Chapter 42

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You were disturbed by the blinding light of the sun hitting your face in the morning. You pulled you sheets over and tried to go back to sleep, but couldn’t. You growled, sitting up and feeling irritated. You looked around and your room was still a mess. Trying to not step on the broken mirror, yet failing, you went in the bathroom and sat there for hours, doing nothing. The room’s door opened and two people walked in.

“Y/N? where are you?” Thor shouted as he walked in further. He saw you in the bathroom and ran towards you.

“Y/N, again?” he took your feet and began cleaning the bloody mess. You’d hiss in pain when he pulled pieces of mirrors from your foot. He then washed them and wrapped in a clean cloth. “I'm sorry for being late. I got the servant and she’s cleaning the room. I got you food as well. Come.” He said and carried you out on your bed. The servant’s eyes widened when she saw you. She continued cleaning and Thor helped you eat. After it was done, he wrapped your blankets around you, closed the curtains and walked out, allowing you to rest. You needed a hell lot of rest to regain your strength.

“So, what happened?” the servant asked and you didn’t care to reply. “I know it’s not good to ask but I'm curious.” She said and you glared at her. “I mean, look at the mess; the mirror’s broken, there are holes on the wall, everything is broken, and your phone…” she said picking it up. “is it like… depression? Betrayal or maybe breakup?”

“Can you stop talking and do your work?” I said sitting up and she shrugged. “Fine. I was just trying to help, you know.” She said and didn’t stop speaking. You got irritated and slammed your fist into the wall, creating another hole.

“Listen here, ma’am. You're supposed to work and not speak. Now you wouldn’t want me to hurt you.” I said and she raised her eyebrows. “Ha. How possibly can you hurt me? Look at yourself; you're weak.” And that was it. You used your powers, starting to glow your hands and eyes golden and she got scared. You pinned her to the wall and stood inches away from her, towering her height. “You're of no use to me. You haven’t even cleaned everything yet. I don't require you anymore. Out. NOW!” she went running out of your room and you sighed. You used your own magic to clean the room and fix everything that was broken.

I can’t stay like this any longer. I need to get over it.

You tried your best to run into the kitchen and luckily, no one was there. You made your way towards the coffee maker and started to make four cups of dark coffee. “Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Clint came running as you hung to the kitchen counter. He helped you stan and stood by your side until the coffee was over. You let go off his grip and took four cups, pouring the coffee in. “Oh. If they wanted coffee, they could’ve said me.” Clint said and went to grab two cups. You stopped him and moved him aside.

“It’s not for them.” You said, grabbing the first cup and drinking it in one shot. The coffee burnt your tongue but you didn’t care. You took the second glass and drank it as well. “Y/N, what are you doing…” Clint said and started to move back. He shouted for Thor and walked out. Thor came in moments later and held your wrist. “Y/N what are you doing?”

“Leave me Thor. I know what I am doing.” You pulled you hand from his grip and took the third cup, chugging it down. As your hand reached for the last cup, you felt your hands being pulled away, but no one held it. You turned around to see Loki standing by the door and using his magic to stop you. “Y/N, you have no idea what you're doing. This is danger-”

“I don't need you to tell me what is dangerous and what is not.”

“Y/N, stop. You’ve already overpowered yourself. If you drink that last cup, you won’t have control over them.” Your eyes turned golden and you felt the energy flowing through your veins. Loki’s eyes widened and he ran towards you.

“Y/N NO WAI-” he fell back against the wall, creating a hole in it as you used the energy to get out of his spell. You turned back and drank the last cup. You closed your eyes and let the energy flow into your body. You felt as if your veins would burst open, but then you felt your strength coming together and healing all your wounds and cuts from the previous days. Everyone came running and their eyes widened. Your powers, as apparently it had its own mentality, was now at its peak, even though you had only forty percent of it. You were now in your form; with the black dress, long hair, and golden eyes. You smirked and walked out towards everyone. “Y/N, calm down, please.” Thor walked slowly towards you but you threw him on the table, breaking it. You saw Tony suiting up and Steve reaching for his shield.

“Y/N, this is your last call, calm down.” Clint said, pointing an arrow at you. You narrowed your eyes at them. “she’s not stopping anytime sooner.” Tony said and Clint shot his arrow at you. You caught it in just the right moment, breaking it with your single hand. Steve threw his shield, and you caught it as well, bending it into a stupid shape. “What the hell…” Steve mumbled and Nat attacked you next.

“Y/N please don't make me do this.” She said and you easily tossed her. you looked over at Bruce who held his hands in the air and walked back. “alright, it’s my turn.” Tony said and tried blasting you but it had no effect. Instead, you gained more power. He threw his fist at you which you caught, crushing his armor and smirked.

“Y/N STOP!” Thor screamed, reaching for Mjolnir.

“Try me.” you mumbled and he threw his hammer at you. To your own surprise, you actually held it. Thor’s eyes widened as you threw it back at him. You felt good for once, before Loki stepped up. “Y/N” he spoke and slowly advanced his steps towards you.

“I know this isn’t you. This can’t be. My lovely Y/N isn’t harsh, she loves her family, the Avengers. She loves…me.” he spoke and your anger flared.

“That Y/N was dead. Long time ago. ” You spoke and were about to attack at him before getting tackled by Thor. He held you down and Loki ran towards you, placing his fingers on your temples. You were feeling weak; Loki was pulling your extra powers out. you screamed in pain, trying to get rid of Thor’s hold. “I'm sorry, darling but I have to.” Loki whispered and you felt yourself draining away. you breathed heavily as your eyes began to close and inside your hands were golden and black liquid running.

“Loki, what is happening?” Thor asked as his eyes widened. “Oh no, I drained her a lot. She is dying.”

“THEN DO SOMETHING! YOU CANNOT LET HER DIE!” Thor began shaking you, but you couldn’t move. You felt your heartbeats getting slower and your eyes getting heavier. “Y/N, stay with me…” Loki whispered as he rubbed your hands. He tried everything he could. “Loki! CPR!” Bruce screamed as he ran towards you.

“What is that?” Loki said and Bruce moved him aside, kneeling beside you. He did it with all his force and you didn’t move. “Oh god no, we’re losing her. Loki, blow air in her mouth.” Bruce said and Loki seemed to freeze and shook his head. “I… I cant.”

“YOU CAN! YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN. NOW DO IT WE DON'T HAVE MUCH TIME!” Loki hesitated before taking a deep breath. His mouth connected to yours, blowing air into your almost dead body.

“Y/N please make a movement. I can’t lose you. I love you.” He mumbled before doing it again.

“Loki…” you whispered before your eyes shut themselves.

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