Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
[Typed on phone so please excuse typos, length, etc. (:]


The thing that hurt most was, the boys were agreeing with Liam.


I sat there and cried until I realized they didn't care. They only cared that we don't get arrested for Nina's actions. All I hope is Riley is alright, where ever she is.


I spent that day in the safe room and I mostly will spend my days in there unless they go out. When I saw Louis tell the boys about me, my heart actually broke in two. There is no way I'm developing feelings for him, am I? He does show true remorse when I look into his eyes but, why do the others hate me? Louis still does but it defiantly has lessened. I just don't understand! I saw none of the boys run after Louis and I felt truly sorry. It was my fault. Guilt took over my body and before I knew it, I had a plan.

I will wait until nightfall then go out of my room. There is no way I can leave in the state I'm in so I decided I would at least tell Louis I was alive. As I was revising my plan, the sun set and it was dark. All the boys had gone to bed and I knew it was time to initiate my procedure. My heart thumping against my chest did not comfort me as I opened the door. Hopping out, I went into Nina's room. In the far corner was a bag that bared a strong resemblance to my backpack. Cautiously, as not to make any sound, I tiptoed over there and opened the bag. Sure enough, it was mine and it had my stuff in it! My phone and laptop were still placed inside. Along with my gym clothes and books.

This changed my plan immediately. I changed my mind and decided I'd 'permanently borrow' some of Nina's clothes and I'd stay in a tree house that I discovered while scanning the lawn with one of the security cameras. With closer examination, I discovered that being held by a rich bitch did have its advantages.

The tree house had electrical outlets. This means I'm capable of charging my phone and laptop. My bag was packed and I snuck into Louis's room. I guess my heart told me I needed to tell him. I was starting to develop feelings for him. I was starting to get Stockholm Syndrome. Deciding to stay safe and write the note in the room, my pen started gliding across the yellow lined paper.

I'm so sorry. I truly am. I saw the way the boys hurt you and it hurt me. Yes, even though you have put me through utter shit, I have feelings for you. I get this weird feeling in my stomach when I see you. I also see the remorse in your eyes. Don't think that goes unnoticed. I'm so sorry that I caused your best mates to turn on you. Don't worry, I'm to hurt to leave the property and even if I can sometime, I won't turn you boys into the cops. Only Nina. But I won't even go to the police or call them because I really like you. I just wanted to let you know.

P.S. Please do not tell any of the boys about this, I don't want you hurt.
Riley Adams, your hostage

Creaking open the door to Louis's room I left the note over his phone. I left and went into the kitchen. As I was looking through the pantry, I heard heavy feet coming down the stairs. "Hello?!" Shit, someone heard me. Before I could comprehend what is happening, I grabbed a small pistol I found in the drawer and sidestepped towards a door. I stayed completely silent as the footsteps got louder and when a mop of artificial blonde hair caught my attention I let out I sigh of relief. It was louder than intended and that did catch Niall's attention.

My plan is backfiring and I hate it. Niall neared my hiding spot and it was then that I hid the pistol in the waistband of my jeans and dropped my backpack into the shadows. Thank god for my choice of black. I wanted to disappear and wake up like this is a bad dream but no, this is reality and reality is something you have to face. I accidentally caught Niall's tired blue eyes and all I hoped was that he didn't catch mine. Wisps of blonde hair escaped from my pulled back hair and my breathing increased as he neared. A sheer, thin layer of sweat formed on my forehead under the black bandana tied around my head.

Relief rushed through my body as Niall turned around and went back upstairs. I grabbed my backpack and that relief went away as I heard more than one set of footsteps come down. Niall knows where I hid so I can't stay there. I found another stair case and slowly ran up it. Holding onto the wall for support -going upstairs is hard in my fragile state okay?- I hit a bump and grabbed it. It was an almost invisible door and it was just large enough for me to be able to lay in there and be unnoticed. Heaving myself up, I laid down and was able to keep it open so my pistol could shoot but not be seen. I may have forgotten to mention but shooting (targets don't worry!) was a pastime of mine back home so I am a licensed shooter.

This time it was Niall, Liam and Zayn looking in my corner. The pad of my pointed finger grazed the trigger and my hands were trembling. As I was about to put pressure on the trigger, the door flew open. Slowly turning my head towards the figure, I saw Harry standing there with a cocky smirk plastered on his face.

"Well look what we got here..."




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