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"Is everything in order for this evening?"

"Yes. With Thranduil's assistance, we have enough food to sustain the Dwarves, Men, and Elves alike. Some of the women from Lake-Town have taken up residency in the kitchens for the day to prepare it."

"Bless their hearts." Talia said, smiling softly. She could just picture Sigrid kneading dough at the counter, teaching Tilda over her shoulder. "Will that be all for today?"

"I believe so..." Balin trailed off, wetting his thumb as he read through the agenda. "Yes." He confirmed, stealing a look at his friend and Queen.

She sighed in relief, leaning back in her chair and running her fingers through her long locks. "Thank Mahal."

The elder dwarf placed a hand on her shoulder gently, smiling when she looked up. "I know you wish to see him."

Talia chuckled softly, though the sound was mirthless. "I feel foolish. It's as though I go there every hour, hoping to walk in on the moment he wakes."

"Maybe," Balin shrugged, unable to deny the truth in the statement. "But it's only natural. You love him."

"Indeed." Talia stood, adjusting her tunic despite the dull ache in her ribs. "Thank you, Balin. I'll see you tonight." She patted his hand, brushing it off her shoulder gently as she walked out of the study.

"Six sharp, lassie!"

"Yes, yes, Balin! I do have a watch!"

A week had passed since the Battle of the Five Armies. The mountain had been won through blood, sweat, and tears, not to mention the unification of the races of good within Middle Earth. After the battle, Talia had taken it upon herself to reopen Erebor, housing the masses and catering to their needs as best as she could. A long conference with Bard, Thranduil, and Dain had been necessary to reach an agreement that suited all, and any personal or general animosities had to be put aside. But with Gandalf and Bilbo's help, a bargain had been struck. For their assistance in defending the mountain from both dragons and Orcs, Talia would grant all of their people refuge. The kingdom's debt to Bard would be paid, and Thranduil's gems would be returned. Despite Dain's objections, she was the Queen, and she was happy to do so. She would always help those in need, as long as they were worthy of it. And like everyone else, she was eager to put the mess that had been the past year behind her.

Although everyone's physical wellbeing was taken care of in the arrangement, there was still an enormous hole of grief within all of their hearts. People had suffered immeasurable losses during Smaug's attacks, the battle, even during the Orc raids aimed at the Company on the road. Homes had perished, as had many of those dear to the living. The survivors were destroyed by the deaths of their loved ones. All Talia could do was hope that they could all rebuild their lives, no matter their race or origin, and emerge stronger than ever before.

Talia was a fair and empathetic ruler, though she was firm when she needed to be. Of course, her people had always admired her, and had known her to be as strong as she currently showed. But Bard, Gandalf, and even Thranduil were impressed, and gained a newfound appreciation for her because of that. Very few saw through her hardened exterior. Still, those who did could tell you that all of her energy was dedicated into maintaining it. She had suffered losses, too. Seeing Smaug and Azog again reminded her of the pain of her father and mother's deaths, an old wound made fresh. Because of all the immediate matters she needed to attend to as Queen, Fili's funeral hadn't even been planned yet.

And Thorin had yet to wake.

Talia walked down the halls, making her way from the royal studies to the medical wing. It felt like she had crossed the entire city by the time she reached his room. Perhaps it was his emotional distance from her, caused by his weakened state, that made the walk so long.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now