Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


(A/N I apologize if this doesn't make a lot of sense...I don't know exactly what happens in court so please give me a break. Also, the trial is happening in London but I'm American so it is more American if that makes sense.)

I want this to end. This week can't come and go faster.


Just like I wanted, this week passed insanely quickly. I had been staying with the boys so we were all together and it made it easier to arrive at the everyday meetings with our lawyer Howard. It was now the day of the trial. We had heard that police surrounded the house and it took them a long while to find where Nina was hiding. They took photographs and did forensic tests on the blood in the room Perrie and I were first in. That was our first piece of evidence. Another piece was the serum found under Nina's bed. Tests on the needles showed that they were indeed used on the boys.

We now stood outside the courthouse doors and I was shaking so bad. Louis and Niall each grabbed one of my hands to keep me steady and to comfort me. I was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse under a black blazer. I can't wear heels for the life of me so I was wearing black flats. My makeup looked professional, done by the boys makeup artist Lou Teasdale, but not overdone. It was time to go in now. The boys, Howard and I all walked over to our designated table in front of the judge.

Once we were seated, Nina walked in. She was handcuffed and in a striped prison jumpsuit. Surrounding her were three armed police officers. She sat at her table alone with no attorney.

"Ms. Williams, do you have an attorney coming or are you going to defend yourself?"

Just then, Nina's stubby defense attorney wobbled in. Now the trial could start. We were starting with our opening statement first. Howard stood up and cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my clients," he pointed at us, "were kidnapped, drugged, beaten and physically and emotionally hurt by Ms. Williams over there. Ms. Adams was kidnapped off the San Diego streets and raped by the now deceased David and Tom Harley. Next, Ms. Williams drugged the One Direction boys to use as a weapon towards Ms. Adams. Once the drug wore off, Ms. Williams held all six of them hostage in different locations. Also, Perrie Edwards was kidnapped and later shot and killed with one bullet to the head. My clients soon escaped and contacted police. Thank you." He finished walking the jury and judge through the account of event but he hasn't pulled any evidence out yet.

Next was Nina's opening statement given by her attorney. "Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Nina Williams denies having any part in this case. She says that she was checking in on her uncle Mr. Cowell's house while he was away when she found the One Direction boys lounging on the couch. When she saw them, they pulled guns on her and told her to do as they say. That was when everything started and they set up Ms. Williams and her friends. Thank you."

It was obvious that the jury didn't believe a word he said and knew that the story was completely outrageous. Since that was over, it was now time for witness accounts. This time the defense went first. "I would like to call Ms. Riley Adams to the stand."

I froze. Louis gave my hand a reassuring squeeze and I walked up to the little stand next to the judge. I spoke up and gave the witness affirmation. "I do solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth." Now the chubby man walked and stood in front of me.

"Ms. Adams, what exactly happened when you were kidnapped?"

"I was walking home from school on September 25 when a black SUV and two men started following me. The two men who were on foot tackled me to the ground, covered my mouth with a black cloth and then everything is blank until I regained consciousness in the back of the vehicle."

"Well then, what happened when you first became close with Mr. Horan, Mr. Styles, Mr. Tomlinson, Mr. Malik and Mr. Payne?"

"When we started working together, they explained that the illegal drug they were injected with in their sleep made them see me as a threat. Therefore, the abused me but once the drug wore off, only Nina and her workers abused the boys, Perrie and I."

"Thank you Ms. Adams."

I walked back to the table and sat down. Next, Howard called up a forensic analyst who tested the blood and DNA found all around. The DNA tests were positive for DNA from all the boys, Perrie and I. After a few more witnesses and evidence shown, the jury went to make their decision. I was so nervous for the verdict that I was about to vomit. After only 15 minutes of deciding, the members of the jury walked back in.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Ms. Nina Williams is guilty of first-degree murder and kidnapping along with possession of illegal substances." The judge cleared his throat to announce her sentence.

"Ms. Nina Williams, you are sentenced for 122 years in prison with no possibility of bail or parole."

I was beyond happy and when Nina was escorted out of the room, I hugged each boy and continuously thanked Howard when familiar faces caught my attention. Running up to them, I gave my family a bone-crushing hug. They were crying, surprised that all of that happened to me but happy I was alive and now had justice.

The boys walked over and met my family. Someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. Louis picked me up and did something I wasn't expecting. He kissed me. Everyone around us 'awed' and it was one of the best moments of my life. I pulled Louis in for another kiss, not wanting this to end. Ever.




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