Movies in a bottle

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"Peter and Harry!!"
Our Afrikaans teacher yelled for what seemed like the hundredth time. Peter just never knew quite when to keep his mouth shut.
"If I have to speak once more!" She said in her classic Afrikaans accent.

Did that stop him?! It was getting to the point where I couldn't stand it. I understand that he had some brilliant new found relationship with Max's  crush and Harry but,no! His flirting and blabbing was now causing me to get an ear ache.

"That's it!!
"Next lesson i want you far away from Harry and her. You will switch places with William, in that back!!"

Oh no no no, this was not good, as much as Peter moving out of our row made me happy. I didn't exactly want Will to replace him. The thing is, after the movie. Will started acting freakishly weird. Like,
stalker weird. He would excessively, text me online and the type brutally, angry and threatening messages when I didn't answer immediately. He was a psycho.
He did at some point apologize but, I still do my best to refrain from any contact or communication with him.

This is why I couldn't have him move closer to me. Absolutely not.

I was in a row of four people. Starting with Harry, Peter,Gwen aka Max's crush and then me.

Gwen was amazing. We had the same weird taste in music... One Republic, Dean Lewis, Ed Sheeran, Alec Benjamin , James TW and all those other amazing bands. She was so easy to talk to and we both understood each other's 'guy' situations. The only problem was her and Peter were always flirting and laughing, sometimes it was like I  didn't exist. Which was fine, I guess, until my ears started to get butchered everyday.

I went home that day trying to think of a plan to fix this or at least make it less of a potential disastrous situation.

I had barely spoken to Harry. I realized that without athletics we barely talk. I noticed he's a very introverted person when you aren't part of his inner circle. He was just the type of person that's  hard to get through, when you aren't the only two people  in the room. I am kind of an introvert myself until I get to know a person and we are close, so I wasn't exactly going start a conversation. Unless... we were permanently placed next to each other. I still had to admit to myself, I was dying to have another conversation with him,
just so I know it wasn't all in my head.

That's when I figured it out. Peter won't be able to see from the back. He wears glasses but, he'll still complain. So does Harry, he just doesn't need them as much. She HAS to keep them in the front.

The real problem here is that they talk too much to each other so, what if they stay in the same row and they just sperate. Then I would just coincidentally land up next to Harry.
Wink wink
Oh Keo such a genius.
The next day I put on my persuasive face. Marched up to our teacher and worked my magic.

"Ma'am" I said so subtly
"Um, so I was thinking about what you said yesterday, about Peter moving, and I realized he can't actually see from the back but, if Peter and I swop then he will be able to see and still won't really talk so much"
" Oh my dear that's a brilliant idea,
Are you sure you don't mind?"
" Of course not" I said with a treasure cat smile.
The rest of the class walked in
"Peter dear, Keo was kind enough to think of how you can't see. She is willing to move for you!I suggest you thank her."
I went and sat in Harry's old place. I didn't want to be at the end next to the wall but, I needed to get further away from Peter. We hadn't been the best of...aquaintances lately. I guess he still didn't understand how using me in someway to play with my best friend was, Wrong, ON SO MANY LEVELS.

Also I remembered how Harry used to always have to ask me to move forward to get past since, he was Always late for the lesson. He's dodge game of moving to left when I moved left, when he asked me to move was fun but, also got boring at times. Also I didn't need to be dossed by his deodorant everyday whilst trying to get past him. I know what that would do to me.

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