Nightmares (Fluff)

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Remy and his dormmate, Emile, were about as different as can be. Emile was going to school to become a therapist and had a very concise sleep schedule. Remy was going to school to party, and his sleep schedule was about a inconsistent as it could be. Still, they got along just fine.

Even though Remy tried to make himself come off as tough, one thing was almost guaranteed to rattle him. His dreams were extremely vivid, making his nightmares especially terrifying. It was helpful to have a roommate like Emile, who was happy to try to help him figure out what his dreams meant. Although dream interpretation wasn't the only thing Emile did to help him out with his nightmares. Physical reassurance was very helpful.

Remy jerked awake from a particularly harsh nightmare. As usual, Emile's lamp was still on and his face was illuminated by his laptop. He was writing something while he sat in bed, but his typing stopped when he heard Remy's panicked breathing.

"Hey, Em?" Remy said in a small voice. He hated when he sounded like that.

"Yeah, Remy?"


"Bad dream?" Emile asked, lowering his laptop screen. Remy nodded and Emile shut his computer, completely setting it aside. "C'mere."

Remy flushed pink, embarrassed by how vulnerable he felt. He got up and walked across to Emile's side of the room. Remy let Emile wrap his arms around him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"What was tonight's dream about?" Emile asked softly.

"I was running from... something. And then I fell."


"It was like the ground underneath me vanished while I was running."

"Well dreams about being chased usually mean that you're avoiding something in real life. If you face whatever you might be avoiding, those kinds of dreams might lessen." Emile explained, petting Remy's hair. While Emile dished out advice, Remy shut his eyes and tried to relax.

"Thanks, cutie." Remy chuckled. Emile rolled his eyes. He knew that his dormmate was a helpless flirt, but it got annoying. Especially since Emile assumed that he didn't mean a word of what he said.


It had been a couple of days since Emile told Remy to confront what he had been avoiding, and Remy planned on confront it that night. He had everything planned out in his head. He just hoped he'd have the courage to actually execute his plan.

Emile was up late working on a paper, and Remy was pretending to have fallen asleep. He watched the clock change to 1:37 and started shifting around a lot, as if he was having another nightmare. Emile noticed, setting his textbook aside. He already knew what was coming. When Remy bolted upright, Emile had already shut his laptop and set it on top of his textbook.

"Bad dream?" Emile asked. Remy nodded, and was curled up in his roommate's arms before Emile could even invite him over. "What was it about?"

"I dreamt that I was living alone."

"You mean, like, in the future?"

"No. Like now."

"What's so scary about the idea of having a dorm to yourself?" Emile chuckled. Remy just smiled softly and snuggled deeper into his oblivious roommate's chest.

"I'd rather be with you."

"Remy, stop playing around."

"I'm not." Remy insisted, hesitating to continue with what he wanted to say. "I like you."

Emile felt his face heating up, both from Remy's words and from the cruddy air circulation in their crummy dorm.

"Really?" He asked. Remy nodded, shutting his eyes.

"You told me to confront what was stressing me out, and now that I have maybe I'll sleep better."

"Wait, what exactly was stressing you out?"

"I didn't want to make things awkward. We still have to live with each other for the rest of the school year."

"Well that was a lot of pointless anxiety." Emile laughed.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been stressing out over nothing. Things aren't awkward, Rem."

"Really?" Remy chuckled, unconvinced.

"Really. If anything it's less awkward knowing that you might actually mean some of the flirty crap you say."

"You're... not uncomfortable?"

"You really need to stop flattering yourself." Emile laughed, unconsciously hugging Remy a little closer. "You're not that intimidating."

"So I am a little intimidating?" Remy smirked, reopening his eyes.

"Oh shut up." Emile rolled his eyes. In turn, Remy snickered and readjusted his position to lay his head on his dormmate's shoulder with his legs hugged to his chest.

"So... do you like me?"

"Yeah." Emile answered nonchalantly. Remy was clearly expecting this to be more complicated than Emile made it. Emile didn't like 'beating around the bush' so to speak.



Now that everything was out in the open, they were both much more relaxed. Remy fell asleep a bit quicker than usual, leaving Emile to his peaceful thoughts. He wondered if anything would change from then on. He ultimately decided that he wouldn't bother worrying about the future. All that mattered right then was that he knew how Remy felt, Remy knew how he felt, and that was enough for now.

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