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Talia woke up early the next morning with sunlight in her eyes, watching as the dawn crept through the trees. Thorin still slept soundly behind her, breathing softly on her neck. Sparing a glance around her, she was grateful for the expanse of the camp; for once, they had some privacy from the rest of the Company. Sitting up, she gently moved Thorin's arm from her side, sparing a glance to smile down at him. She was glad that he had allowed the Company the rest, for he had needed it more than anyone. However, now was the time to take their leave. As much as she would like to stay in this utopia forever, she knew the Orcs would be upon them soon.

She decided to enlist the sleeping dwarf beside her to help rouse the Company, but first she would have to wake him. Normally, she would've taken joy in kicking him in the shin like everyone else, but his body was still worn from his wounds. Grinning to herself, she thought of a solution that she knew both of them would like.

Talia leaned down, putting a hand on his chest as she brought her lips to his. His blue eyes fluttered open, but once they saw her, he pulled her closer to him and closed them in bliss. She grinned as he deepened the kiss, biting his lip playfully to break them apart.



She laughed, lowering herself over him once more and swinging her leg to his other side. Now, she was straddling him, trailing kisses down his neck as her hands gripped his chest. She felt his voice rumble through his body as he let out an almost inaudible moan below her. She loved how she could make him feel.

"Fuck, Talia," He breathed in between kisses, his hands roaming all over her. She pulled herself closer to him, if even possible, and kissed him harder; she loved it when he swore. "What are you doing?"

"Having that fun you said you'd show me." She whispered, energized by the mischief of the morning.

But before she could continue, a voice cleared it's throat from behind, startling both of them. Thorin practically shoved her off him, but she was already rolling away, looking up at the mysterious figure before them.

The wizard's eyes twinkled as he surveyed the pair in their embarrassment. The slightest smile of amusement sat below a quirked brow, though it was basically the only thing holding back his laughter. "I am sure Fili and Kili would like cousins, I am not so sure they would deem this journey the appropriate time nor place for such."

"Good morning, Gandalf." Talia said breathlessly, standing swiftly and dusting herself off. She helped Thorin up, undeterred; she was not easily embarrassed. But Thorin bowed his head, staying silent so as to avoid any further flush in his cheeks.

The wizard chuckled lightly in response, turning on his heel and returning to the Company without another word. While he whacked the dwarves awake with his staff, Talia took to adjusting Thorin's collar, holding in her own laughter through pursed lips as he stared her down.

"Spit it out, Thorin." She teased.

"You always have the worst ideas."

She scoffed, feigning mild offense as she pulled a twig from his hair. "Come on." She grinned, pecking his nose. "There are worse ways to wake up. Besides, I know for a fact that the wizard is much naughtier with the Lady of Light."

Though Thorin's smile showed what he really thought of their chemistry, he had to resort to logic. "Talia, Lady Galadriel is married."

"Tell that to her!" She snorted, making Thorin chuckle. "She clearly doesn't know it."

The pair turned to assist Gandalf in rousing the dwarves, for sun had risen. Although Thorin took to gently shaking his people awake, the ones that got Talia were less fortunate, receiving swift kicks in the shins as they grumbled. Before long, the Company was packed and ready, beginning the next phase of their journey beyond Carrock.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now