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Just like that, Talia's eyes fluttered closed, her breathing slowing as it became more regular. Gandalf forced the others further out of the way, for their Queen had literally just fallen into the Company from the jaws of the Wargs. Holding a hand to her brow, the wizard closed his eyes, murmuring softly in his language of spells like he had done in Bag End.

Thorin watched over his shoulder with worry, his piercing blue eyes focusing solely on Talia. It was understandable, based on her many injuries, why she had lost consciousness. Her skin was covered in blood, and while most of it was that of the Wargs, the red trickling from her temple and seeping from her side told the Company the origin of the rest. Even through her boot, it was obvious that her foot had swollen since the Warg's jaws had taken it; black and blue bruises speckled that leg nastily.

"Talia Rue..." Gandalf whispered. "Come back to the light."

Then the Queen gasped, her green eyes opening in alarm. Thorin breathed a sigh of relief, holding her close as Oin dabbed at her with a cloth. The Company followed suit, looking down at their leader with reassurance. She smiled up at him, comforted that he was there.

"There." The wizard's voice sounded sonorously as he grunted under his breath, standing once more. "The Queen lives."

"Is she..."

"No, my dear Bilbo, she is not dying." Talia grinned at his words, winking at the hobbit from the floor. "But she does need medical attention, as soon as we can find it."

"I cannot see where the pathway leads. Do we follow it or not?" Dwalin asked hurriedly, knowing Talia didn't have much time.

"Follow it, of course!" Bofur said, not even having to look at his Queen before deciding.

"I think that would be wise." Gandalf agreed, his eyes twinkling as he looked down at Talia. She chuckled softly and she smiled. Although she had restrained herself, she still coughed violently from the effort. The Company grimaced as Thorin and Oin helped her up, the poor woman hobbling on her uninjured foot and using them as balance. "We must make haste." He continued, sparing a glance at Talia before looking at the King.

Thorin's eyes narrowed at the wizard. If his suspicions were right regarding their destination, he would surely have a stern conversation with Gandalf once they arrived. Still, it was clear Talia needed help, so he bit his tongue on the matter. Her green eyes looked up at him, telling him to move on. "Fili, Kili. Come."

As the King reluctantly passed her to their nephews, she nodded him to the front reassuringly. "I'll be fine."

Thorin tilted his head at her words, letting out an inaudible sigh. If she could see herself, he was sure she would think much differently. Still, he moved forward as Oin held up the rear behind the brothers, who practically carried her the whole way through the passage. They journeyed through the stone hall, admiring the craftsmanship that had went into creating it. Clearly, it had not been fashioned by any ordinary Orc. Bilbo ran a hand along the side, nearly gasping as he felt a slight pulsation under his fingertips.

"You feel it." Gandalf smiled down at the hobbit, who looked at him.

For once, the hobbit had no question as to what the force was or why it was there. No matter how foreign the sensation was, he knew he was safe. He just felt it. "Yes."

Then, the Company reached the end of the tunnel, greeting the open rock around them. They were speechless at the sight. The light hit the valley beautifully, marking the clear cut stone from behind and making the glittering river to the left known. Houses of grandeur were nestled into the land, carved with the utmost beauty and grace. The place was the very definition of peace, and Bilbo now understood what he had felt within the passage.

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now