Chapter Eighteen

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Emma's POV
The Next Day

Ethan and I ate breakfast and showered before we packed our things into the Tesla, and made our way to Grayson's house to get Tenley.

We were super excited to see her again.

The front door was unlocked when we got there, so we went inside.

Grayson, Alex, and Tenley were all hanging out in the kitchen.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Tenley said, jumping down from her chair and running towards us.

"Hi, honey." Ethan said, leaning down and scooping her up in a hug.

She hugged him tightly before he put her down, and she ran over to me.

I kneeled down, and she gave me a hug, leaning her head on my shoulder as I stood up with her still in my arms.

"Hi, sweets."

"How was your trip?" Asked Grayson.

"It was fun. The lake was beautiful this weekend." Ethan answered.

"How was Tenley?" I asked.

"Amazing as always, huh, Tenleygirl?" Grayson said.

She looked at me and nodded.

"Good." Ethan said as I set her back down. "Thanks for having her over."

"It's no problem. We have fun together, don't we, Lee?" Grayson responded.

"Yeah! We went swimming yesterday!"

"Wow! Was it fun?" Ethan asked.

"Uh huh! Uncle Gray did a cannon ball!"

"No way!" Ethan said. Tenley giggled.

After we had Tenley say her goodbyes and we gathered her bag, we went to Ethan's house and had a lazy day for the rest of the day.

I ended up going home because I usually go home on Sunday nights due to work being in the morning.

Once Ethan put Tenley to bed, he FaceTimed me, and we talked for a couple of hours while I did laundry and cleaned up around my house.

Studies show that it's good for non-married couples to at least spend a little bit of time apart, so we have a particular schedule worked out, and Sunday nights is one of the nights that I stay home.

Tomorrow is a big day at StarBound, because we have open call auditions so that we can get new clients for the year, and tomorrow is the first day of audition week. I need my sleep.

I went to bed a little after 10 o'clock (I went home from Ethan's around 7, and we FaceTimed from 8-10ish), and I fell asleep with Ethan still on the other line.

The next morning

This morning I showered and put on some dress pants with a light pink blouse, and I put on some comfortable dress shoes because I'm going to be walking around and sitting all day, so I might as well be comfortable.

I grab a granola bar and head out the door with my purse, deciding to run through a drive-they for coffee on the way to work.


I got to my office about a half hour early which is good, because it gave me some time to relax and mentally prepare myself for the day.

I got all of my necessities together and went to the audition room that I was going to be in.

I was assigned with Alicia and another one of our co-workers named Heather to audition the 11-15 year olds.

We started at 8 am, and once lunch rolled around, I was never more happy to eat lunch. I was starving.

The company ordered chipotle for everyone since it was a big day throughout the whole building, and I was able to go downstairs to the lobby and get myself another coffee.

I was able to text Ethan a little bit here and there, and he even sent me a cute picture of Tenley.

Our last audition was at 5, but we had to stay until 7 to go over everyone that we liked.

I ate dinner on the way home, and I called Ethan once I got home. He wanted me to come over, but I was so tired that I decided to stay at my house. Plus it was late.

So, we just FaceTimed again before I got in the shower and started getting ready for bed. Tomorrow is audition day number two.

Ethan knows that it's a stressful week for me, so he's been helping by giving me lots of words of encouragement, and boosting my morale by sending me cute pictures of Tenley.

The next day

Today was pretty much the same thing as yesterday. I got to work early, called Ethan during the half hour I had to relax, did auditions all day, and go home after work because I was exhausted.

Tomorrow is my day off, and I'm really relieved because I need to go grocery shopping, and I get to hang out with Tenley all day tomorrow.

Honestly, I love how comforting Ethan is when I'm stressed. He always calls me during my lunch breaks to make sure I'm okay, and he always finds little ways to make me happier.

He has a way of knowing just what I need, and sometimes just hearing his voice on the phone can help me relax.

Growing up, I never had any super great examples of a healthy relationship to look up to, but Ethan taught me everything that I needed to know.

We have the healthiest relationship I've ever seen, and people even compliment us on it.

Lisa and Sean tell us all of the time that they admire how well Ethan and I take care of each other, and how easy it is to tell that Ethan and I are still falling more and more in love with each other every day.

Since I've moved back, Ethan and I have been out with my friends a couple of times, and they all pointed out to me that they could tell that I was the only thing on Ethan's mind.

He always made me feel like I was the only girl in the entire world, and not only that. He treated me like I was the only girl in the world.

He told me that nobody else but me would ever be attractive to him.

He's one of the most loyal human beings that I know, and I know that if we got through six years without each other and still came back strong, that we can get through anything.

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