Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I had one last thought: I should've called 9-1-1. Then everything went black.


When I started coming to my senses, I had a throbbing headache and having my head bounce up and down against the bottom of the car wasn't helping. Not daring to open my eyes, I listened.

"I hope that fancy Simon Cowell pays us the money he owes us David," voice number one said.

"Don't worry 'bout a thing Tom, and remember, this was all his niece's idea," voice number two.

So voice number one is called David and voice number two is called Tom. But what I'm wondering is...what does Simon Cowell's niece want and 18-year-old girl? I must have made a small whimper noise that I thought only I could hear but David heard me and soon I was yanked upwards by my curls. Roughly, may I add. I was about to ask who are you and what do you want but before I could make a noise I just noticed the fabric in my mouth and around my head then duct tape covering it. My hands were bound tightly with frayed, brown rope and so were my ankles but I had duct tape covering my whole thighs. Ouch, that will hurt coming off.

Having enough courage, I opened my eyes and boy I regretted it. I was sat in the back of a large SUV missing the last two rows of seats, a large black curtain covering the back windows and separating the front seats and a metal plate covering the back floor. That's what hurt so bad, not good. When I looked at David and Tom sat back there with me, my eyes pooled with tears. I knew them. These guys had worked for my dad's construction company back in Boston before we moved cross country to San Diego.

Tears were now streaming down my face as Tom crawled up front and David slowly crawled towards me. I back away as far as I could go and mentally swore when my back made contact with the cold window. I wish I was home doing my homework listening to music on my phone. Wait, my phone. MY PHONE!! Where was it? Frantically, I moved my eyes side to side but my backpack blended into the dark and wasn't visible to me.

My eyes went back towards David who was only about three inches away when he whispered to me, "Don't think I don't know who you are Riley. I remember your daddy hun. But, since my time with you is so limited and you're so pretty with such a nice body, I might just want to have a, well, a bit of fun with you!" That was when he pulled a pocketknife from his boot and sliced right between my thighs, cutting the tape in half. This only gave him the chance to open my legs wide enough without me having the freedom to kick him and try to escape.

He removed the tape and fabric from my mouth and this is when I got really frightened. He crawled forward and whispered in my ear,"I want everybody to hear your screams, too bad nobody will find you or get the pleasure of hearing you scream for me." My body froze in terror and he slowly started removing my clothes.

(A/N Since I don't want to gross whoever is reading this out (and avoid grossing myself out) I'm gonna skip the 'details' of David raping Riley alright? ok sounds keep reading. Sorry if it's kinda gross but this happens with some kidnapping so yeah...)

After David was finished with his 'fun', I had tears streaming down my face yet I wasn't making any noise because any noise made resulted in a slap to the face. As he also crawled forward, I ran into the corner and hid after fixing my clothes. Since it looked like Tom wasn't coming back here for his turn, I took the time to put my hair into a French braid to try and keep it clean. It's always been a pet peeve of mine. I have to keep my hair clean. I can't stand dirty hair.

Anyways after that, I spent the most of that ride trembling in the corner. The hours ticked by. One, then two, then three. Where were we going? Also, in this time David, Tom and person number three who I have yet to identify, were having a private conversation with a soundproof glass barrier between them and I. Crawling around the large area I searched everywhere for my backpack. Who am I kidding, they aren't stupid enough to leave a backpack with a phone and food and water here with me! So, I sat and waited.


Riley. We kidnapped Riley. I was sat in the front seat of my older brother, David's, SUV while his girlfriend Cate was driving. I'm 21 and when David and I helped Mr. Adams in Boston, Riley was my best friend and like a little sister. Even though there was soundproof glass and Cate talking with David, I still heard a sound. It was Riley.

"David, I'm gonna take my turn with that bitch alright? We only got a short amount of time before we reach that airport in Nevada, correct? Then we ship her off to Mr. Cowell and we get paid right?" Dan just nodded his head and answered both my questions and I snuck back to Riley.

When we were best friends, I had always had a huge crush on her but she never saw me in that way. Now was my chance. Nobody here was cuter than me and I had no competition with David, he had Cate already. Plus, David is 31.

Opening the glass barrier just a tad bit from the side I was able to squeeze into the back. At the sound of my foot hitting the metal plate, Riley snapped her head over and a look of recognition crossed her face. "Oh my g-gosh its you. H-how could you?!" Tears were streaming down her face. To my displeasure, they weren't happy tears. "Riley baby, yes it's me. Your best friend from Boston. I helped your dad. I was 12 and you were 9 when you left," was my response but that just made her cry more.

"Y-you fucking asshole! I told you everything and you can c-come and do this to me?! You betrayed me!" While she was saying this, a look of hurt and fear was clearly evident in her eyes.

"But baby, you can have me now, just like we wanted." At that I started to move towards the girl I had loved.


I couldn't believe my only best friend I had growing up is here. This kid was my best friend, my older brother. At this moment he was crawling towards me and forcefully pressed his lips against mine. He forced his tongue into my mouth but when I didn't do anything back, he pulled away and slapped me.

"I get to do what I want with you! Do whatever I say without restrain and you will get rewarded, if not, you will be punished." His all calm and almost soothing voice was replaced with a force, stern, frightening tone. Just as he went in to kiss me again, David opened the glass and told Tom to prepare me.

Whatever that meant couldn't be very good. One thing I hope is that whoever this Mr. Cowell or whoever is taking me is better than someone I left when I moved. Tom then placed an all too familiar black cloth over my mouth and nose and said, "Sleep tight princess, don't want you waking up on the plane! We will continue where we left off another time."


Hey so another update! This is a little intense omg but hope it's not too bad. :) Again, Votes, Reads and Comments are always great! Hope you like it and if the length is iffy it's because this chapter is on my phone, not computer. But anyway I'll update as soon as I can!

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