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Talia awoke to see sunlight filtering through the curtains, blowing gently in the wind. Based on the color of the sky, it was only just sunrise. Her side ached and her foot throbbed in pain, yet she was very comfortable within the halls of Rivendell. She felt the soft sheets and mattress, remembering how much she missed such blessings. However, her favorite thing that she had woken up to was her husband, who had his chest pressed against her back and his arm over hers.

Thorin breathed softly against her neck as she shifted underneath him, rolling to see his face. Feeling her motion, he opened his eyes slowly to her green ones and smiled sleepily. "Morning."

"Good morning." She grinned, pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

He hummed against her, feeling her body on his. "How do you feel?"

"Well." She lied, but Thorin only stared into her eyes, forcing the true answer out of her. "Better."

"Good." He grinned, running his fingers through her hair before kissing her forehead. "I'll get us some food."

"Thorin, I can walk, for Mahal's sake—"

"No, you can't. Stay here, at least for today."

She felt the seriousness in his tone and leaned back against the headboard. "Fine."

Thorin got up and pulled on his boots, walking to the door and stretching. But as he swung it open, he was greeted with the weight of his two nephews falling at his feet. They woke up as their faces smashed against their uncle's boots, scrambling to stand from their fetus-like positions. Thorin looked up to the two others at the door, quirking a brow in confusion.

"Were you waiting here with them?"

"No." Dwalin answered, chuckling as Fili fixed his matted hair.

"We just got here." Balin added, grinning at Kili, who was wiping his drool off his chin.

Thorin smiled softly, opening the door to the four of them. "Come in. She's awake."

The younger brothers stumbled inside, still half asleep, but greeting Talia with smiles. She grinned and patted the bed, allowing them to rest with her just like she had when they were young. Yes, Dis was their mother and Beldan their father, but she and Thorin had always been the parents they went to when they wanted to run away, when they wanted to have fun. In moments like those, Talia hadn't even been sure she wanted to be a mother. Being an aunt had been a blessing because she had gotten all the best parts of raising the boys. And now, she saw a glimpse of those moments once more, for which she would be eternally grateful.

As Fili and Kili settled next to Talia, Thorin stood next to his two best friends and advisors, grinning at their family. Talia winked in return, turning her attention back to the boys. "I hope you weren't out there all night."

"Not the whole night." Kili said, interrupting himself as he yawned.

"No. Only after Bofur convinced Kili to get so drunk off the Elvish wine that they could barely walk." The elder prince interjected, enjoying the stern glare from his brother.


Talia sighed, shaking her head and knowing it to be true. "Well, at least it'll give the Elves something to remember us by."

Meanwhile, Thorin had begun to confer with his associates. "I trust Gandalf accommodated the Company for the night?"

"Indeed, though I didn't see him after the reading of the map." Balin mused, giving the evening some more thought. "He and Lord Elrond said they had important matters to attend to."

Rue (A Thorin Oakenshield/Hobbit Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now