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"If you don't come back, I'll kill you myself." Dis said, hugging her husband fiercely.

"Noted." Beldan smiled, kissing her brow and bringing his nose to the top of her head. Dis always smelled like honey.

It was the morning their armies were set to leave the Blue Mountains and begin their attack on Moria. Just like everyone else, the royal family was saying their goodbyes, for they would also be split in two between who was to stay and who was to go. Thorin chuckled along with Talia at the sarcastic comment, smiling as Beldan and Dis shared a passionate kiss. As Beldan moved on to say goodbye to his sons, Frerin, Thror, and Thrain all moved down the line, exchanging hugs and kisses with Dis, Fili, and Kili. Eventually, Thorin and Talia were the only ones left.

Thorin moved towards his sister, who nearly knocked him over with a bone-crushing hug. "You're responsible for them, you understand? Please bring them back, Thorin."


"I mean it." She whispered fiercely into his ear. "Be safe for me and the boys. For Mahal's sake."

Thorin smiled, kissing his sister on the cheek. "I will."

Meanwhile, Talia was embracing both of the boys, closing her eyes as she welcomed their touch. She still couldn't believe that Fili was as tall as her. Releasing them, she grinned at the eldest of her nephews. "Keep Kili out of trouble while I'm away, okay?"

"As long as you do the same."

"Deal." She said, kissing him on the brow. Next, she turned her gaze to Kili, nearly getting lost in the deep brown of his eyes. "And you. Make sure that Fili doesn't get too uptight when he watches over you, okay? You still deserve a little bit of mischief."

Kili nodded in response, squeezing her hand as she brought her lips to his forehead, just as she had done to Fili.

The couple traded places, exchanging their final goodbyes. Dis and the boys waved as they left the home, smiling after them sadly. The princess could only hope that it wouldn't be the last time. Thorin and Talia waved back before joining hands and walking on, weaving through the village for the last time as they made their way to their troops.



"Do you think we'll come back?"

Thorin looked to his wife in surprise, though he understood her concern. She had been doubtful of this battle from the start, and he had shared a similar worry despite his support of it. But Thorin knew that they meant it when they swore to love and protect each other until death parted them, and he was not one to break promises.

"We have to, Talia. We always do."

Talia smiled, squeezing his hand as they finally reached their ranks. "Then I am with you, Thorin. Until the bitter end."

Thorin grinned back at her. "Let's kill some Orc."


"For our mothers! For our fathers! For our brothers! For the Sons of Durin!"

"FOR THE SONS OF DURIN!" Thror's battle cry had been reciprocated so much so that the King nearly went deaf. After marching dozens of leagues over the course of a few days, the dwarves had finally reached Moria. Much to the King's delight, Dain of the Iron Hills had also brought his men, which would be a formidable addition to their force. The dwarves prepared themselves to charge at the Orcs quickly approaching them, readying their weapons and painting their faces with determination.

Thorin turned to face Talia, who stood beside him and his grandfather. Cupping her cheek with one hand and grabbing her waist, he pulled her into a short kiss, which she returned with a smile.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now