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Talia woke in her own time, slowly opening her green eyes. Recognizing her surroundings, she sighed, forever grateful for being allowed such comfort from her best friend's family. Looking to her side, she smiled as she watched Dis sleep soundly against her shoulder, snoring lightly. Talia loved the seven-year-old as if she was her own sister— and her bed, too.

Glancing at the clock and reading the time, she knew they would have to get up soon, no matter how bad her and the boys' collective hangovers were. Resting her head atop Dis', she allowed them a few more minutes before lightly nudging Dis awake, whose blue eyes smiled at hers.

"When did you get here?"

"Late. Long after you went to bed." She leaned back to ruffle the princess' hair. "Did you enjoy the ball?" Talia asked, swinging her feet over the bed and smiling at her boots' arrival.

"Very much. I met a boy and we danced all night. It was lovely! He gave me some of those chocolates from Dale, you know the ones, and then we ate those... the things with the frosting..."

"Yes, I know the ones. The..." A look of confusion also crossed the older lass' face. "Oh, whatever they're called." She rolled her eyes, causing Dis to giggle. But soon, a look of scolding crossed the dwarf's features. "But Dis, you're much too young to worry yourself with boys!"

"Am not!" The princess protested. "You were meeting boys at my age!"

"Yes, but it was different! I only made friends. Even I'm not looking for love yet."

"Sure, only friends." Dis quoted dramatically, smiling. "You don't look for it because you already have it."

Talia opened her mouth to argue, but she knew better than anyone the stubbornness of the Durins. If she entertained the subject further, she would never hear the end of it. "Never mind me. Though I still maintain that you are much too young to be chasing boys..." Dis leaned forward towards the foot of the bed where Talia stood. "Tell me about him."

Dis smiled, pulling her closer as she gossiped about this boy, going on and on about the food and the dancing that her and her young friend had shared that evening. Talia listened with earnest, grinning at the joy on her features. It almost sounded like Dis' ball had been more enjoyable than Talia's, though she knew that she would never trade a night with her three best friends for anything.

A knock at Dis' door interrupted them. "Enter." Talia said.

Thorin stepped into the room with a smile, seeing his two favorite girls in front of him. He closed the door behind him, walking towards the bed and taking a seat next to his sister. "I've never seen such a red blush on your cheeks." He poked her side playfully. "What were you talking about?"

Dis shot Talia a look, begging her not to say a word.

"I'm afraid we are sworn to secrecy."

"What secrets does my sister have from me?" Thorin asked incredulously, shocked at her bashfulness. Dis had been close with Thorin all of their lives, and, to be frank, he was a little offended that she wouldn't tell him. "What is it?"

"Come on, tell him." Talia chuckled. "Look at your brother. He is miserable." She teased, making him grin again.

"Fine." The princess sighed. "It's a boy."

"A BOY?!" Thorin roared, earning a swift punch in the shoulder from his companion. "Right. That's nice. Boys are nice. What's he like?" He tried again, earning a nod of approval from Talia.

"He's sweet. He gave me that flower." She pointed to her nightstand, where a rose was beginning to wilt.

"Oh, Dis, you never said that! Bless his heart." Talia stood. "I'll get a vase. We mustn't kill it, now!"

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now