hell happened here?

“Mother, I need you to examine her, now.” Loki said and I frowned. If he wanted an approval, I could’ve just gotten the two tests from Earth. Oh, how stupid of me, he wouldn’t know. Frigga seemed confused but then nodded like both of them just telepathically spoke. I was said to lay down on a bed and another lady came on Frigga's call. She ran her hand over my body and projected something above me. after a few more minutes, the lady’s expression changed. She smiled widely at me and helped me sit up.

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