Chapter 18

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Everyone stopped laughing and looked at you. Your eyes went wide. So wide that they might pop out. “You WHAT?” Steve asked getting up from the floor. “Thor what the actual heck did you just say?” you blurted out in anger.

“Yeah Y/N accept it. You fantasize my brother, Loki. I mean it’s so obvious. He fantasizes you too.” Loki shot a look at Thor, making Thor smile wide. “Are you out of your mind?” Loki said sitting straight and facing Thor. You looked around and well, everyone was looking at you, then Loki, and then back at you. “GUYS stop looking at us like that.” You said and Loki looked at you, with you doing the same.

/let’s just say ‘eww’ at the same time that’ll help clear their minds /

/yeah. 3…2…1…/

“EWW” you and Loki said at the same time. “I’d not date him, he’s better as my friend. Actually, he’s the BEST as my friend. That’s why he’s my best friend.” You said and Tony narrowed his eyes. “Listen up both of you. If I find out that you both are dating or shit, and if I ever find you, Mr. Laufeyson, EVER SO CLOSE to Y/N, or if she is hurt BECAUSE of you, then I swear on my suits imma beat the fuck out of you.” Tony said and he was definitely angry. “Hey Tony relax. She said its nothing like that, right?” Nat calmed Tony down and you and Loki just glared at Thor, who was now scared. The time passed by and everyone went to their beds. You were in your pyjamas brushing your hair. You heard your door open and you suddenly turned, summoning daggers in your hands.

“Hey Y/N its just me.” Loki said raising his hands. “oh, sheesh you scared me. you could’ve just knocked. What can I help you with, Mr. trying-to-be-bold Laufeyson?” you said turning back and putting away the hairbrush. “Well I was having something on my mind that I wanted to tell you, and after all that happened tonight.” He said walking closer to you. You turned back and he was inches away from you. “And wh-what's that?” you asked looking him into his eyes. You could just drown into those beautiful, sparkling, deep, green eyes. “Uh well after what Thor did down there, I know you're kinda mad.” He said and went near your ear. “wanna play a game?” he whispered, sending chills down your body, just like when he did the very first time he whispered to you. You sensed mischief in his voice and definitely felt him smirk through. You smiled back, understanding what his plan was.

You pushed him back playfully, and noticed Thor from a little far. He was smiling wide with his tongue out and jumping saying ‘I knew it!” millions of times. You summoned a dagger, which made him scared and he ran away. Loki looked confused and turned back to find nothing. “Well, what's the plan, trickster?” you asked making Loki look back at you. You and Loki knew this night belong to both of you. Well, how about we wait until everyone’s asleep? And then, we can work it out.” Loki said and you sat on the bed with him facing opposite to you. “Well, the first to fall asleep is Thor himself, while the last is Bruce. He kinda falls asleep around 10pm. So we gotta wait half an hour more.” You said and then Loki told you his plan.

“THAT’s so PERFECT! Oh dear, I love your creativity” you said smiling wide, all excited. “Lets do something till then. What would you want to do?” Loki asked, lying down on your bed. “Well I wanted to try something for so long and now is the perfect time for that.” You said and sat on top of Loki. You pulled out your phone. “Loki Smile!” you said and took a picture of him.

“Awwwww look at you! You're such a baby! Aweeeee YOU LOOK SO CUTE AWWW” you kept squealing looking at the picture “Can I at least see it?” Loki said and you ignored. He sighed and snatched it away from you. “What the… how did you do that?” he asked laughing at the picture.

“Its magic baby!” you took your phone back and laid beside him. You took several pictures together, with stupid filters and stupid faces. You even took some of his pics with cute filters. You posted a pic of you and Loki with the dog filter making weird faces on your social media captioning ‘the most adorable goofball I've ever met’, and as expected, there were comments, millions of them. Some positive, some negative.  “Y/N I think everyone’s asleep.” Loki said and you both had the most mischievous smiles.

“let’s get going then.”

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