"Little Shop of Horrors" AU: Part 1

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(TW:  Abusive relationship, crying, heavily implied murder)

Remy ⇨ Seymour

Emile ⇨ Audrey

Logan ⇨ Mushnik

Emmy II ⇨ Audrey II

Deceit ⇨ Orin

Remy finished collecting the day's profits from the cash register. He couldn't believe how much his life had changed in the past few weeks. Business was suddenly through the roof, he had gone on about a million radio interviews, and he just partnered with his boss. Everything was finally going right, all thanks to his plant.

"Well, I"m going to head home for the night. I'll see you in the morning, Two-ey." Remy said, walking over to the store's front door. As soon as his hand made contact with the doorknob, he heard an all-too-familiar thud. "Not this again~."

His plant, the Emmy II, had a tendency to wilt anytime it was remotely hungry. That wouldn't normally be a problem, if the plant didn't eat blood exclusively. Remy knelt down next to the plant.

"Look, I haven't got much left." He said, holding up his nine bandaged fingers. "Give me just a few more days to heal, and we can start again on the left hand."

"Feed me." A small voice groaned. Remy froze instantly.

"D-Did someone say something?" He asked, looking around what he was pretty sure was an empty store.

"Feed me." The voice said a little clearer. It was then that Remy noticed that the voice was coming from the plant at his feet.

"Two-ey? You-You opened your trap, your thing, and you said-!"

"FEED ME, SANDERS! FEED ME NOW!" The plant shouted, rising up from the floor. Remy stumbled backwards.

"I-I haven't got much left! What do you want me to do? Slit my wrists?"

"Feed me."

"Does it have to be human?"

"Feed me."

"Does it have to be mine?" Remy's voice cracked.

"Feed me, Sanders. Feed me all night long. If you feed me, Sanders, I can grow up big and strong."

"Look, you're a plant, and you need blood. What do you want me to do? Kill people?"

"I'll make it worth your while." The plant smirked.

"Wh-What?!" Remy cried. "Y-You're a plant! An inanimate object!"

"DOES THIS LOOK INANIMATE TO YOU PUNK?" Emmy II shouted, wiggling its branches. "If I can talk, and I can move, who's to say I can't do whatever I want?"

"Like what?" Remy asked apprehensively.

"Like deliver, pal. Like see your greasy little heart gets everything it desires. How'd you like a jacket of real leather hides? Or a guest shot with the Sides? How about a brand new ride? You're gonna git it."

Remy took a few seconds to process what the plant was saying to him.

"I.. don't know..." Remy said in a low voice. "I have a bad feeling about this, boo."

"Look, if you want to be profound, if you want to justify, take a breath and look around; a lot of folks deserve to die~."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute!" Remy shouted over Emmy II. "That's a real b****y thing to say!"

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