Chapter Five

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Emma's POV
One Month Later (June)

The last month has seriously been one of the best months of my life. I continued to work everyday, auditioning mostly children and teens for the Talent Agency, and finding job connections for the current clients.

We get a lot of casting calls for the children at our agency, and we most recently had two of our actors be in a Disney Channel Original Movie.

Other than work, Ethan and I were still doing amazing. We usually spent Thursday nights together for dates, and our weekends together with Tenley.

Because of the job I had in LA, and my degree in communications and public relations, I got promoted at StarBound pretty quickly. It gave me higher pay, and an extra day off.

Tenley was done for the school year, and I now had Wednesday's off, so I would hang out with her while Ethan was at work.

We had a lot of fun together.

I would always braid her hair for her, and she looked so cute with her two french braids.

Ethan thought the hairstyle was adorable too.

Tenley and I would also play board games, and I would make her lunch. I even took her to get vegan ice cream with me the other day.

She was becoming my little best friend.

I spent a lot of time with Ethan and Tenley, and if I wasn't staying over, I'd at least be at their house at some point in the day.

Last week it melted my heart when we were watching a movie, because it became Tenley's bed time, and she asked us if I could tuck her in.

So, Ethan helped her get some pajamas on, and she brushed her teeth before she climbed into her bed.

I sat down next to her, played with her hair and sang my favorite lullaby to her as she started to fall asleep.

It was dubbed a fan favorite by Ethan six years ago.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

I sang it really softly to her, while still playing with her hair, and she eventually fell sound asleep.

Ethan was standing in the hallway.

I walked out of her room after turning the light off, and I shut the door behind me. Ethan put his hand on the small of my back, and the other one into the back of my hair, and he kissed me so tenderly. So lovingly.

He pushed me up against the wall as our lips moved slowly together.

It was such a loving kiss—a thank you for caring as much as I did for Tenley. I knew it meant a lot to Ethan, and it definitely meant a lot to me too.

It was one of my favorite kisses we've ever shared. It made me feel warm and cozy. It made me feel so so so loved.

Ethan knew that I didn't sing in front of people very often, so if I did it had to mean a lot to me.

I had sang to Tenley for the first time, and he had heard me sing for the second time ever.

That's what this kiss was about.

That was another night that we locked Ethan's bedroom door.

We quietly made love to each other, going slow so it could last, and so that the headboard wouldn't hit the wall—we stuffed pillows behind it just in case.

This was one of the most meaningful nights ever in our relationship so far. I'd say the other one was the night my dad won the court case for custody. That was the night we promised each other it was gonna be us in the end.

Anyway, Ethan made sure to make me feel good, just because he wanted to make sure I knew how much he loves me. I gave the same amount of love and energy back to him. 

One thing that is still the same about our relationship, is that it's a constant cycle of us feeding off of each other's love and falling deeper for each other.

In my opinion, our love was even more beautiful than it was six years ago, because we survived being apart for that long. We made it through, and ended up together again.

Both of us didn't give up on each other, and we were even more in love than we had ever been before.

I didn't know that it was possible to love someone this much.

After we both finished, we took a shower, cleaning each other up and caring for each other.

We got out of the shower and dried ourselves off before putting some pajamas on, brushing our teeth, and climbing into bed.

Ethan also unlocked the door in case Tenley couldn't sleep and she wanted to climb in with us.

We were becoming a little family, and I loved it. I was really starting to feel like Tenley was becoming mine—I was helping Ethan take care of her. I was doing mom-type things for her. Doing her hair, making her food sometimes,
She even started dance class, and I would drive her there when Ethan couldn't.

She really was becoming super special to me, and Ethan could tell that I was becoming important in her life.

As Ethan and I started to fall asleep that night, he kissed my forehead and started telling me about it.

"Emma, Tenley loves you. She really does. I can tell. She loves spending time with you, and she loves that you hang out with her, and that you do her hair sometimes, and that you take her to dance class. You're becoming like a mother to her. You're something that she hasn't been able to experience yet, and she loves it. I love it. I love seeing the way you two get along so well, and the way you care for her is nothing like I've ever seen before. I just want to thank you for being you, and taking her under your wing as if  she was yours."

"Ethan, she is so so so special to me. I love helping take care of her, and she's my little best friend. She means the world to me already. I love being there for her. I love that she didn't even question it when I came back. She just acted like it was normal for me to be around right away, even though she didn't know me that well. She's the sweetest little thing, and I admire and love her so much, Ethan. I'm so proud of you for the way you've raised her to be so kind and loving towards family. And she's seriously the cutest kid on Earth." I responded. A tear slipped out of my eye, and Ethan wiped it away.

"I love you so so so much, Emma."

"I love you too." I said, more tears flowing out of my eyes.

"Emma, why are you crying?" He said, chuckling at me.

"Because I'm so happy, and you and your daughter mean so I much to me."

"What can I say, what's mine is ours."

Ours. He considers Tenley ours.

How is it possible for life to be this perfect?

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