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Once the excitement died down, the masses dug into the delicious dish and began the celebration. Music provided by some of the Elves filled the hall with a delightful tune, which Talia knew would soon be taken over by the Dwarves. Their songs were obnoxiously loud, but she had learned to love dancing. She walked over to Thranduil, Dain, and Bard, joining them at the edge of the stairs.

"Well done, cousin!" Dain boomed, throwing an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into a tight embrace. Talia rolled her eyes to the other two at his dramatics; the dwarf even laughed with an accent. "If I didn't know any better, I would've thought you had been a Queen all your life!"

"Don't be getting all soft on me now, Dain. I may have to whip you back into shape."

"What does she mean?" Bard asked, smirking as he quirked an eyebrow. He was sure he already knew the answer, and judging by the look on Thranduil's face, he was right.

"Only that I kicked his ass back in the day." Dain scoffed at this, but Talia continued nonchalantly. "Broke his nose clean. It took months to heal, if I do recall correctly."

"Why doesn't that surprise me?" Thranduil's features remained cool, but his dark brow and piercing blue eyes told a different, more humorous story.

Talia couldn't believe it. "Did the Elf-King just dare to make a joke?"

"Well, any jest aimed at Lord Dain is welcome in my kingdom." Thranduil replied, but clarified his statement and it's seemingly cold nature. "But as the Queen says, we are one. I meant no offense."

Dain blinked back with a blank stare on his face, shocked that Thranduil was not ridiculing him. Then, he remembered his manners. He offered his hand, showing Thranduil that he welcomed the lighthearted humor. The Elf-King took it, shaking respectfully. It may have been a seemingly insignificant change, for it was over a joke, but their formality was huge to Talia. It was a step in the right direction; maybe Dwarves and Elves were beginning to make amends after all.

"As the Queen says, we are one. I take no offense." Dain responded, perhaps with the most diplomaticy he had ever used. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I shall begin to partake in the evening's feast. My belly tells me that I am desperately needed at my table!" He laughed, clapping Talia on the shoulder before waddling off to his kin.

Once the Dwarf-Lord was gone, Thranduil returned his attention back to the Queen. "Unfortunately, I must shift our discussion to a more pressing matter. My people will return to the Woodland Realm on the morrow. Our wounded have taken this week to heal, and now we are strong enough to depart. We thank you for your hospitality."

Talia smiled, mentally basking in the satisfaction that Thranduil's praise had brought her. "I hope we can arrange for more encounters between our kinds in the future. Under better circumstances, of course. Erebor will always be in debt for your presence in this battle." She paused, drifting into momentary thought. "If I do recall correctly, your people love a good drink—don't they?"

Thranduil grinned, unable to deny it. His kingdom was far from the propriety of Rivendell. "Indeed."

"I should like to try your wine one day. And although your people may not be... inclined to such tastes, we do have plenty of ale to offer."

"I do have my predictions, but only time will tell." His smirk faded to one of polite sincerity. "Enjoy your evening, my Queen." The Elf-King took his leave, turning with respect to his people.

Finally, Talia and Bard were the only two left, enjoying a comfortable silence as they surveyed the crowd. They stood side by side, smiling at the laughter of the Company and the glee of the Lakemen.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now