Night on the Road (Fluff)

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(TW: kissing, I think that's it)

 Remy and his older brother Roman had planned this trip for months. They'd always wanted to do a cross-country road trip for years. They wanted to go to the biggest theater and Starbucks in each state. It was a dream they'd had for a while. When Remy got a boyfriend, Emile Picani, he begged Roman to let him tag along. It hadn't taken long for Remy to realize how much of a mistake that had been. Every chance he got, Roman would tease Remy about his feelings for Emile. It was relentless. It was pissing Remy off.

They were on the fifth day of the trip, and the sun was setting. Roman was the designated 'night driver', so Remy and Emile had the backseat to himself. Remy didn't want to make eye contact with his brother, so he sat in the seat behind Roman's. Emile was leaning onto the window looking at the sunset. Remy smiled softly at how cute he was being.

"Remy!" Emile gasped suddenly.


"The sky matches my hair!" Emile said airily. Remy laughed and ruffled Emile's pink hair.

"Damn right it does." Remy said. Emile smiled sweetly and looked from the sky to Remy. He leaned over the middle of the row and kissed his cheek. Remy knew his face was probably some shade of red. His suspicions were confirmed when he heard Roman snickering. "Eyes on the road, Ro."

"You'd know about wandering eyes, wouldn't you, Rem?" Roman smirked, making Remy blush harder.

"Shut the f*** up."

"Remy..." Emile said in a stern tone. He was giving Remy the 'parental' look. Remy sighed and braced himself for even more teasing from Roman.

"Shut the front door." Remy muttered. He was happy to see Emile smile proudly, but much less happy to hear Roman snort with laughter.


The sun had gone down a while ago. It was around 11:30, and the trio was listening to Roman's Disney playlist for the ninth time. Now that it was dark, Remy's blush wasn't nearly as noticable. Emile and Roman had been singing along with the radio, although Emile let Roman take the spotlight for the majority of the songs.

Remy wasn't nearly as big of a Disney fan as Roman, but he knew his fair share of the songs. He was waiting for one song in particular to come on. After waiting for what felt like hours, the song came on.

"All those days, watching from the window. All those years, outside looking in. All that time never even knowing just how blind I've been."

Tangled was one of Emile and Remy's favorite movies to watch together. Emile related to Rapunzel, and Remy could see a little of himself in Eugene. Roman knew this, so he shut his baritone mouth. Remy listened to Emile singing Rapunzel's part quietly. He was ready to surprise him by joining in as Eugene.

"All those days, chasing down a daydream. All those years, living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing things the way they were." Remy sang. Emile looked at him with an expression of shock, surprise, and pure happiness.

They continued the song together. Emile shifted closer to Remy, shyly entwining their fingers. Remy smirked and squeezed Emile's hand. Even in the dark, Remy could see a slight blush on his boyfriend's face. It was moments like these that made Remy remember how he fell for Emlie in the first place. Emile made him feel like a different person. A better person.

"All at once, everything is different now that I see you." They sang, pressing their foreheads together. Remy knew that Roman was probably watching them, but honestly? He didn't give a sh**. Roman didn't matter right now. All that mattered was Emile.

"Now that I... see you." They finished the song with a tender kiss. Remy cupped Emile's cheek with one hand and held him closely by the waist. They both turned their heads to deepen the kiss. The two of them soaked up the other's presence for a few minutes before pulling away. The instant their lips were separated, Remy braced himself for more comments from Roman. Surprisingly, he didn't make any.

"Hey, Roman?" Emile spoke up.


"Can I request some songs?"

"Sure. You got a playlist in mind?"

Emile nodded and Roman handed him his phone. A few seconds later, the three of them were listening to the soundtrack from the Steven Universe movie. Emile grinned cutely and hummed along to Happily Ever After. Remy yawned and went to grab a blanket from his backpack, when he remembered that he was still holding onto Emile's hand. He smiled shyly and took out his blanket single-handedly.

Once he was settled with his blanket, Remy was ready to catch some sleep. Emile snuggled up next to him as closely as he could without unbuckling his seatbelt. Emile laid his head on Remy's shoulder and fell asleep pretty quickly. Remy kissed Emile's head before laying his own head on Emile's.

"Rem?" Roman said out of the blue.


"How long do you plan on staying with him?" Roman asked. A little taken aback by the question, Remy stared at the back of his brother's head for a second before looking down at Emile.

"How long is forever?" He asked, smiling lovingly at his sleeping boyfriend. Roman nodded and kept driving, letting the two of them fall asleep snuggling in the backseat.


Remy felt something moving underneath his chin. He opened his eyes and saw that Emile was shifting around a lot. His face was scrunched up and he had a troubled expression. Remy put together pretty quickly that his boyfriend was having some kind of bad dream.

He held Emile tightly, rubbing his back gently. A little while of comforting cuddles seemed to calm whatever nightmare Emile was having. Emile stirred half-awake and looked up at Remy.

"Hey, Remy?" He said in a small voice.

"Yes, Flower?" Remy purred.

"I love you." Emile snuggled into Remy's chest before quickly falling back to sleep. Remy chuckled and kissed his head.

"I love you, too, Lilac." Remy whispered.

Roman was overwhelmed with cuteness overload.

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