Coming Home (Adoption AU Part 2)

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(TW: None)

"Wait out here." The nurse told Remy and Emile before dipping into a room. There were two chair outside the room, presumably meant for waiting couples to use. Emile sat down immediately, but Remy couldn't make himself sit. He was too nervous. Instead, he leaned against the wall and bounced his leg.

They waited for a few minutes in anxious silence, both feeling like their stomachs were doing somersaults. This had all happened so suddenly and fast!

"Hey, Remy?" Emile asked. Remy nodded in acknowledgement. "Are you scared?"

"A little, yeah. You?"

"Very.." Emile admitted, looking at the floor. Remy sighed and ruffled Emile's hair.

"You'll be fine, babe." He assured him. Not five seconds later, the nurse that had escorted them to the room came back out into the hallway.

"Whenever you're ready, you may come inside to meet her. She's been doing great, but try not to wake her with too much energy or noise." The nurse explained.

"Wait, it's a girl??" Emile blurted out.

"Oh! I forgot that you hadn't been informed the gender of the baby yet! I'm sorry!" The nurse apologized.

"That's alright." Remy chuckled. He looked at Emile, who was smiling dopily.

"It's a girl." Emile said in a hushed voice. The nurse dipped back into the room, leaving the couple to brace themselves. The second they were left along, Emile shot out of his seat and threw his arms around Remy. "It's a girl!" He squealed excitedly. Remy laughed and hugged his husband tightly.

"You ready to go in?" Remy whispered. Emile nodded quickly and tore himself off of Remy.

"Are you?"


They walked into the hospital room and saw two nurses. The first was the one who had accidentally let slip the gender of the baby, and the other was one they'd never seen before. The new nurse was sitting in a rocking chair with a bundle of cloth in their arms. They were cradling what looked like a mound of creamy white blanket with blue and pink stripes. They were holding a sleeping baby girl.

"You must be the parents!" The second nurse whispered. "I'm Trina. I've been this little gal's primary nurse. It's so nice to meet you."

"I'll leave you guys with Trina." The original nurse said before hurrying out to take care of something else. Neither Remy nor Emile knew what to do next. They had no idea how this worked.

"Come on over." Trina waved them over with a kind expression. Emile was hesitant to move too quickly, afraid of waking their baby up. Remy on the other hand immediately rushed over to the rocking chair.

The bundle of cloth was almost completely obscuring the little girl's body. She was very small, and being swaddled made her appear even smaller. Remy immediately felt something surge through his veins. He couldn't quite place what the feeling was, but he knew that he wanted to do whatever it took to make sure that this girl always felt as at peace and happy as she looked in this moment.

Emile joined Remy, standing behind him. Once he got close enough to see the baby's face, he felt a the exact same feeling. He stood on his tiptoes to get a better look, putting a hand on Remy's shoulder. Remy placed his hand on Emile's smiling brightly. This was everything he had wanted and more.

"Do either of you want to hold her?" Trina asked. Remy looked at Emile, repeating the question with his eyes. Emile nodded shyly, and Remy squeezed his hand.

"Can I?" Emile asked quietly. He and Trina swapped places, and she lowered the little girl into Emile's arms.

"You know, Mrs. Shiva didn't name this sweet thing." Trina said. Emile looked at Remy, who was beaming with pride.

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