Chapter 45

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You woke up feeling numb from yesterday; both day and night. You smiled as the memories flashed in your mind. Turning around, you saw the spot empty. You got up, holding the blankets close to you and checked the time. Half past eleven. You changed your clothes using your magic sitting on the bed and tried standing up. Moving one leg was a big task; they hurt like shit. Loki really did fulfill his promise. You got a grip of the wall designs and tried your best to walk. After what seemed like thirty minutes, you got out of the room and summoned an iced bottle, holding it between your legs for a few minutes. You dragged yourself to the dining area and to your bad luck, everyone were there.

“Oh my god Y/N are you okay?” Bruce noticed your walking style and helped you while your legs felt like jelly. From a distance, you could see Loki smirk and biting his lower lip. “Yeah, I'm, I'm okay. Nat can you pass me an ice pack please?” you said as you sat on a chair, placing your legs on another, while Nat handed you the ice pack. You leant on the wall and placed it between your legs, closing your eyes and relaxing. “Y/N OH MY GOD WHAT IS THIS ON YOUR NECK?” Nat said as she ran over the marks. Loki chocked on his water and continued reading his book.

“I uh, I burnt myself. With my curling iron.” You lied, obviously not telling what actually that was. Your relationship with the team was a little back to normal. “Don't lie Y/N, is that a hickey? Because you don't have a curling iron.” Nat said and narrowed her eyes. You smiled innocently and ignored her. “And why are you placing the ice pack near your…”

“I got hit there by the sharp end of my table this morning.” You lied again and the ice pack didn’t seem to work. Your muscles were burning from the friction and thickness of Loki. “Y/N, who was it?” Steve asked with a serious tone. “Who was who Steve?” you asked trying to look confused. Definitely confused. “Whom did you do stuff with last night? Because I'm sure I did hear some noises on the wall.” Steve said and as you were about to say something, Thor walked in with his mouth stuffed. “Brother, why is there a hole in you wall?” Oh shit. So Loki managed to create a hole as well. Amazing. But it was worth it. “What're you talking about Thor?” Loki’s tone was not steady. You felt him getting nervous.

/Loki, how aren’t you feeling my pain?/

/Because I casted a spell on myself so that I wouldn’t feel this particular pain. You were to be punished, not me./

“Loki, there’s a hole in your wall, near your bed.” Okay now that description is messed up. Tony got up immediately and grabbed Loki by his neck. “Tell me you didn’t fuck Y/N. Or I'm going to kill you.” That reaction surprised you a little. “Leave him, Tony.” You snarled, trying to make a movement. But your words had an immediate effect. Tony left another almost dead Loki, and sat back down. “Explain.” Steve asked Loki and held Tony down. “Well, I was not in a good mood yesterday. So I punched the wall.” That was half correct. He did punch the wall at night but with pleasure. “Why near your bed?” Nat asked and she sounded angry as well. “My wish.”

“It ain't your house, you bastard. This is my tower. And firstly, you used it to get your stupid aliens in here and now you punch a fucking hole in it? What do you think of yourself huh?” Tony snapped sounding irritated. I glanced at Thor and he seemed to get the hint of something as he smirked at me. “ yeah well your stupid tower is something I don't care about.” Loki snapped and closed his book shut. He was getting angry now. “Then why are you here?” Tony slammed his hands on the table standing up. “I don't know. You kept me here.”

“Enough both of you!” You snapped making them sit back angrily. Loki stormed out of the room followed by Tony. “Oh god this is bad…” Bruce sighed and followed behind Tony. “I uh, I’ll go af-” Steve spoke and you shook your head. “Don't. you’ll mostly get killed.” Him going after Loki was a bad idea. “I’d like to have a moment with Y/N please.” Thor spoke making Steve and Nat leave the area. “So…” he dragged, taking a chair and settling down on it. “What?”

“You and Loki…”

“What about me and Loki?” Thor smirked and chuckled, shaking his head. “Don't fool me Y/N, I'm much smarter than you think. And I know Loki very well.”

“What do you mean?”

“I noticed him as this topic was being discussed. He was nervous.” Your palms began sweating. Thor was loyal and trustworthy, but him knowing this wasn’t right. It didn’t feel right at least. You couldn’t let anyone know as they thought that you were mad at him. “Thor, please be precise.” Thor sucked his lips before smiling widely. “You and Loki did things together and had fun last night, right?”

“I had fun playing on my phone rolling on my bed, I don't know about him.”

“Y/N, you can fool anyone but not me. you weren’t in your room when I came to check up on you this morning. Loki didn’t open the door, and answered me from inside.” He said and you prayed silently that he didn’t find your scattered clothes. “well, I maybe was in the bathroom, and if Loki didn’t open the door then I cant help it.” You smiled innocently and moved the melted ice pack away, which still didn’t help any better. “well, I found something under his bed…”

Oh god, not my clothes.’

You gulped in your nervousness and Thor help up your phone. He raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation. You snatched your phone and it was dead. “Your phone… was in his room. I believe you said you were playing with it in your room?” This was getting harder. You simply glared at Thor, and that idiot managed to plaster a huge smirk on his face. “So you both did stuff.” He said emphasizing heavily on the word ‘stuff’. His eyes narrowed as he shook his head slowly, smiling at you. “Are you done?” you snapped making Thor chuckle. “well, do you need any help for walking?” he asked offering his hand. “Oh yes please.” You whispered, almost inaudible, and hung by his arm like a baby koala.

The whole day, Thor helped you walk around wherever you desired. You actually didn’t walk much and stayed on your bed. It was finally time to rest, like in the real world. In short, it was bed time. There was a soft knock on the door and you were too lazy to even make a noise. You snuggled deep in your blankets and ignored it. The door slowly opened and you felt someone sit behind you as the bed sunk. Warm breath against your face made you feel all bubbly as you immediately recognized who it was. You weren’t going to give it in for him, and tried your best to act harsh. His fingers slowly traced down your spine, under the blankets, almost breaking the barrier of toughness of yours towards him. His hand made his way down and between your thighs. You tried your best not to let out even a single bit of noise because that bastard knew exactly what he was doing and you didn’t want to boost his ego.

“Y/N” he purred slowly into your ear; heavy breaths left his mouth as he bit your ear. He shifted closer to you and felt him smirk against your skin.

Do that again and I'm smacking that look off your face.’

“Really? You're going to punch the look off my face?” Loki asked smugly, moving your shirt off your shoulder and placing soft kisses on them. You felt him growing hard near your back. There was an obnoxious knock on the door, scaring the souls out of you and Loki. “Y/N are you asleep?” Bruce asked and Loki’s jaws clenched so tight that he ay break his own teeth. “I was until you knocked so loudly.” You replied back, totally ignoring the presence of the unholy monster near you. “Oh sorry.” Bruce mumbled and his steps faded away. You sighed, laying back down, trying to sleep.

“What? You're just going to ignore me?” Loki asked, a hint of surprise in his tone. “Mhmm.”

“Mhmm? Give me a proper answer. Yes or-”

“Yes.” You answered, before pulling the sheets above your head.

“Even after yesterday?” he seemed surprised as if he never saw this coming. “Yeah. Yesterday was really good and fun. Thanks. But that doesn’t change anything for me. now I have some important stuff to do and that is sleeping. Bye.” You said in a single breath and closed your eyes. Loki sighed and kissed your cheek.

“You will pay for this.” He mumbled before leaving.

Oh, I'm wanting to make you to.

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