I'm Afraid (Slight Angst/Fluff)

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(TW:  Clinginess ig?, swearing)

 Emile and Remy were snuggling in bed. It was getting to be a little late, and Emile was in a very cuddly mood. He had wrapped his legs around Remy's and hugged his torso. Remy was playing it cool, but he found Emile's sudden increase in physical affection really f***ing adorable.

"Rem?" Emile said in a small voice. Remy kissed his head before responding.

"Yes, Lilac?" Remy purred in his lovers ear. Emile got small goosebumps and nuzzled closer to Remy.

"Can you promise me something?"

"Sure, darling. Anything."
"Promise... that you'll hold my hand whenever I get scared?" Emile's voice trailed off towards the end. Even in the dark, Remy could see a small blush on his face.

"Of course." Remy smiled, kissing Emile's cheek softly. Emile smiled back lovingly and pressed his forehead against Remy's. They both closed their eyes, just enjoying being next to each other. After a few seconds, Emile intertwined his fingers in Remy's, holding onto his hand. Remy's eyes fluttered open and he looked at Emile slightly worried. "Are you scared, mi amor?"

Emile nodded slowly, burying his face in the crook of Remy's neck. Remy wrapped one arm around Emile's back and used his free hand to stroke Emile's hair.

"What are you scared of, pumpkin spice?" Remy asked.

"I'm... scared that if I let go of you, you'll disappear." Emile answered, his voice very quiet and shy. "Is that... weird?"

Remy was absolutely stunned by how f***ing adorable his little fluffball was being.

"HOly S***! How does he do this to meeeee?" Remy thought before looking Emile in the eyes, holding his hand tightly.

"I'm always going to be here, Em." Remy said reassuringly. Emile smiled shyly and kissed Remy's nose.

"Thank you, Rem."

"Anytime, flower."

They spent the rest of the night spooning. Remy found it nearly impossible to fall asleep when he was being showered with love and affection, but after Emile fell asleep, he managed to get some rest.


Remy woke up the next morning to the sound of something rustling under his chin. He immediately knew that Emile was nuzzling into his chest. Placing a hand on his lover's head, Remy considered going back to sleep. Before he could make that decision, Emile's eyes fluttered against his neck, giving Remy accidental butterfly kisses. Remy bit his lip and flushed light red. Emile yawned and opened his eyes all the way.

"Morning, sweetums." Emile squeezed his eyes shut and stretched, arching his back to get rid of any tension. "How'd you..." he yawned mid-sentence. "... sleep?" Remy cracked a smile and rubbed his nose against Emile's.

"I slept fabulously. You?"

"I slept pretty well." Emile smiled. He lifted his hand to rub his eyes, but found that Remy was still holding onto his hand. Emile blushed softly. "Y-You're still holding on?"

Remy shrugged and yawned. "I guess so. I said I'd always be here, remember?"

Emile thought his heart was going to burst from the amount of love he felt in that moment. He kissed Remy briefly before shifting in the bed.

"Want to get breakfast?" Emile asked. Remy laughed slightly at how quickly Emile had switched gears.

"Sure thing, love." Remy kissed Emile's forehead and got up to go make pancakes.

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