Chapter 12

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Chapter 12



The rough whisper of "Riley," made me shiver because one thing is for sure, I knew that voice. 


I was scared shitless. That voice was my brothers. He was supposed to be dead for fucks sake. The military told us he was dead. Yet, they said he was killed by jumping on a grenade to save the other men on the line with him so there wasn't anything to ship back. All we got were his dog tags and other things he brought with him. 

"W-who are you?" I shakily asked him but, of course, my voice cracked. This showed my fear, something I've tried to keep hidden. 

"Riley, i-it's me. A-alex, your bro-brother." I wasn't the only one with a shaky voice. He was crying. Yet, it was Alex. His eyes and smile are the same as they were when he left. Even though it was a weak smile, it reminded me of the one he would give me when I tried to cheer him up.

"You are supposed to be dead! I must be going insane. Yes, that is what it is. I am going insane and imagining everything I miss. Soon, Lillian and mom and dad will appear." My voice was raised at the beginning as the last few sentences were more to myself but loud enough for him to hear.

"Riley, you aren't imagining anything. Yes, I am supposedly dead but I'm not. I guess I owe a bit of an explanation don't I?" He gave me a sheepish smile. 

While nodding my head, I said my signature phrase with my family. "No shit Sherlock! Of course you do!"

He chuckled and continued, "Well, about a week before I 'died'," he made air quotations around died, "mom and dad sent me a letter. The letter told me they found out about me doing drugs between 9th and 11th grade. They said they never wanted to see me again and didn't want to consider me part of the family anymore. I told many people and they suggested the same thing, fake your death. I considered it and realized I have heard of people doing that then fleeing to another country when they're finished in combat. Therefore, I made my decision. I would fake my death. I guess being well liked had its perks because some people pulled some strings and poof I was dead. I gave them my dog tags and for the past 3 years or so, I have been living on the streets and in caves like this."

I was dumbstruck. Mom and dad did that? I thought for sure they loved him as much as they said they did. At least that's what I thought. I remember that night when we found out, my parents handed me his tags and I ran to my room and cried. I sobbed while clutching the large envelope with the letter and other things of his in it. My white pillow was now black thanks to my running mascara. 


I had just gotten home from school, it was just after winter break in freshman year. I was now 15 and it had been about a year and a half since he left.  Baby Lillian, she was about 2 at the time, was sitting in her high chair and I saw my parents looking at a large orange envelope. I instantly got excited and asked if it was a letter from Alex. When ever he sent letters, he would send one to my parents and one to me. What I heard was not the yes I was looking for, instead, my parents had straight, sad faces while they told me to take a seat. 

"Mom, dad, what's happening? Is Alex okay?" I fired one question after another.

"Riley, this letter isn't from Alex. It is from other people on the force who are in combat with Alex." My mom was the first to speak up. I almost had a panic attack but stayed calm because they weren't finished.

"Honey, Alex was killed. They don't know exactly what happened but there isn't a body. All they could send us was his dog tags and paper wok. Apparently, he had written a letter the night before he was killed and that letter was for you. I'm sorry baby girl but we want you to take and keep everything in this." My dad handed me the evelope and I ran upstairs.

I couldn't even read the letter. I just held it like my life depended on it. I had lost my best friend. I sat there and cried. I stayed like that for days, I hardly ever ate and only moved to use the bathroom. I had missed so much school I was now failing every class. One day, about 3 weeks later, I found just what I needed, a razor and bottle of pills. I wanted to be with my brother. I did it when I thought I was alone but that moment when i fell to the ground, my neighbor Dani was dropping something off and found me.

Over time, she convinced me he was ok and in a better place. I believed her.

Flashback over

I believed her and thought he was gone and in a better place. By better place I thought she meat heaven, not the streets of England with nothing to your name. Alex placed his comforting arms around  me and rocked me back and forth. Apparently, I had started crying while thinking of that time. 

"Riley, what has happened to you? Why are you even in England?"

I didn't want to tell him but I knew I had to. 

"Well, it is a long story but to make it short and sweet, I was kidnapped after school on September 25, my 18th birthday. I was taken here and escaped, I can't go very far since whatever drug they used on my has a tracker, I heard I can't go beyod this lake or something before they find my exact location. I have been pretending to have a case of Stockholm Syndrome towards one of the guys who have been beating me. The one I have been pretending to have feelings for is Louis and he is semi immune to the drug they are on. It started off as a fake case of the syndrome but slowly, the farther away I get, it becomes more real."

"In that case Riley, we sould try to escape. Get you home."




TWITER: @/nintendotommo_


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