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The Pale Orc leapt down from the height of the towers, charging towards Thorin and Talia mercilessly. Then, he lunged forward, launching into combat. He brought his mace down on them immediately, but the pair had already dodged the attack. When they ducked, the rock that his axe landed in crumbled behind them. Thorin and Talia rolled to stand, blocking each strike he made their way. Their swords clanged against his blade and mace one after the other, the metallic noise ringing through their ears.

While Thorin whipped around to slice at Azog's stomach, Talia dropped low and slid past Azog. He cried out in pain as her dagger sliced through his calf, turning towards her with electrified eyes. With a single kick, he sent her flying down the steps, crashing into the stone below. She groaned at the blinding pain in her ribs, but her vision was already a sinister red. Today was the day that son of a bitch died, and she refused to let him get the best of her.

Once she was back on her feet, she saw Thorin already struggling against the beast above. He was trying to take his attention off Talia, trying to get Azog to see only him. Luckily, Thorin had the advantage; his smaller size gave him speed that the Defiler did not have. The King avoided every blow, leading him down and away from Talia.


Before he could respond, a new cry alerted Talia. The three of them looked up to see Bolg toss a She-Elf aside as if she were nothing, her red hair whipping through the wind. What concerned them more was the dwarf prince that was fighting back, defending her with his life.

Azog looked at her maliciously, seeing the difficulty in her eyes. "What will you do now, Butcher of Beasts?" He snarled, ignoring Thorin as he struggled to his feet behind him. "You cannot save them both."

But Thorin hadn't needed to understand the Defiler to understand her decision. "Go to him, Talia!"

As soon as Thorin had spoken, Azog whirled around to bring his axe on the dwarf again, launching back into combat. While Talia struggled to reach them, for they grew further and further away with each step, Azog turned back to her. "Who will you choose, Talia Rue? Who is more worthy of life?"

"Thorin, I won't leave you—"

"Go, Talia!" Thorin bellowed, blocking another swing from Azog's blade. She gasped as he was sent spiraling on the ice, his back slick with the melting ground and his blood. Now, Azog's Orcs were upon him. From above, Talia could see ten or so of his mercenaries scrambling across the ice, weapons raised at Thorin. He stood alone.

"Go in for the kill! Finish him!"



His eyes caught hers for a split second, and she understood. Like herself, Thorin would die for his nephew if he had no other choice.

So Talia rushed off, skidding up the stairs as fast as she could. Eventually, the metallic ring of their weapons faded away, and she was met with the battle cries of others.

"Kili! Kili!"


She continued to speed up the steps, finally rounding the corner and arriving at the scene. Tauriel had gotten up as quick as lightning and was now assisting Kili with Bolg. The beast of an Orc roared as the She-Elf leapt on his back, raising her sword to bury it in his neck. But Bolg dropped and rolled forward, crushing Tauriel between his sharp armor and the stone. She cried out at the lacerations, clutching her stomach. Bolg gripped his weapon, prepared to go in for the kill. She could not move; her fight was over.

But Kili would not give up. The dwarf jumped off the bridge above and blocked Bolg's attack, wedging his sword between Bolg and Tauriel. His legs wrapped around Bolg's shoulders, forcing him back and away from her. It was then that the She-Elf saw Talia, preparing her blade behind Bolg and Kili.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now