Chapter 1

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Chapter 1



She got a body like an hourgl-

I swung a hand over to my bedside table grasping my iPhone and attempting to shut the voice of Jessie J off. Squinting, I finally managed to shut my alarm off and check Twitter and Facebook. After that pain to my sensitive sleepy eyes, I rolled -literally- off my bed landing with a loud thump. Slowly, but surely, I made my way over to the bathroom door and once reading what day it was on my calendar, I jumped back in surprise.

September 25: MY 18TH BIRTHDAY!!

After recovering from my mild shock and scolding myself for forgetting the date, I quickly jumped into the shower to get ready for the day ahead. I swear it was a record for me, I managed to clean my body, shave AND wash my hair in less than 10 minutes. Throwing on the minimal makeup I ever wore: BB Cream, a bit of concealer on my blemishes, mascara and a bit of chapstick and lipgloss didn't take long, leaving me time to do my hair nice. Today, I blow dried my hair and curled it into nice, tight ringlets and doing a waterfall braid to hold it out of my face. After checking the time, I grabbed my laid out outfit consisting of a nice pair of jeans, black t-shirt and a flannel with combat boots.

Not hearing my parents or 4 year old sister Lillian, I calmly walked into the kitchen despite my growing nerves telling me something was wrong. Sighing, I found a plate of my favorite breakfast: bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes. Not knowing if it was for me or not, I left it alone and opened the fridge grabbing a yogurt with granola instead. Taped to the last yogurt of mine was a little folded piece of paper with my name nicely printed on the front. Cautiously, I read it unsure what it would say at first.

Happy Birthday Riley! :)

Sorry we aren't home at the moment, we had to take Lillian to the hospital, she had another seizure. We didn't want to wake you and tell you since you needed the sleep and we didn't need you worrying also. We are hoping this is just one of her regular ones, not something very serious. I (mom) came home this morning and made you your favorite breakfast and left this mote because i know you wouldn't eat it unless you knew it was for you. So enjoy your breakfast baby girl! I can't believe you are 18 today! Come home right after school okay? If anything happens with Lil-bug (A/N babygirl is Riley's nickname and Lil-bug is Lillian's) one of us will call.

We love you to peices!


Mom, Dad, and Lil-bug xxx

Knowing that delicious breakfast was mine, I sat down and ate. Usually, if i were alone, I'd play music to get rid of the slilence but for soe reason I couldn't. Knowing the little sister I love to pieces was sitting in a hospital room pained me. Thoughts and what ifs kept racing through my head: What if it is serious? Lillian's seizures have been becoming more frequent. What if-

My thoughts were cut off my phone going off. My second alarm telling me that if I don't leave now I'll be late. Shoving the ast bite of bacon in my mouth, I threw the plate into the sink and rushed upstairs to brush my teeth and grab my black Jansport backpack. Even though I do have my license, I perfer to walk to school, not wanting to deal with my car keys all day. So, locking the dor behind me, I checked to make sure I had the house key safely tucked in the little compartment behind the porch light.

After about 5 minutes of speed walking, I pushed past the mass of people and took my seat in the back of homeroom. When first period started, the day just started getting bad. The only person with a nice thing to say to me was my best friend, Dani James. Other than her, the only remarks I got were Watch out slut! and Watch out, whore coming through. Most were worse than that but I've learned to tough it out. I've been called name since I moved here in freshman year.

Overall, the day went by extremely fast except for last period. That class happened to be AP French. I hated it. After sitting in that hell for 90 minutes, I counted down the seconds until the final bell. I had to count in French of course because in that classroom, français seulement, French only. "Cinq, quatre, trois, deux, un," I whispered under my breath and final that lifesaver bell was ringing.

My parents hadn't contaced me today about Lillian so that's hopefully a good sign. Giving Dani a quick hug, I started the five minute walk home. As I was about to pull my headphones out of my backpack, I head a rustle in the bushes beside me. Soon my steady walk bacame a jog and then a run when I saw two guys dressed in black and a black SUV following me. I wanted to drop my backpack but the zipper was stuck on my shirt so it wouldn't budge.

Continuing to sprint, the guys behind me started speeding up also. Shit, shit, shit not good. I tripped on a branch and soon, I was pinned to the ground. I tried screaming and thrashing for help but the guys must've known what I was thinking because one tied my hands, knees and ankles while the other held a black cloth to my mouth.

I had one last thought: I should've called 9-1-1. Then everything went black.


Hi! Hope you guys like it! I have no clue when it will be updated but reads, votes and comments are always good! Also, there will be some swearing...just a heads up. It is not edited so if there are any mistakes I will get rid of them soon! Hope it's good and not too fast paced!

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