Adoption AU (Fluff)

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(TW: Mention of a potential panic attack, let me know if I missed anything)

In honor of Easter/new beginnings, here's an adoption AU!

Remy and Emile were going for a walk through their neighborhood together, hand-in-hand.  They were both lost in thought, but for completely different reasons.  Emile was thinking about how happy he is with where he was in life.  He had his fantastic husband, a secure job, and everything was going right!  He couldn't think of anything that could possibly make him happier.  Remy on the other hand was thinking about only one thing.

He had been pondering something for a little while and really wanted to hear Emile's opinion on the matter, but he was also terrified to bring it up.  It was pretty serious and Remy had no idea how Emile would react.  As they walked past a small family, made up of two parents and two small children.  The instant they had enough distance between them and the family, Remy gathered up his courage and spoke.

"Hey, Em?"  Remy blurted out before he could mentally talk himself out of it.

"Yeah?"  Emile looked Remy in the eye smiling in his usual sweet way.  The direct eye contact made Remy even more nervous.  He looked down at the sidewalk and bit his tongue for a second.

"What do you think about kids?"

"Well, I don't see them very often in the office but the few I do see have been decent enough."

"No, like..."  Remy felt his face heating up.  "Not like patient-wise."  He was regretting bringing this up at all.

"Like... family-wise?"  Emile asked.  Remy nodded slowly, extremely nervous for what Emile would say next.  "I think that it'd be a lot of responsibility, but it would be nice."  Emile smiled shyly while he answered Remy's initial question.

"Would you-... uhh.."  Remy struggled to get the words out.

"Would you?"  Emile asked, knowing exactly what Remy was suggesting.

"I mean.. maybe, yeah?"

"If we did, you know you'd have to be more of a stay-at-home dad.  You couldn't go out nearly as much."

"I know."  Remy felt a small smile creep onto his face.  He knew that he'd have to adjust his lifestyle quite a bit, but it was something that he was very willing to do.

"Do you think you could handle taking care of a baby, love?"  Emile believed that Remy could handle it, as long as he was really committed.

"I think so.."

"Okay, then."


"Okay."  Emile nodded and kissed Remy's cheek.  Remy was definitely surprised but at the same time very happy with how this conversation had gone down.


It had been nearly a year since Remy first brought up the idea of having kids.  Now they were playing the waiting game.  They had met with a woman, Mrs. Shiva, who was putting her soon-to-be-born child up for adoption and were basically just waiting for the baby to be born.  In the meantime, they were reviewing every single thing that they needed to be done before bringing the baby home.

Emile had volunteered to do the decorating of the nursery while Remy got basic needed furniture, such as a crib, changing table, dresser, and rocking chair.  They didn't know what the gender of the baby would be, so they wanted it to be pretty gender neutral.  Emile went all out, making a Winnie the Pooh themed nursery.  Once the nursery was completely put together, they felt satisfied with how it turned out.

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