Chapter Twenty Nine

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Emma's POV
The Week of Tenley's Birthday

Ethan, Tenley and I ate breakfast, and then we sat Tenley down on the couch.

"Now, Lee. We know your birthday isn't until Wednesday, but we're giving you your present now, okay?" Ethan said.

She nodded while smiling at Ethan. "Okay, Daddy."

I walked over to the side of the living room, where a Princess backpack was sitting.

Ethan and I had previously filled it with snacks and things for her to take on the trip.

She slowly started going through everything that was in it; I'll mention that all of the snacks inside were Disney themed.

We even included a couple of small stuffed animals that were Disney characters.

When she finally reached the bottom of the backpack, there was her ticket to DisneyWorld.

She still couldn't read very well, so Ethan sat down next to her and helped her sound it out.

Once she figured out that it was a ticket to Disney, she jumped up and started dancing excitedly around the room.

I looked over at Ethan, and he was smiling as he watched our daughter dance around the room.

One thing I haven't mentioned, is that the date was set for me to officially adopt Tenley, and it was going to be a few days before Ethan and I were getting married.

I still couldn't believe that I was officially going to be her mother. I'm so blessed.

Anyway, we already had everything packed, and it was time to go to the airport, so we loaded up the car and drove to Grayson's, because he was taking us to the airport.

Once we got to his house, I hopped into the backseat with Tenley, and Ethan sat in the passenger seat of the Tesla. We figured it'd be easier for Grayson just to drive us there in the Tesla so that we wouldn't have to reload the car.

Work smart, not hard. That was one reason I was marrying Ethan.

About an hour later, we had boarded the plane, and luckily all three of us had seats together, so Tenley was by the window, me in the middle, and Ethan on the end.

It was Tenley's first time flying, and she loved it. It was so cute how she was watching as the plane started to lift into the air, and she was being so observant about what was happening.

How the people and buildings were smaller every second, and how the clouds made it look like a layer of snow.

The flight was supposed to be 2 hours long, so we all watched Wreck-It Ralph to pass the time.

After that, we landed, and then we rented a car from the place next to the airport.

We were staying in the Disney Resort, so once we got to the hotel, and put our stuff in our room, we all changed out of our comfy clothes and into our clothes for the park.

Tenley was super excited the whole time. It was adorable.

The first thing we did when we got to the park was eat lunch because we were hungry by the time we got there.

We found a cute little pizza shop, and we got a small table there.

Tenley sat on the corner next to Ethan, and Ethan sat on the corner next to me.

We ordered our pizza, and the workers were dressed like different Disney characters. Of course Tenley was stoked about the whole thing. It was adorable.

It was also really cute to see all of the little kids and their families around the little restaurant. There was a little baby at the table adjacent to ours, and he was really adorable.

Ethan leaned over to my ear. "Want one?"

I gave him a confused look. "Want what?"

"A baby?" He whispered.

"Ethan we already talked about this."

"Come on, Emma can we talk about it?"

"No. I'm not having this argument right now. Not here, and not in front of Tenley. This week is supposed to be about her. I'll think about it, but we're not gonna talk about it again until I say so, okay?"

"You're cute when you're frustrated." He said, kissing me on the nose.

"Ethan, answer my question."

"Okay. I won't talk about it until you bring it up."

"Thank you."

He winked at me before returning back to sit up in his chair.

Luckily, Tenley was too focused on the waitress that looked like Belle who was standing a few tables away to notice Ethan and I slightly arguing.

I wasn't mad, but I was a little disappointed that he would bring it up now of all times and places. This week is supposed to be about Tenley. Not about us. At least he agreed to not talk about it until further notice.

After we were done eating, we started to go on some of the little kid-friendly rides, and Tenley was having a blast. Seeing her so happy definitely made me forget about the little argument Ethan and I just had.

We took her to the Bippity Boppity Boutique, and she decided that she wanted to look like Belle. Belle was her absolute favorite.

It was adorable to see her get her hair done, and she loved the Belle princess dress that they gave her.

She looked so happy once she was all done, and it was definitely something that made her day.

After that, we went on throughout the day, seeing some of the different famous buildings, and going on more rides and attractions.

We stayed for the fireworks show once it got dark out, and it was amazing. They had music playing, and projections of different movies on Cinderella's castle.

Ethan had scooped Tenley up with one arm, and he put his other hand on the small of my back.

I smiled at him and he winked at me before kissing me on the cheek. I leaned my head onto his shoulder, and he tightened his grip around me. Tenley was mesmerized by the fireworks show, and it was a really sweet family moment for all of us.

After the show was over we walked back to the hotel, and we all got ready to go to sleep because it was late.

There were two beds, but Tenley ended up climbing in with Ethan and I, and she was the first to fall asleep.

Ethan was playing with her hair while looking at her.

"Wow. I can't believe she's gonna be five. She's growing up so fast, Em. You know, she's gonna graduate high school when she's 17. It's just crazy to see her getting older now. She's becoming her own person, and forming new interests now. I mean, she absolutely loves dance. She likes science class at school. I love seeing her learn about the world. She's my baby girl, but she's not so much a baby anymore."

I put my hand on Ethan's cheek and stroked my thumb back and forth.

"You are such a good dad to her, Ethan."

"And you're amazing to her. I'll never stop being thankful for the way you stepped up as her mother. I know that you love her the same as you're gonna love the rest of our future kids. I'm just so excited to see how our family is gonna grow. Everything about us makes me excited for our future together. I'm always going to do my best to take care of you and our family. I'm always going to spoil you."

"We're gonna spoil each other, E. I know you're gonna take care of me, but I'm going to take care of you too, babe. I can't wait to see what's in store for us. I love you so much." I responded.

He smiled before pecking my lips, and then my forehead. "I love you too, Emma. Goodnight." He said, scooting down the bed so that he could lay down.

I laid down too, before muttering a goodnight, and then we both fell asleep with our little girl cuddled in between us.

It was perfect.

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