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"You didn't kiss her." Balin stated simply, staring at his friend.

Thorin sighed, putting his head in his hands. "No." His muffled voice said between thick fingers.

"With an opportunity like that, I'm afraid that was your chance, lad." Dwalin reiterated, making Thorin moan softly into his hands.

"I may be only ten years your elder, but for Mahal's sake, Thorin, I'm going to scold you like your father. What were you thinking?!" Balin threw his hands up in the air.

The brothers had struck up the discussion after knocking on his door. It was the morning following the ball, and Thorin was to be crowned Head of the Guard today. But before he could even get out of bed, the lads had asked the prince how his night had been, to which he had answered truthfully. Perhaps too truthfully, for they were chastising Thorin on the same move he had kicked himself for before falling asleep the night before.

"I wasn't thinking, clearly." He replied, standing up off of the bed and pacing. "I mean, after all of these years, I really didn't think I had feelings for her, or didn't know it. You two always said there was something, but after the fight, the battle, the feast, it's like my eyes were finally opened to it. Even my goddamn sister knew it before me, and... It's just, it's her. I don't know what to do."

The brothers looked at him sympathetically. They could see how much strain this was causing their best friend, and they only hoped that it would be worth it. To them, it was clear that Talia felt something, too, but one wrong step and it could end messily. Not only for them, but for Balin and Dwalin, too.

"Listen, laddie." Dwalin stepped forward, placing a hand on Thorin's shoulder. "It's all in good timing and health that you've realized this, but don't cause stress where there isn't any. Admittedly, last night was a good window, a really good window..."


"But if it's meant to be between you two, which it is, it will happen naturally. In due time. Worrying yourself, on the other hand, will only worsen the process."

"He's right." Balin interjected. "Things are fine, more than fine, between you two. Once you see her, you won't be frantic. It's only the realization that you're spiraling into, Thorin."

He sighed, smiling to himself. "She would think I'm such a fool." He shook his head, grabbing Dwalin's arm in thanks. "You're both right, as usual. Thank you."

"Our pleasure." Dwalin nodded.

"We've got to go and get our armor on before the ceremony begins. We'll see you there." Balin excused him and his brother, walking out of the room with Dwalin in tow.

Thorin watch them leave, taking up his own metal chest plate and shrugging it on over his head. He knew they were right. He just couldn't stop thinking about her since their embrace; the warmth he felt from her, the sound of her laugh echoing through the streets, the lavender in her hair. It was maddening to him to feel so out of control within himself. He vowed that he would take it out on a dummy as soon as the ceremony was over. Maybe he couldn't voice it to her, but he could punch and kick his way through the frustration.



Talia awoke to hear birds chirping outside her window, opening her eyes to their own home right against her windowsill. She knew it was a nuisance, and probably more damaging than beneficial to the house, but she couldn't bring herself to toss the nest away. Rising from her bed, she stretched slightly, hearing voices in the living room as she opened the door.

The Queen-to-be herself bustled about their small kitchen, frying and whisking to and fro. Theresa sat in her rickety armchair around the table, smiling as she conversed with her old friend. Talia watched as Thorin's mother joked with her own, causing her to laugh and smile. Talia hadn't seen that smile in years.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now