Firsts (Adoption AU Part 3)

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(TW: None)

It had been a few months since Remy and Emile first brought their daughter home. They were trying to stick to the schedule that Logan had drafted up for them, but it was proving difficult. Even though the couple was trying to stick to Logan's schedule, Opal definitely wasn't.

She was up at the most ungodly hours, squalling her head off. Remy was usually the first to get up and find out what she needed, but sometimes he was just too tired. Emile tried his best to help out whenever he wasn't dealing with patients over email.

They had moved Opal's crib into their bedroom after getting tired of walking back and forth. It was late at night, and the two worn out men were cuddling together. They were enjoying this rare quiet time. It didn't last. Opal started crying loudly, waking Emile. Without having to think twice, Emile untangled himself from his sleeping husband and picked up Opal.

"Shhhh. What's the matter?" Emile soothed, lightly bouncing the bawling baby girl. "We just changed you and you ate less than an hour ago. I don't get why you're still crying."

After a few minutes of trying to calm Opal down, Emile felt a pair of arms snake around his waist. Remy laid his head on Emile's shoulder, hugging him closely.

"When did she eat last?" Remy yawned.

"About forty minutes ago."

"Last change?"

"Ten minutes ago."

"What's wrong then?"

"No idea." Emile sighed, rocking Opal in his arms. Remy suppressed another yawn and kissed Emile's neck softly. "Babe, quit it!" He giggled.

Opal stopped crying.

Remy and Emile both looked at her crystal blue eyes. She had completely stopped crying and was looking at her dads, who were both in shock.

"Did... did you do something?" Remy asked.

"If I did it wasn't on purpose."

"Well whatever you did, it worked." Remy chuckled, nestling his head in his husbands neck, coaxing more giggles out of him. Opal watched, smiling with her mouth hanging open. Feeling a bit mischievous, Remy tickled Emile's sides. Emile laughed and tightened his hold on Opal as to not drop her. Remy stopped dead in his tracks when he heard something else along with Emile's laughter.

"Shh!" Remy pressed a finger against his husband's lips, silencing him, and letting them both hear the second sound Remy had heard. Opal was squealing and breathing heavily, as if she was laughing silently. Emile's heart leapt at the sound.

"Her first laugh!" Emile said in a hushed voice. Remy nodded, still hugging Emile by the waist. "She's so perfect."

"Well, you'd know about perfection, wouldn't ya?" He purred.

"Not now, Rem." Emile blushed, rubbing Opal's back with his hand. Remy chuckled and let go. "I didn't mean 'go away'." Emile chuckled. Remy shrugged and wrapped his arms around Emile again. The two stood in the dark, with their happy little girl slowly falling asleep in her dad's arms.

Once she was asleep, Emile carefully put her back in the crib before crawling back in bed with his loving husband.


Opal was 10 months old. Emile had been forced to go back to working in his office, but Remy had been doing pretty okay taking care of her while Emile was at work. Emile didn't like being away from his family, but he had to make ends meet. Besides, today's patients were some of his favorites. He was particularly eager to see his fifth patient of the day.

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