Jacket (Angst/Fluff)

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(TW: Feeling bad about your role in a relationship, light crying, lil' bit of swearing)

 Remy was confused as heck. He had picked up his husband from work a few hours ago, but he was acting... strange. They'd normally be snuggling and watching Gravity Falls on the couch, but Emile had been clicking away on the computor since they had gotten home. Remy was holding onto the hope that Emile might join him on the couch, but the odds weren't looking too good. Remy had no idea what Emile had been so busy doing, and he didn't want to break Emile's concentration so he decided to just scroll through TikTok.

He was deep down the rabbit hole of the For You page when Remy heard sniffling. He looked up over his phone towards Emile, who was hunched over in his desk chair resting his forehead on his palms.

"Em? You good?" Remy called across the room. Emile didn't respond, so Remy sat up. He was about to get up and walk over to Emile's side when he was practically tackled by a blur of beige and pink. He stumbled back onto the couch, Emile hugging his torso. Remy had no idea what was happening, but he hugged Emile back.

"I love you." was all Emile gave as an explanation.

"I love you, too, Flower." Remy kissed his sweetheart on the top of his head. "Is everything alright?"

Emile was hesitant to answer. He laid his head on Remy's chest, picking at the couch cushion.

"A patient just got me thinking." He began explaining. "They were talking about how their partner is always away doing work stuff. They said that it was completely ruining their family since the partner wasn't home nearly enough. That just got me thinking..."

"What about?" Remy held Emile closer. It took a while for Emile to be able to speak steadily enough to answer.

"What if I'm slowly destroying our relationship by leaving you alone for forty hours a week?" He muttered, barely audible. His words made Remy freeze up. Remy looked down at Emile, who was avoiding all eye contact.

"Em, you aren't destroying anything. I'm alright on my own for a few hours a day. I'm clingy, but not that clingy." Remy tried to be reassuring, but his response didn't seem to help. In fact, this response seemed to make it worse. Emile tightened his entire body, laying completely still. "What's the matter, darlin'?"

"I... I know you're okay with being apart for a few hours.... but I'm not." Emile sniffled and wiped his face on his shoulder before continuing. "I miss you. Like, a lot."

"Babe, we see each other everyday. It's just for a few hours."

"I know..." Tears started building up in Emile's eyes. He had a feeling that the level of clingy-ness he was showing wasn't super appealing. "I don't know why I miss you so much when I'm not gone for very long."

"You don't have to understand your feelings. That's too high a bar to set for yourself." Remy said plainly. He started rubbing Emile's back. "It's okay to have feelings. Don't beat yourself up over having feelings."

Emile smiled weakly, shutting his eyes.

"I'm not trying to. I just know I'm being annoyingly clingy."

"Bitch, no you ain't." Remy snapped like the sassy gay he is. Emile lifted his head to look at his husband.

"Are you sure?"

"Hun, we're married. Clinginess ain't a problem." Remy smiled, planting a kiss on Emile's soft lips. A few tears rolled down Emile's cheek as he leaned into Remy. Remy wiped the tears away with his thumb while deepening the kiss. After a minute of soaking up each other's warmth, Emile broke off their lips.



"I love you." Emile said shyly. Remy was still confused as heck, but he smiled and run his fingers through Emile's fluffy hair.

"I love you more."

"I love you most." Emile grinned. He loved being able to express his love for Disney and Remy at the same time.

"I've got an idea." Remy said, a small smirk on his face.

"Should I be afraid?" Emile asked.

"Nah." He sat up, slipping his arms out of his signature leather jacket. Emile sat up with him, watching curiously. Once he got it off, Remy wrapped his jacket around Emile's shoulders. Emile smiled to himself. The jacket was warm, and it smelled like Starbucks coffee. Emile wasn't a huge fan of coffee, but the smell always made him think of his Remy. "Wear it to work and pretend it's me hugging you close."

"Thanks, mi amor." Emile pecked Remy's cheek, which made Remy blush sofly. Emile giggled and laid his head on his lovers shoulder. They spent the rest of the night cuddling on the couch, finally getting around to watching Gravity Falls.

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