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One Month Later

Talia and Kili stood expectantly outside of the gates, hands clasped in anticipation. Balin and Dwalin fidgeted alongside the rest of the Company, as nervous as could be. Still, there were smiles on all of their faces. Today was the day their kin from the Blue Mountains would arrive, according to Dis' latest letter.

"What? Are you nervous?" Kili grinned.

Of course, Kili could naturally see through his aunt's façade and unearth her worried expression. Yet despite her anxiety, she still managed a smile in return. Ever since Fili had died and Tauriel had left, his joy had become rarer and rarer. Talia, like the others, had learned to enjoy his grin in the few moments that it came.

"It's your mother, Kili. Of course I'm nervous."

"You were a sister to her, Talia." Dwalin interjected, though he was enjoying her worry. It was hilarious when she acted so flustered; barely anything in the world caught her off guard. "She'll be overjoyed to hear that you're alive. Or see it, as a matter of fact."

"Wait." Talia turned to Kili, eyes narrowed. "She doesn't know that I'm alive?"

"I may have forgotten to mention it."


"I thought it would be more dramatic! Which is fitting, for you."

The fact that Kili shrugged off her annoyance made her all the more enraged. Balin and Dwalin, along with the rest of the Company, stared on in amusement. When the royal family clashed, it was bound to be entertaining at leastnot to mention hilarious.

"Mahal, Kili! This isn't about dramatics. Don't you think she deserves the truth?"

"It's not like I lied!"

"Well, great. I'll work on your medal." Talia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms as she scoffed. Bilbo cleared his throat awkwardly as Dwalin snorted, conveniently concealing his treason.

"How was I supposed to tell her? With a letter? 'Hi Mum. Hope you are well. You remember Talia, your brother's long lost love, who went missing in battle over a century ago? Turns out she's alive! Hurrah!' Come on!" Kili protested. "She would've sent the raven back to kill me first!"

"Whatever. It's too late now." She shifted her weight, fighting the urge to pace. "I just hope she approves of what I've done with the place. Mahal knows I'm no royal."

In the few weeks that had passed, much had changed in Erebor. According to Balin, all was in order like it once was. All damage from the dragon had been repaired by the Ironfoot, whom Talia thanked repeatedly for their tireless efforts. Dain had shrugged it off and, having decided to end his long overstayed welcome, left soon afterwards. Talia appreciated him for that; although it had taken a war to repair their animosity, she had expected nothing less from the stubbornness of dwarves.

Change was also brewing outside of the kingdom. Dale was revived from it's ashes as if it had never died, and those who had seen the hard work of the Lakemen could not believe their eyes. With Bard's leadership, the town was standing tall once more. Despite how it wobbled on newborn legs, it had managed to root itself back into Middle Earth's prosperous lands. As it had been all of those years ago, the city's trade was unparalleled, hailing goods of all fashions from Mirkwood, the Iron Hills, and beyond. People bustled around the markets, as happy as could be with their homes, business, and families. A new beginning for the Lakemen had come to fruition, all because of the bond between the Queen and the Lord of Dale. The city knew exactly who to thank.

However, Thorin had yet to wake. Talia still visited every day, making sure there was fresh food and water near at all times; just in case. Sometimes, she fell asleep at his bedside, and woke up the next morning to find nothing had changed. He was physically recovered from his wounds, but the mental delay in his comatose state was unprecedented and unpredictable. Maybe everyone was right; at this point, maybe she was hoping beyond hope. But she wasn't ready to give him up yet. Eventually, she knew that the time would come when she would have to.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now