Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


Slowly turning my head towards the figure, I saw Harry standing there with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Well look what we got here..."


The blood in my veins froze and I stood in a state of shock. I felt the color drain from my face and my stomach starting churning. I didn't dare move and distracted Harry as I tucked the pistol into my boot. The other two walked over and they had smug smirks knowing they had me and I couldn't escape. I was harshly ripped from my spot by my hair and thrown down the stairs. I cowered back as the boys towered over me. Their icy glares burned holes in my body.

"Where were you going, baby?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow and a bored expression on his face, "You know you aren't going anywhere right? If we get killed by Nina, you get killed with us. You aren't leaving, nor are you able to sweet cheeks."

"How do you know I was leaving? I toppled over in my chair while thrashing around and I took that as an opportunity, to ya know, make sure I eat and don't fucking die?!" I replied with sass evident in my voice.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that miss. I don't care who the fuck you think you are but there is no way in hell I'm going to tolerate this behavior. You will regret this and I'm sure of it." The glare he sent me was enough to kill me but I stood my ground.

"If I don't?"

"Sweet, innocent, little Riley. If you don't listen to us we may have to call up our little friend Nina and let her deal with you. That would be very enjoyable to watch." This time it was Niall and his threat scared me but before I could process what I was saying, the words left my mouth.

"Go ahead, I'm not scared."



Using the fake passport Uncle Si made me, I boarded the plane. I was to go to San Diego and pretend to be a police officer on the case about Riley. I have my plans and I can't wait to put them in action. I put my earbuds in and decided to listen to music as I fell into a nice slumber...I'm going to need it because jet lag is a bitch.

"Welcome to San Diego and we hope you enjoyed your flight!" The flight attendants voice woke me and I realized we landed. I grabbed my carry-on and stuffed my shit in there before exiting. I claimed my suitcase and went to my hotel. Checking in was simple and I already had the address prepared. Sifting through my large suitcase, I found my police uniform and put it on. It was snug fitting with a San Diego police badge and a utility belt with a gun holder, taser, etc. Putting the Adams's address into my phone, I started the engine to my rented police car and sped away.

My phone was alerted and saw that a missing persons report was filed by her parents. Since it was now known in the police station, I was able to walk up to the door and not seem suspicious. The annoying voice of my GPS stopped as I pulled up to a nice home. White picket fences, a nice path with flowers on the side, little blooming shrubs in front. Your typical family house. I walked up the little stone path and harshly knocked on the door. When the white door opened I saw a man. He had puffy red eyes and was undoubtedly crying before he opened up.

"Mr. Adams I presume?" my voice held mock authority and I'm lucky he didn't pick up on it. He nodded and looked at me expectantly and asked, "How may I help you officer?"

"Mr. Adams, do you mind getting the rest of your family downstairs? I have something to discuss with you." He nodded and beckoned me to come inside.

"Officer, may I introduce myself. I'm Daniel Adams, this is my wife Stacy and one of our daughters Lillian."

"Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Officer Cowell but you can call me Nina. I have come to discuss your other daughter Riley. Is there any friend that you would like to hear this?

Daniel nodded and glanced at his confused wife before looking at me, "Riley's best friend Dani. She last saw her at school and has been worried sick. Excuse me while I call her."

I nodded in acknowledgement and he left the room. Lillian, Riley's younger sister was still crying and it didn't look like she was stopping anytime soon. I was thinking about the boys at their home with Riley and how it will be my job to make sure the police don't even think of looking there. My train of thought was cut off when the door opened revealing an average high brunette who I presume is Dani. She had also been crying and looked relieved when she saw a police was here.

"Hello Dani, I'm Nina. I'm here to talk to all of you on the investigation for Riley Adams. I'm going to be receiving any possible leads and it is my job to inform you all. Now first, and anonymous and blocked number sent me this picture," I showed all of them the picture of Riley tied up and bruised after David and Tom. Gasps of shock and disbelief filled all their faces. "Now don't worry, I'm working on tracking the number, this is our first lead."



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