Chapter 12

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You, my child, are no less than a ruler. I have an offer for you.” A guy sitting on a throne-like structure said.

Loki was chained, and wires were connected to him. He looked terribly awful. His eyes were red, his skin was very pale, and he was messed up.

“ let me go. Why do you even need me?” Loki said, trying to get up, but was pushed back by someone and was electrocuted.

“ I need you to go to Earth, and rule the people. This way, I can get power, and you get to fulfil your dream, to rule. So I assume that we have come to an agreement?” the guy sitting on the throne said.

“I don’t want to rule. I never wanted to. I just wanted to be equal to my brother.” Loki said, spitting out blood from his mouth. His eyes were swollen.

“ and now you get the chance to be above your brother.”
“no. I don’t want to cause any further destruction, neither to my brother nor to anyone else.” The guy sighed, and one of his guard brought Loki towards him.

“do you still want to decline my offer? It can give you whatever you want, freedom, power, everything you wish for.”
“ I just wish for a normal life.” Loki said, trying to get out of the grip of the guard.

“Bring me the scepter.” The guy said and was handed a stick. It was the same exact stick that Loki had when you saw it.
“Loki Odinson, do you still want to decline my offer?” he said, leaning in to face Loki closer.
“Yes.” Loki said firmly. The guy touched the tip of the scepter on Loki’s chest.

“now, Loki Odinson, will you do what I ask you to?” Loki’s eyes turned from deep emerald green to bright icy blue.

“Yes Thanos. I will do anything you wish me to do.”

You moved back in shock. Everyone came towards you both. Loki panicked and went inside his room, locking the door. You just stood there, trying to figure out what you just witnessed.

“Uh this is awkward. So you're in love with the villain now? Wow” Clint said and Steve shushed him. “Y/N are you okay? Why do you look so horrified and… breathless?” Steve asked and Thor came from behind, putting his hand on your shoulder. You turned to him and he read your expressions; sad, horrified, pity, and at the edge of crying. “we can definitely talk Y/N. come with me. everyone too, come downstairs.” You all went downstairs. You sat next to Thor, who had an arm around you. “ok so Y/N this kinda seems serious. So what happened?” Nat asked and you sat straight and cleared your throat.

Thor had finally disclosed about the magical power you had but still wasn’t sure what kind of magic it is. You said them everything you saw. They had different expressions on their face. “But how do we confirm it? Like, are you sure that this is the truth? I mean Loki anyways wanted to rule and stuff.” Bruce said and Thor shook his head in disagreement. “ no. when we had a fight on the Bifrost, he did say that he didn’t want the throne, he just wanted to be my equal. I knew it wasn’t him, because he never not-reacted when I say our mother’s name. He truly loves her. But when I was speaking to him, during the battle, I told him to think if our mother would be proud of him. He just snapped saying I don’t care.” Thor said and everyone understood that it wasn’t the Loki he is, he was being controlled. “Now what do we do? How do we get him back?” Steve and Tony asked you.

“Well I exactly don’t know. Clint, Loki used the scepter on you. How did you get back to normal?” you asked and Clint just shrugged. “I don’t know. Natasha just hit me hard heheh.” Clint and Tony rolled his eyes. “I think we should just keep him calm and be normal and friendly with him. Thor, you might want to tell him something about your childhood, something that will remind him about himself. He just needs to remember who he is.” You said and Thor nodded.

“Oh wow… didn’t know you're a psychologist.” Steve said and you stuck your tongue out. “Now he just needs some time. Tomorrow, we can do as said now. And after he is normal, which will hardly take any time, depending on how strongly we act, we can end everything, all this chaos and problems done?”

Everyone headed to their rooms, even if it was not too late in the night, all were tired. You stopped by Loki’s door and tried to open it. It wasn’t locked. You opened it to find him on his bed, fully covered in blankets, things thrown on the ground, and his hair was messed up. You slowly walked near him and kneeled near his face.

He had been crying. His eyes were swollen and nose was red. His cheeks were wet. He was shivering in the sleep with tears still escaping his closed eyes. Oh dear Loki. You touched his face slightly, feeling sad for him. His face was as cold as ice. You sighed and left the room, closing the door as slowly as possible.

It was time to get prepared for tomorrow.

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