Chapter Twenty Three

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Emma's POV
Two Weeks Later

The last two weeks have been pretty fun. Since audition week was over with, I've gotten a raise in my salary, and I've been working shorter days since there's less work, which means more time with Tenley and Ethan.

We have been doing fun family activities together, such as going to a Chicago Cubs baseball game last week. It was adorable to see Tenley enjoy her first live baseball game. She loved it, and we all had a lot of fun together.

Tonight we are all going over to Lisa and Sean's for a family cookout, and it's going to be fun.

Today is Saturday, so it's been a pretty lazy day at Ethan's house, hanging out with him and Tenley.

Once we got to Lisa and Sean's house, we greeted everyone, and Tenley immediately started running around in the backyard with Grayson, Cameron, and Sean, and Ethan and I were helping Lisa and Alex with bringing the food out to the patio.

Everyone sat down at the table, Tenley in between Ethan and Grayson, and me next to Ethan. Lisa and Sean say by Cameron who was sitting on the other side of me, and Alex was sitting in between Lisa and Grayson.

We ate some good vegan food, and had a good time catching up as a big family.

Once everyone was done eating, Grayson and Alex stood up.

"We wanted to tell you guys something." Grayson said, smiling at Alex. He pulled what looked like a piece of paper out of his pocket, and he unfolded it.

It was a sonogram.

"We're adding someone to the family!" Alex said.

Everyone got up and started hugging them, and saying how happy they were for them.

After I gave Grayson and Alex hugs and congratulated them, Tenley tapped me.

"What's going on?"

"Tenley, you're going to have a baby cousin." Ethan said. He was standing right next to me.

"Yay!" Said Tenley. "Now I'll have a little kid to play with!"

Ethan smiles at her and ruffled her hair before Grayson came over and scooped her up for a hug.

"Is it gonna be a girl, Uncle Gray?" She asked. He laughed.

"Maybe, Lee. We'll have to see."

After that, everyone went inside and we all sat on the couches in the living room, and hung out for a while.

It got kind of late, and Tenley was getting tired, so we all said our goodbyes and headed back to Ethan's.

We got Tenley ready for bed and tucked her in, and then Ethan and I went into our room and shut the door.

He put his arms around my waist, and looked into my eyes.

I couldn't read his expression.

"What's up, E?"

"When are we gonna have one?" He whispered.

"Have what?" I asked.

"A baby."

I chuckled and put my arms around his shoulders.

"You really want a baby?"

"Kind of."

"Maybe in the near future, but I don't think it's a good idea right now, E."

"Why not?" He asked, tracing his finger along my jaw.

"It's just that I'm still kind of getting used to living in Chicago again, and we don't even live together, and I wanna enjoy being a small little family with you and Tenley for a little while longer."

"Move in with us." He said. His eyes traveled back and forth between mine to read my expression.

"Okay." I whispered.

He immediately moved my chin upwards so that my lips could meet his.

His warm lips moved softly against mine, and then he kissed my cheek, and my neck, nuzzling his face into my shoulder as he gave me a tight hug.

"I love you so much, baby." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said, smiling at him. He kissed me on the lips again before he picked me up and carried me to our bed.

He laid me down, before he went to his closet and threw a t shirt at me.

I changed into it and took off my shorts before he changed into some sweatpants.

I got up and brushed my teeth, and Ethan brushed his while I laid back down.

Once Ethan was done, he smiled at me while he was walking over to his side of the bed, and then he laid down next to me.

He pulled me over so that I was laying on top of him, and then I smiled at him before pecking him on the lips.

His hand traveled underneath my shirt, and to my back, and his thumb stroked back and forth across my skin as our lips were melting together.

Eventually he rolled us over so that he was hovering over me while we were making out, which soon turned into us quietly making love to each other.

His lips traveled all over my neck and jaw as our hips rolled together, and I squeezed his shoulder and kissed his lips as I reached my high for the night.

It didn't take him long to finish after me, and then he pulled out and laid down next to me.

We both adjusted our comfy clothes before he pulled me into his arms and kissed my lips again.

I smiled against his lips as we kept kissing, and his hand traveled to my ass and squeezed it. He was feeling pretty happy about me moving in soon.

Ethan and I have a huge future ahead of us. I know that just by the conversation we had earlier. He wants a baby. Knowing Ethan, he'll be willing to wait until I'm ready to have one.

In my opinion, it's good to take things one step at a time, and moving in with Ethan and Tenley is the perfect step for where we are at right now.

He's the love of my life, and I wanna heavily cherish every step of life that we'll go through together.

Ethan's POV

I'm so fucking excited to propose to her. There's six weeks until her birthday, and I've never been more pumped to do something in my life.

Six more weeks.

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