Magic Marker (Soulmate AU Part 2)

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Part 2 of the Soulmate AU that Deku_Squad2277 requested!

It had been almost a week since Remy and Janus broke up. Since then both Remy and his parents had noticed the numbers written on his palm. While Remy's dads strongly suggested that he give the number a call, but Remy really didn't feel like it.

"I'm just saying! You could find out who your soulmate is right now if you wanted to."

"Dad! We've talked about this." Remy snapped as he slipped his jacket on. His dads were worried about him and decided that a Starbucks run might help. Though they knew that Remy wouldn't want to go with them, so they simply gave him a gift card and the car keys.

"I know, but you aren't even the tiniest bit curious who it is?"

"Ro, I love you but shut up."

"Virge~! It's his true love!" Remy's dad complained. "You know what, what's the number on his palm. I'll call his soulmate myself."

"Honey, that's weird."

"He can't just ignore them!"

"Yes he can, and you need to back off."

"I'm leaving!" Remy yelled before hurrying out the door. He didn't want to hear anything else his dads had to say.


Emile wasn't sure if he wanted to meet his soulmate anymore. He had told himself that they hadn't turned 21 yet, but when a huge mark appeared across his face, he couldn't use that excuse anymore. He had to accept it: His soulmate was ignoring him.

"I need green tea."

The second he was done with work, Picani drove to the closest Starbucks to get a cup of tea. He would normally make his own at home, but today he just didn't feel like it. Picani got himself a cup of green tea and found a seat in a booth by the windows. He watched couples sitting together, sharing drinks and quick kisses.

It definitely didn't make him feel better.

After a few minutes of feeling bad for himself and drinking his tea, Emile noticed a frustrated looking boy standing in line to order. He was dressed in jeans, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket. Emile was admittedly confused why he was wearing a glove on his left hand, but maybe it was some sort of medical condition. Either way, he was a grade-A cutie.

Emile tried not to watch him too much, but his eyes kept wandering back to the boy in line. He couldn't be more than a year younger than Picani. Once he got his coffee, the boy started to look around for a place to sit. The Starbucks was fairly busy, so his options were pretty limited.

"Need a seat?" Emile asked without a second thought.

"Yeah... do you mind?"

"Not at all."

Emile gestured to the other side of the booth, signaling for the boy to sit down. As he got settled, Emile spotted his name written on the side of his cup: Remy.

"Thanks." Remy said, taking off his sunglasses and setting them on the table.

"It's no problem. I wasn't waiting on anyone or anything."

"Heh. Do you come here often? I've never seen you around."

"I don't typically like to go out anywhere. I'd much rather be at home."

Emile and Remy talked for a while, both learning quite a bit about the other. The two strangers had a lot more in common than they thought. They both loved green tea over all other types, they both were raised by two loving dads, and they both had issues with the whole 'soulmate' thing. Emile's was blatantly ignoring him, and Remy's had caused him to lose the one person he thought he was meant for.

"I know I'm probably going to end up loving them anyways, but right now I think my soulmate's a total asshole. What kind of jerk doesn't even give a reason for why they're ignoring you?" Emile vented.

"Yeah... total asshole. Well, whoever yours is I hope you find them.." Remy said taking an extra long sip of his coffee.

"I hope you find happiness, even if it's not from finding your soulmate."

"How can I be happy if I'm alone?" Remy laughed.

"You don't need another person to be happy. You don't even need to love another person to be happy. All you need to love is yourself." Emile explained. He'd said the same thing to a patient earlier that day, but the line seemed applicable here too.

"It's not so easy to love yourself. Especially if you're a piece of sh*t like me." Remy said, taking another long sip.

"You're not a piece of sh*t, Remy. You seem like a genuine enough guy. You're funny, pretty intelligent, and just a nice person to be around."

"Do you, like... have a crush on me?" Remy teased and gasped, feigning drama. Emile rolled his eyes.

"Don't ridiculous. We just met, like, twenty minutes ago." Emile laughed and propped an arm on the table between them. "The only people who move that quickly are lovesick-soulmates. And I haven't spotted... a single...sign... that we're..."

Emile's voice trailed off as a blurry black stain started trailing down his palm. Confused, he furrowed his eyebrows while staring at his hand. It almost looked like there were... letters? Maybe his soulmate was trying to write their name or something? Then Emile remembered that he was mid-conversation.

"I can examine the stain later. Right now, I want to talk to Remy." Picani thought. He shook off his confusion and looked back up at Remy, who looked absolutely mortified.

"Remy? Is something wrong?" Emile asked. Remy set down his cup and showed Emile his hand.

His cup had been sweating, and the letters of Remy's name coming off and smearing on his hand. The two looked at each other in shock for a little while before Remy took off his glove, showing Emile the phone number written on in.

"This you?"

"Y-Yeah." Emile nodded, still dumbfounded by the situation. He took a second to compose himself before pulling out his phone. "Since I've got you right here you can't ignore me. Give me your number right now, asshole."

Unsurprisingly, Remy was happy to oblige.

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