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Talia raced into his arms, wrapping her own around him when he caught her. She let out a soft sob as he lifted her off the ground, clutching her as close as possible. When he buried his face into her neck, she allowed the tears to fall. Although she was reborn, he was broken—and they both knew it.

"Forgive me."

She sniffled in response, her emotion stirring in her chest. Reluctantly, she loosened her grip on his shoulders to stroke his hair. She knew he needed to be comforted. And after all this time apart, she would give him her soul if it would help ease his conscience.

"Forgive me for everything, Talia." He mumbled softly into her neck. Although she tried to shush him, he would not back down. He had been a coward for far too long. "My words at the gate, in the vaults. What I said about your parents, your mother..."

"Thorin, you were sick." Talia turned to kiss his temple, still running her fingers through his thick dark hair. "It's okay."

"No, it's not. I swore I would fight this, and I failed."

"You forget that I broke my oath, too. This is not your fault."

Thorin pulled away, cupping her cheeks in his hands. "Yes, it is. We both know it."


"If you daresay that you are to blame, then my grandfather and father will relieve you of your oath from the dead. This is my burden, and I will carry the consequences of it for the rest of my life if I must."

Talia tilted her head at the tears in his eyes, whimpering softly.

"I let everyone down, Talia. I am the King."

She pulled him in for another embrace, holding him firmly against her chest. He allowed himself to fall into her, to have a moment of weakness in her arms. Her skin grew hot as a single tear slid down his face and onto her, which neither of them acknowledged. Although they were enjoying this respite, they would have to return to the battlefield. Soon, they would have to be strong again, at least until the war was over.

"Then let's make it right."

Talia brought her lips to his, looping her arms around his neck. Thorin's arms wound around her waist, not having realized how much he had missed her touch. Before, he had been lost in the gold. But with Talia, it was different; it was as though he was found again.

"Come." She whispered as soon as they broke apart. Taking his hand, she led him out of the Gallery of the Kings as he shed his heavy robes.

"We must break down the gate." He said, switching gears almost immediately. Talia had always admired that about him; he was able to selflessly put his feelings aside for the betterment of his people, as a true King would. "Dwalin said Dain is surrounded, and Azog surely has more up his sleeve."

"As much faith as I have in our Company, fourteen dwarves will not make a dent in the war."

"So we go to battle instead." Thorin responded, turning the corner to the gate. "We are the sons of Durin. No matter what, we will fight."

Finally, they arrived before the Company. They had been waiting restlessly by the gate, desperate to join their kin on the battlefield and contribute to the fight over the mountain. Thorin unsheathed his own blade as Talia cleaned hers, but the dwarves were too enraged to see the change in Thorin. Kili was the first to stand, shaking with anger as he approached his uncle.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" He bellowed, pointing his blade to the barred gate. Then, his anger left him as quickly as it had came. "It is not in my blood, Thorin." He whispered, tears welling in his eyes.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now