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"Goodbye, Bear-Man." Talia stood taller while Beorn knelt to her height, embracing the larger fellow as best she could. "May your new life continue to be prosperous within your sanctuary." She released him, gesturing to the animals around them.

"I expect another visit when your child is born." The Skin-Changer grinned, leading one of his ponies out to the gates for Talia to use. "Though your few weeks in my company has been pleasant, I should like to meet another who is like you."

"Are you sure you're ready for that?"

"No. But if it is your child, I can bypass the stubbornness." Beorn chuckled softly, ignoring Talia's look of protest. Then, he gestured to the life encompassing his abode, allowing the buzzing bees and the beautiful birds to whizz past them. "He or she will take pleasure in exploring my gardens. While Erebor has many strengths, buried in hard-earned ore and ash, I don't believe tending to nature is one of them."

"Well, back in the day, the kingdom had plentiful gardens." Talia reminded him, allowing herself to drift into memory of a time that had long escaped her. "They were tended to, but no dwarf has an innate talent for such. You're right; your skill is unparalleled. Still, they were beautiful." She smiled, thinking of Tauriel's visits. "One day, I hope they will be so again."

Beorn nodded, helping her secure the last of her belongings to the pony. Then, she swung herself onto the steed, admiring his midnight black mane. The Skin-Changer pet his coat adoringly, giving Talia one last look of caution. "Ride safe, Rue."

"I will." She responded, winking recklessly. "I shall return him as soon as I reach the lake." She said, referring to her pony.

"Thank you." He nodded, backing away as the steed began to stamp. "Farewell."

But Talia shook her head, looking up at her old friend. "Not farewell. I'll still see you in a few months, will I not? How about... see you later?"

"Fine." Beorn agreed, though he wished she'd stop teasing him and begin her journey before nightfall. "See you later, Talia Rue."

With that, the Queen Under the Mountain was off, riding across the plains and back to her homeland. It took her a few days to cross the Greenwood, but under Thranduil's professional curtesy, she was protected; no harm came to her in the forest. As promised, she sent the pony back to Beorn, untying her barge from it's post on the Woodland Realm's docks. It didn't take her long to reach the other side of the lake, and before she knew it, she was home.

Nearly a year and a half ago, she had reached Erebor with no means to enter and was met with a sleeping, bloodthirsty dragon inside. This time, when Talia walked through Dale, people cleared the streets to let her pass. Although she wore the crown of the Queen Under the Mountain, it was not the diadem that the Lakemen respected; the chain holding the mark of the Lady of Dale commanded their attention. And this time, no dragon greeted her with the prospect of death. Instead, her kin met her at the gate to welcome her home.

"How are you, Auntie?" Kili asked, embracing Talia in the typical rough manner of the dwarves.

"Safe travels, dear? Mahal, if anyone tried to lay a hand on you—" Dis began, stepping forward to smooth her hair.

"Kili, not so hard." She whispered, feeling the tautness in her stomach. The weight had hardly begun to show; still, the change of her center was discombobulating. "And good grief, Dis, must our greetings always begin with threats?"

"Come now, they're never meant for you." The princess giggled, hugging Talia. But once she released her, the woman eyed her with a sixth sense that only mothers had. "Something's different about you."

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now