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Talia gasped and shot up, trying to make sense of her surroundings as she came to consciousness. Some noise outside had woken her, something like a howl. She knew nothing of the sort could be good, especially if she had been disturbed in the middle of the night. She checked to make sure Thorin was still asleep beside her before swinging her legs over the armchair, dropping to the ground as noiselessly as she could.

The warrior crept around Beorn's living room, stepping over the dwarves. Her sound was muted with their snores as they slept, unaware of her action. She found she was grateful for that as she unsheathed her dagger, the noise of metal ringing through the air. Adjusting her fingers on the handle, she moved towards the window, where she thought the sound had come from.

What first met her eyes did not shock her. Beorn had remained in his bear form during the night and was now patrolling the house, which he surely did from time to time since he lived in these lands. However, now that he knew Talia was inside, he had remained closer than usual. She watched the moonlight illuminating his steps, following his footfalls carefully. Though he could not see her, Talia wanted to keep a close eye on him, just as much as he did her.

Still, the sound of Beorn's paws thudding on the ground was not what had woken her. Something else was out there, and she was certain she already knew what it was. When she stepped closer to the window, she saw it; sure enough, the Orc pack was surveying the house from the edge of the forest. Talia made out the Defiler easily despite the distance, for she had gained a sixth sense for that Orc. But she was surprised when he turned his back on the house, much to his chagrin. She had no doubt that it was because of Beorn's presence.

Talia lowered her dagger, beginning to turn back towards the armchair. But when a firm hand gripped her shoulder, she whirled around without hesitation, pressing the blade to her attacker's neck.

"It's only me." Thorin whispered, holding his hands up in defense. Sighing in relief, she pulled the blade back, letting her arm fall to her side. "Is everything alright?"

She only gave him a worn look, walking past him and to the armchair. "I'm sorry, it's just... Ever since I saw him, I've been on my guard."

"As have I." Thorin followed her, gripping her arm to stop her. He knew Talia, and he knew she would try to brush her own stresses like they didn't matter. She turned around, shocked at the action. "I won't let him hurt you, Talia."

But she could only offer a half-hearted smile. She was touched by his sentiment, but worried about it's depth. "Don't make promises you can't keep."

Talia turned to leave, but Thorin only pulled her back. "Talia, I meant it."

"I know you did, and that's what scares me. Don't put my wellbeing before yours, ever. I may be the Queen, but you are of the line of Durin. If you die—"

"So what if I die?" He snapped. He couldn't stand to hear her talk like this, like she didn't matter. "I am doing this for my people, not for my bloodline."

"That bloodline is the foundation of this quest, Thorin. If it ends, the quest fails."

"What happened to fighting alongside one another? What happened to giving ourselves to each other, entirely and undyingly? I would go to the end of the earth for you, Talia. What changed?"

"Azog did." She said simply. "I meant our vows the day we gave them, I truly did. But ever since the Defiler got to us, I've realized that I cannot allow you to remain true to them while you are the King. He threw more at us than I ever thought capable, Thorin. He is outdoors literally waiting for us to leave so he can kill us. So he can kill you."

Thorin watched her carefully. His eyes followed her hands as she intertwined them with his.

"Will you promise me something?" Talia whispered, willing her voice not to break.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now