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The next few days were some of the happiest Erebor had ever seen. Thorin and Talia were finally able to rule their kingdom together, and their kin were overjoyed to finally see it. The King Under the Mountain had finally come into his own, and although his fate was destined to end in fire and burn, he was able to rise out of the ashes with his Queen. Dis, Balin, and Dwalin knew Thror and Thrain were watching happily from above, and that their pride in the pair was just as strong as always. Meanwhile, Kili was excited about the idea of a new family member, not just his ancestors. He and Tauriel awaited their cousin anxiously, which put a smile on the rulers' faces. When the She-Elf was permitted to visit Erebor as an Ambassador of Mirkwood, the kingdom always welcomed her; after all, she and Talia had become as close as sisters.

Despite the joy of new beginnings, there were still remnants of the past that needed to be tended to. Thorin had to work on reestablishing the grandeur of the kingdom that he had once known, and make sure Talia's economic and political foundations stayed stable. He had always known his destiny was that of a King, but it was still quite an adjustment to make from his previously nomadic life. Naturally, his Queen agreed, for it had been long since she had seen action behind any of her titles. But Talia's time as Queen without Thorin had given her some sense of familiarity, and so she turned her focus to what she truly valued; her friends. As much as she hated to admit it, the Company had come to an end. Finally, it was time to say goodbye to their beloved associates.

Thorin and Talia helped the hobbit haul his things onto his pony, grunting slightly from the effort. Bilbo, feeling slightly guilty for accepting their shower of gifts, cringed in response. Meanwhile, Gandalf chuckled in response, leaning on his staff beside his already prepared horse. The behavior was expected from the burglar, for if the wizard knew one thing to be true, it was that hobbits enjoyed their comforts.

"Now do you admit that you've overdone yourselves?" Bilbo huffed, adjusting his cloak after the labor was complete.

"I admit nothing."

"All I can say, Master Baggins, is that I am grateful you did not bring your handkerchief." Thorin replied, corroborating Talia's stubbornness. The three of them shared a smile while Gandalf looked on, happy with the friendship he had cultivated. He truly believed that these smaller moments, of the common folk in their everyday lives, were what kept evil at bay.

Balin's sniffle was what broke up the moment. The wizard patted the dwarf's shoulder, motioning to his breast pocket. In response, the dwarf pulled out his handkerchief, blowing his nose loudly.

"I think you'd best be off, Master Baggins—before Balin begins to bawl altogether."

"It'll surely attract more members of the Company, yes." Gandalf agreed, nodding to Talia and her smirk. "I recall you wished to leave unseen and unheard; well, as much so as the King and Queen would allow."

"This is farewell, my friend." Thorin embraced Bilbo with as much strength as he had outside of Goblin Town. This time, the hobbit was prepared; he returned it gratefully, smiling despite the lump in his throat. Talia could only look on in sadness, reflecting on how much such a small creature had impacted her.

When the moment came, after Bilbo had embraced the rest of their audience, he gripped onto the reigns of his pony, shifting awkwardly. "Well, I think I'll slip quietly away. Will you tell the others I said goodbye?"

But before he could turn, Balin brought himself to speak. "You can tell them yourself."

Bilbo looked back to find the rest of the dwarves standing behind him, taking in their clasped hands and teary eyes. Seeing the sentiment in their eyes, Bilbo's own emotion bubbled up into his chest, and he remembered why he hated goodbyes. He rarely knew how to put such things, experiences, people into words, especially how enormously they had impacted him. The Company would always be a part of him, whether he liked it or not.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now